Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 91 The Chaos Ends.....Temporarily (3)

Chapter 91 The Chaos Ends.....Temporarily (3)

In this vast world, two powerful forces held sway:

Magic and Science.

Though distinct in their nature, they were intricately intertwined, shaping the very fabric of existence.

But maybe due to it's magical notions, Magic had advanced more than Science.

Fueled by boundless curiosity, magic had propelled countless researchers to delve deeper into its mysteries.

The fruits of their endeavors manifested in an array of magical devices designed to cater to daily needs. Among these ingenious inventions stood the Culver device, a breathtaking discovery of magical engineering. josei

The Culver device, primarily used for communication and information dissemination, adorned every village and town in the Mauryan empire. Its projections displayed ongoing news, delivering updates to citizens far and wide.

And today, it was through this very device that an anchor relayed a shocking piece of news, casting a somber atmosphere across the listeners.

[Today, at around 12:00 PM, a terror attack took place at the Royal Museum, the heart of our empire.]

The beautiful anchor stated, their voice carrying a mixture of concern and disbelief. The citizens, captivated by the revelation, gathered around the Culver device projection, their eyes widening in anticipation of the unfolding details.

As the anchor continued the report, snippets of information painted a grim picture.

[The rebel army is said to be the culprit behind the attack, but the detailed investigations are yet to proceed.]

[According to the recent information we got, a monster horde was summoned inside the royal museum by using some foreign means and rebels attacked the museum from the outside.]

[Many deaths have been speculated, but the exact extent of the casualties remain uncertain. ]

In the midst of the anchor's narration, a commotion caught their attention. A man rushed over and handed them another sheet of information to the anchor, which bore an unexpected development.

Ah! According to our sources, Grand Duke Arden Von Agnus has arrived at the Royal Museum with reinforcements. The area has been secured, but the number of casualties and survivors is yet to be determined. For now, the situation appears to be under control.]

the anchor announced, relief mingling with their words.

The citizens heaved a collective sigh, their expressions easing slightly upon hearing the news of the reinforcements' swift action. However, questions began to rise in the minds of the people, questioning the security of the Royal Museum and the competence of those entrusted with its protection. Doubts lingered about how the monsters had breached the supposedly impregnable defenses of the empire's centerpiece, with was further fueled by the anchor's words.

[Although the reinforcement was quick to arrive and rescue has been successful, it is still unknown as to how the monsters were summoned inside the royal museum.]

[Is the security of the royal museum that lax? Or is it the negligence of the guards? How can the citizens believe in nobles if they can't even protect the royal museum which is at the heart of the empire?]

[Furthermore, the reports have confirmed that the monster which appeared in the royal museum was a man made mutant called, Purblind.]

[These monsters are said to be annihilated by the empire, then how did such large scale monsters attack the royal palace, what were the royal doing all the time, then.]

[After this incident, a single question that lingers in the minds of people is, are they really safe in the Mauryan empire?]

[Now, we will bring you more about the incident….]

As the news broadcast carried on, the seeds of doubt began to take root within the hearts of the Mauryan population. Their sense of security had been shaken, replaced by a lingering unease about the unknown perils that lurked in the shadows. Uncertainty and apprehension colored the air, leaving the people yearning for answers and reassurance amidst the chaos.

Meanwhile, within the shattered halls of the royal museum, a scene of devastation unfolded. The rebel army's sixth unit had been utterly decimated by the combined might of the grand duke and the royal army's first division.

Thanks to Arden Von Agnus destroying the portal, putting an end to the influx of monsters, the remaining creatures met a merciless fate at the hands of the soldiers.

In just a matter of minutes, the situation was brought under control, a testament to the swift response of the royal forces. Soldiers immediately shifted their focus, escorting the shaken visitors to safety, while the injured were swiftly transported to nearby physicians for urgent treatment.

Amidst the chaos, a grim reality emerged—a confirmed death toll of 62, with approximately 200 individuals suffering severe injuries and over 300 sustaining lighter wounds.

Only a little part of the dead individual's bodies were retrieved as the monstrous rampage had left behind a gruesome aftermath, rendering many bodies unrecognizable.

The once magnificent royal museum, a symbol of cultural heritage, now lay in ruins. A quick glance revealed missing relics and treasures, pilfered from their rightful places. As the dust settled, help arrived from Frejlord Academy, led by Professors Joshua Sanders and Iris Peacefounder.

Among the students, there were no reported deaths, though many had sustained injuries in the intense battle.

Babel Von Agnus grimaced in pain, nursing broken ribs and a fractured arm. Julia, drained of her magical energy, suffered from severe mana exhaustion. Zephyr bore the loss of a chunk from his right ear, while Evan's hands were mangled, rendering them virtually useless.

Princess Aurora, unconscious and in a critical state, was whisked away to the safety of the royal palace.

And then there was Eren Pendragon, the young hero who had severed the rebel leader's arm.

Remarkably unscathed, he lay in peaceful slumber, free from any visible injuries. To ensure his safety, Eren was also taken to the royal palace alongside Princess Aurora, whereas his parents were informed of the news.

Though the immediate crisis had been quelled, a cloud of uncertainty loomed over the future. The citizens of Mauryan held their collective breath, unsure of what lay ahead. The attack on the royal museum had shattered their sense of security, leaving them to ponder the hidden dangers lurking within their beloved empire.

But for now, the chaos has ended, although temporarily.


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