Chapter 345 - 345. The Old Woman

Chapter 345 - 345. The Old Woman

Even Jiao and Master Zyn never expected all this. .it turned out that the Fairy who helped them had a very close relationship with Master Liu. The world is very small.

Master Shin who heard the question of the girl in front of him froze, his tongue felt numb to just make a sound.

"O-oh, he's fine, Miss," Master Shin finally spoke, sounding a little stuttering.

Seeing Master Shin's response was vastly different from usual, Master Zyn and Jiao looked at each other.

While on the other hand, along with Master Shin's words, Fu Xie Lan heaved a sigh of relief.

"So do you know where my Uncle is now, Master Shin?" asked Fu Xie Lan then.

"At this time, Teacher Liu is on his way to the wizard's territory, Miss," replied Master Shin. Sweat was already pouring down his forehead, trickling down to his neck and soaking the robe he was wearing.

"Wizard's Territory?" Fu Xie Lan repeated.

"To be precise, Master Liu and a few fairies headed to the Phoenix academy to obtain healing pills, Miss," explained Master Shin.

"Is that true?"

Immediately the middle-aged man nodded.

Getting such a response, Fu Xie Lan felt calm. It was as if a heavyweight had been lifted from her head.

"So, what does Master Shin want to do next?" asked Fu Xie Lan.

"I-I'll probably check the conditions around here, Miss, while waiting for the healing pills to arrive" replied Mr. Shin.

"Alright, please do what you want to do," said Fu Xie Lan, giving way to the middle-aged man and a few Fryz who followed him.

"Thank you Miss. I'll go first," said Master Shin, and at that moment he was already in the air. Flying as fast as possible leaving Fu Xie Lan, Jiao, and Master Zyn.

Not waiting for Master Shin to disappear from her sight, Fu Xie Lan suddenly turned around, facing Jiao and Master Zyn who were very close to her. And it made them both startled and almost fell backward.

"Why did your respond like that?" Asked Fu Xie Lan with one eyebrow raised.

"A-ah, it's okay, Miss," replied Mr. Zyn, rubbing the back of his neck that didn't itch.

"Have all the fairies around here gathered?" asked Fu Xie Lan.

"Yes, Miss, and soon we will be moving again to continue the search" replied Mr. Zyn again.

Fu Xie Lan only nodded faintly, looking like she was in deep thought.

"Rest for a few minutes. Don't push your bodies, especially you, Mr. Zyn. You just woke up," said Fu Xie Lan.

"B-but Miss, the fairies..."josei

"Fryz who searched was not just the two of you. Even the forest fairies and guardian fairies took part in this incident," said Fu Xie Lan, cutting off Master Zyn's words.

"Forcing your body will only increase the number of victims. This is only a suggestion from me, whether you want to hear what I have to say or not, it's up to you," added the girl again.

"Okay, Miss. I'll just rest for a bit. Besides, I've been feeling a little tired since earlier. My body has indeed recovered, but the mana in my body drained a lot during the fight that night," said Mr. Zyn.

"Me too, Miss," said Jiao.

Fu Xie Lan only nodded in response.

"Ah yes, I almost forgot. How are the ten Fryz who inspected the uninhabited area doing?"

Jiao instantly froze on the spot. How could he forget his friends?

"Miss, none of them came back, maybe because the Inner territory is very wide," replied Jiao.

"But, with this incident, I don't know if they are still alive or dead," he added again, and at that moment Mr. Zyn turned to the man.

Getting a glance from his leader, Jiao then told about Fu Xie Lan's request.

"Thank you, Jiao, for temporarily taking my place when I was unconscious," said Mr. Zyn after listening to Jiao's explanation.

"B-but because of me, they are all in danger," said Jiao.

"Don't blame yourself like that, it's a risk for Fryz like us to be met with various kinds of danger, after all, no one ever knew that something like this would happen," said Mr. Zyn.

Fu Xie Lan who heard the conversation of the two Fryz in front of her was silent. If the black witch had placed something in the Fairy's territory, something that might be similar to the one he encountered in the human race, then it would be best if it had been under the auspices of the former core region.

Until several tens of minutes passed, the orange light slowly spread over the eastern horizon. The wind blew gently, carrying dust mixed with the smell of blood. A scent that shouldn't blow in the morning.

The cold air was replaced by the scorching sun which had already started to leave its bed.

Allowing anyone to see very clearly the chaos that was taking place throughout the inner Fairy territory.

Suddenly the sound of a woman's snoring entered Fu Xie Lan's hearing, the girl had just sat down on a fallen tree while gently stroking Hao's fur on her lap, a little fluffy creature had not yet regained consciousness, there were no wounds on its body, and it made it look like she was fast asleep.

Fu Xie Lan's Violet eyes only briefly glanced at the origin of the voice, then looked back at Hao.

The cough turned out to be from an old woman, no wings were found on her back, just by looking at the robe attached to the figure's body, Fu Xie Lan could immediately tell that it seemed that the old woman was from another race.

Maybe that woman's presence in this region is the same as hers? Visiting Fairy territory to do something.

Fu Xie Lan ignored the presence of the old woman who seemed to be walking closer to her and was sitting on the same tree trunk as her.

It was as if Fu Xie Lan didn't consider the old woman's existence and just let her do whatever she wanted, as long as it didn't bother her. She didn't care.

"With just one night, the core Fairy race was destroyed, and lost to civilization."

Fu Xie Lan heard the old lady's words, even the harsh sighs reached her ears very clearly.

"The collapse of the core region will reduce the population of fairies in this world drastically."

And the various kinds of sentences that she spoke, The old lady continued to babble next to Fu Xie Lan, but the girl didn't even respond.. She's just busy with Hao's fine hairs.

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