Rebirth of the Strongest Dungeon Master

Chapter 50 Disciplinary

Chapter 50 Disciplinary

[Pine Forest, 1st Floor, Isaac's Dungeon]

Five hunters seemed to be fighting a herd of kobolds. Even though they were outnumbered, they had no trouble fighting against those baby-sized monsters. After defeating the kobolds, they didn't leave quickly. They seemed to be looking for something in the clothes attached to the bodies of the kobolds.

"Whoa! Look what I found!" One of the hunters found what they were looking for. He held a transparent bottle filled with red liquid and showed it up to his comrades. They quickly approached him.

"Wow! Damn it, we really found it!"

"It turned out that the information posted on the forum was correct. I thought the 'item drop' only existed in the games."

"Whoohoho! We will be rich!"

They all looked delighted with the item. One of the men snatched away the bottle filled with the red liquid.

"Let me see it. Is this 'ether'?"josei

Instantly, the man who found the item smacked the head of the man who took the item he had found.

"You idiot, this isn't 'ether', it's 'potion'! This liquid can cure various diseases."

The man whose head was hit spat out. "It's the same. What matters is that we are rich! 10 million Rubles await us!"


The five hunters laughed together in the middle of the forest.

"Stop, stop. Let's go find some more!"

Then they left the bodies of the kobolds, which were lying lifelessly on the ground. They continued hunting the monsters.




[Crystal Core Room, The top of the Dungeon]

Isaac stared at the control panel screen in front of him. On the screen, there was a map spread out, with the largest red and black dots.

'Good, the red dots are starting to spread. That means humans have started exploring the dungeon.'

His lips curved mischievously. Then, he swiped at the control panel screen. The map view changed to a row of numbers and statistical symbols.

'The human mortality rate is still low, but it's starting to show signs of increasing. It's only been two days, it's still reasonable.'

Isaac waved his hand as the control panel screen disappeared.

'Wang Yi… you have to do your job properly.'

It had been a week since Isaac had distributed items in his dungeon. Since then, the hunters had started hunting the monsters again and exploring the dungeon.

To speed up the process, Isaac spread rumours about the existence of the 'item drop' in his dungeon. At first, he spread this information directly to visitors while disguised as a hunter. He had also spread information in the Hunter Society and internet forums about the existence of valuable items other than the Power Crystals.

However, the plan did not go so smoothly. For the past few days, the death rate in his dungeon had remained low.

Then, consulted with Wang Yi on how to spread the information in the human world—considering that she could find a way to bring him with Marshal Anatoly.

And Isaac found the cause. He had no credibility as a source person.

Spreading the information on the internet was indeed the right solution, but the problem was that the internet did not filter the information. As a result, the information between true and false was jumbled up. So, the information that was spread by Isaac was considered fake or just a fraud by the hunters.

In the end, he ordered Wang Yi to spread the information.

And now, Isaac was waiting for the results.


Suddenly, Pippi's voice sounded in Isaac's head.

"What is it, Pippi?"

"Lord, I have gathered all the monsters you asked for."

Isaac nodded. "Good, Pippi. I'll be waiting there."

"Aye aye!" The little girl's voice disappeared.

'Time to discipline the disobedient monster.'

Not long after, Isaac turned into shards of light and his body disappeared completely.




[Pine Forest, 1st Floor, Isaac Dungeon]

On the side of a crystal clear flowing river that was surrounded by lined pine trees, there was a group of monsters bowing their heads before the figure of a white-haired man. Beside him, there was a little girl standing with her hands hanging from her waist.

Isaac looked at the monsters with an angry expression on his face.

"I know most of you are unintelligent and just following your instincts, but I believe you understand every command I give."

The monsters kept their mouths tightly shut. Those with intelligence lowered their heads, while those who had no intelligence just whimpered like frightened puppies. They didn't know why their master had ordered them to gather in that place, but they knew their master was angry.

"I've provided you with a place to live, hunt, and even make love as much as you want. But, why can't you execute even a simple command?"

A lycan that was three meters tall and wielded an axe stepped forward. It knelt down and spoke while lowering its head.

"My lord, we don't know our fault. We feel we are doing a good job."

Isaac clicked his tongue. "You don't know your fault?" Then, he pointed to the river. "Look at this place. Did you guys forget what place this is?"

The monsters glanced at each other. They still didn't understand their master's intentions.

"Ten days ago, I ordered you to kill 'all' humans who were crossing this river."

The lycan replied again. "But, our Lord managed to finish off—"

"SILENCE!" Pippi snapped. "Lord is talking, you dare to interrupt him?"

Instantly, the lycan was silent. The mighty monster was frightened. Meanwhile, Isaac was getting more and more furious. He really wanted to crack the head of the wolf monster with a human body in front of him.

"I had told you to finish off 'all of them', both on this side and on the other side. But you ignored the humans on the other side, even though they had killed your comrades. You guys were busy eating the humans instead!"

The lycan swallowed hard. It just realized what mistakes they had made. So did with the monsters behind it.

Instantly, all the monsters bowed down, and a loud noise begging for mercy resounded in the air.

"Forgive us, Lord!"

"We have made a big mistake!"

"Show us some mercy! We beg you, Lord!"


They all cry for mercy. Some of the monsters that couldn't talk just roared like the beasts in pain.

However, Isaac did not budge. He had experience dealing with monster minions like them. If he let this slide, they would repeat the same mistakes in the future.

They must be taught a hard lesson.



The lycan's head cracked. Its mighty body fell to the ground and wallowed in its own blood.

Instantly, the other monsters trembled in fear, but they still remained in their places. There were only a few monsters who ran by instinct. They were also wiped out in seconds.

Bang! Bang! Splat!

After that, no one dared to run anymore. Isaac stopped shooting. He told the monsters to look him in the eye.

"This is the punishment for those of you who dare to disobey my orders. I will give you a chance to fix your mistakes. If the same thing happens again, there is no second chance. Now, get out of my sight!"

As soon as the monsters quickly dispersed, they ran helter-skelter. Meanwhile, Isaac sighed in disappointment. He still couldn't believe anyone would dare to flee before him when he hadn't ordered anything.

Then, Pippi innocently asked.

"Lord, I thought you would finish them all off. We already have plenty of Zenny. No need to worry about replacing those slackers."

Isaac then shook his head.

"I'm just giving them an example of punishment, so they don't make the same mistake. Besides, if I kill every one of my minions who makes a mistake, who will I lead?"

Pippi nodded. "Is that so, Lord? Pippi now understands."

"Wee just need fixing a broken structure."

Dungeon was like a machine. Each part had its own role and ran according to the system. The failure of one small gear could cause damage to the engine. Thus, Isaac had to make sure that everyone in his dungeon fulfilled their duties properly. That way, the dungeon would be able to survive until the end.

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