Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed the World

Chapter 169 - Union of Assassins

Chapter 169 - Union of Assassins

Chapter 169 - Union of Assassins

In the previous timeline, the Union of Assassins was an organization of professional players established by several famous figures. Its area of operations covered the Viridian and Satreen Empires. Its members included six Shadow Dancers, eight Guardian Paladins, eight Dark Berserkers, five Magisters, and more. It was fairly large with over 6,000 members, almost all of whom were elite experts. The members of the union ranged from guild leaders and top-ranking figures from major guilds to even solo players. Both enemies or allies ended up joining. As long as a player met the requirements of the Union, they were more than welcome.

The Union of Assassins was much more flexible than a guild. It wasn’t created to struggle for power in the game but as an additional source of income for professional players. Members could become an agent or a client. Anyone could become an agent, provided they accumulated 60,000 points and paid a membership fee. Agents who were more valuable to the union, like a Great Thief or Shadow Dancer, were eligible for a fixed salary. Of course, that meant they had to accept a mission at least every other week.

As for clients, they issued requests for the agents to complete. Requests could only be issued after putting down a security deposit, which corresponded with the quality of agents available for that request. If a client paid a large enough security deposit, they could even get Shadow Dancers, Guardian Paladins, or other equally powerful players to throw their lives away for them. Clients were differentiated by order of nobility: baron, viscount, earl, marquis, and duke.

In the Union of Assassins’ heyday, receiving the lowest ranking title of baron required a person to donate at least several tens of thousands of yuan. The amount required to receive the highest ranking title, duke, was simply unimaginable. Because at that rank, the client would be able to commission the likes of Shadow Dancers. The Union of Assassins accepted both real life money and in-game gold as forms of payment.

An entity like the Union of Assassins would inevitably appear again in the future. So why not take advantage of the situation and establish such a powerful organization for himself?

For operations to run smoothly, the Union of Assassins had to be flexible. Even if an enemy wished to join as a client or agent, they couldn’t be refused. It was important to preserve the neutrality of the union, along with the ideal of absolute fairness. No restrictions could be placed on agents or clients. They were completely free to issue and accept requests according to their desires. However, the two parties would never be allowed direct contact, ensuring that the union would be acting as the intermediary in all transactions. This would make sure that the Union always received its share of the earnings.

After some consideration, Nie Yan realized such a grand undertaking would require the coordination of multiple people. Furthermore, these individuals had to have very high prestige among the professional gaming circle! He absolutely couldn’t accomplish it by himself. His network of contacts was far from being adequate.

The only suitable candidates that came to mind were Sleepy Fox and Kill Love. He needed professional players of at least their statuses to make it succeed. In the future, the Union of Assassins would inevitably become a giant money-making machine. If Sleepy Fox and Kill Love agreed to help, they would want a share of those profits. Just thinking about the money he’d have to give up made his heart ache. However, without the cooperation of those two, it was impossible for him to properly establish the union.

He weighed the issue in his mind. If he established the Union of Assassins, he would have full administrator control of all its affairs. He could kick anyone, grant the highest authority, and so on. No one else would have that power. Even if Sleepy Fox and Kill Love took a share of the profits, he wouldn’t be losing out on much. In fact, he could even exploit this relationship to bind them closer to him. With that settled in his mind, Nie Yan got to work on establishing the Union of Assassins right away.

The first thing he did was to create a dedicated chat server.

Name: Union of Assassin

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