Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed the World

Chapter 388 - Holy Stone

Chapter 388 - Holy Stone

Chapter 388 - Holy Stone

Nie Yan felt his emotions stir. Even though he had experienced a myriad of things in his past life, it was impossible to remain indifferent in this moment. A sympathetic expression surfaced on his face as he continued to listen in silence.

“I left the castle to drown my remorse in drink. I wanted to say, ‘Ina, I was wrong... Please, forgive me. I’m willing to repent with this worthless life of mine!’ But by the time I came home, I saw her motionless body hanging under a beam, as though she were fast asleep. I vividly remember the look on her pale and lifeless face, the tear stains that had yet to dry... She took her own life as a way of silently denouncing me! Why? Ina! Why couldn’t you just wait for me to come back home! We still have Nia! We still have our family! But no matter how much I shouted, Ina didn’t wake up, carrying her grief along with her as she departed from this world. Oh, God! How do I redeem myself!? At that moment, I felt a gentle tug on my sleeve. It was Nia. She asked, ‘Daddy, is mommy asleep...?’” Earl Kelfield’s face was full of anguish as he broke down and sobbed with bitter tears.

Nie Yan’s heart ached as he stared at the Earl’s mournful and decepit figure. If he had known earlier, he wouldn’t have asked this old man to relive such painful memories.

“It wasn’t much later, days maybe, when Patience came to me with a blood-soaked dagger. That mad woman! What did she do? I rushed out of the room, and to my horror I found Nia lying on the floor, the life rapidly draining from her body. I felt a light touch on my shoulder as Patience whispered into my ear, ‘From now on, no one will get between us ever again! We can finally be together! You can bear my child, start a new family!’ That woman, she had already lost her mind. She had committed such a cruel and savage act! In my rage, I turned the dagger on her. That vile woman!” The Earl trembled in anger before weakly slumping back into his chair. “I did everything I could. But in the end, Nia left me as well. She was a pitiful and guiltless child! It was only many years later that I realized there was no righting any wrongs the moment I crossed that line. I destroyed everything I loved and cared for with my own hands. This is my sin to bear. Ever since then, I’ve been all alone in the world, destined to live on with this pain and guilt.”

Earl Kelfield’s words resonated deeply with Nie Yan. Every person had their own demons. You would stray further and further away once you crossed a certain line, making one mistake after another before ultimately living a life full of regret.

“Why didn’t you abandon the castle? Leave this place behind and start your life anew?” Nie Yan asked. He had just unearthed a clue.

“Both Ina and Nia are buried in the garden. I want to guard their graves,” Earl Kelfield replied. “Beyond that, a cloaked stranger visited my residence one night. I was handed an item, then told if I handed it over to a certain person, my sins would be forgiven and the curse placed on this castle would be lifted. I tried to ask who but received no reply. I’ve waited for over 30 years, though it’s felt more like a thousand, for this person to show up. Then, today you arrived.” The Earl fished around in his pocket with his wrinkled hand before taking out a curious-looking stone. It was pure white, shaped like a tooth, and roughly the size of a thumb. “This is the item I was entrusted with. Take it. I’m sure it will help you find what you’re looking for.”

Nie Yan reached out his hand and accepted the stone. It was translucent like jade and emitted a soft, gentle radiance that soothed the heart.

Nie Yan examined the stone.

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