Rebirth Of The Villainess: Young Master Lu's Wicked Wife

Chapter 183 - The Birthday Banquet (2)

Chapter 183 - The Birthday Banquet (2)

Chapter 183 - The Birthday Banquet (2)

It was rare for the Yun family to host a party ever since Yun Qingrong was disowned by General Yun. However, this year's banquet was still one of the most anticipated events in the upper social circle. Even if the Yun family rarely made any connection with other families, they were still considered to be part of the upper class with the prestige and wealth the family had maintained over several generations.

Now that the news of Yun Qingrong's return to the family had spread, many of those families whose businesses were in media and entertainment wanted to become acquainted with her.

It will be a rare chance for everyone to establish some sort of connection with the Yun family. Some were also curious to see if her only daughter was as unruly and haughty as the rumors had made her out to be.

On the day before General Yun's birthday, Su Xiaofei found herself seated next to her mother as she met the whole Yun family for the first time. Yun Xiang was seated with his two siblings. His mother had passed away a few years ago and Yun Yuanzhi never remarried.

Meanwhile, her Uncle Zhaonan was busy talking with his only son, a twelve-year-old boy, and wife and finally, Yun Shao, who had a seven-year-old son was seated next to his beautiful wife. This was the first time that the Yun family was seated around the dining table having dinner.

Contrary to Yun Xiang's expectation, Su Xiaofei wasn't as nervous as he expected her to be when meeting the rest of the Yun family. In fact, it was as if she was used to making conversation with others easily, as if this was some sort of a norm for her. She was polite, but it also felt distant at the same time.

"Xiao Fei, I heard that you are trying to break your engagement with the Mo family. Is this true?" Old General Yun asked as he shot Su Xiaofei a curious look. Although he just accepted Su Xiaofei as part of their family, he wasn't willing to make enemies out of other families because of her, just yet.

"En. I have learned a lot from Mama's failed marriage. While I know now that love is still an important factor in marriage, trust between husband and wife should be the foundation of it. What I felt for Young Master Mo before was nothing but foolish infatuation." Su Xiaofei said nonchalantly, which earned an approving nod from her third uncle, Yun Shao.

Yun Qingrong's eyes flashed with a hint of guilt as she placed her hand over Su Xiaofei's delicate ones. She hadn't thought that her marriage would somehow affect her Feifei's view when it comes into marriage.

"Then? Are you seeing someone now?" The old man continued to probe.

Su Xiaofei laughed inwardly. Why were they suddenly curious about her affairs? However, she didn't know why she thought of Lu Qingfeng when General Yun asked her this question. josei

"I do have someone in mind, but I would rather focus on my studies and help Mama at the company first rather than wasting my time dating."

The old man seemed to be pleased with her answer. He sat with his back as straight as a ramrod while giving Su Xiaofei a good look.

"I wouldn't be able to persuade Old Man Mo to allow your engagement to be broken."

"It's fine, Grandpa. You don't need to worry about that. I will make sure that it would be the Mo family who would break the engagement and take the blame for it." Su Xiaofei said with a smile that promises the Mo family's humiliation in the future.

Yun Qingrong slightly frowned over her daughter's words. She couldn't understand why her Feifei was like this towards Mo Yuchen and his family. She had heard from Aunty Liu that Mo Yuchen had visited them a few weeks ago, but Feifei drove him away and left with Xiao Feng.

As she thought about this, she also felt that her daughter seemed to be closer with Lu Qingfeng these days as they were always together. Not that she didn't approve of the young man. In fact, she felt assured whenever her daughter was in Xiao Feng's company because she knew that he was able to rein her daughter's temper, as Feifei would always listen to him.

Meanwhile, Old General Yun couldn't help but think that this new granddaughter of his was quite vicious. His Qing'er might not even know what kind of monster she had picked up and raised over the years.

Su Xiaofei would never allow herself to get the shorter end of the stick and allow others to take advantage of her. While it's good to be smart, it's dangerous for someone to be this devious. However, given Su Xiaofei's personality, she would obviously not put her mother's name to shame.

"Alright. Don't worry though, if the Mo family dares to bully you, it'll be troublesome, but since you are a member of the Yun family now, we'll help you no matter how troublesome it would be." He told the young woman.

"Thank you Grandfather. Xiao Fei would surely rely on the Yun family when that time comes." The corners of Su Xiaofei's lips hooked up, but she didn't take the words of the old man to heart, because she knew that in this world, she could only rely on Lu Qingfeng when things turned to worse.

Afterwards, the family talked about how they should host the banquet the next day and who would be in charge of which task. When the discussions were over, they all retired to their respective rooms. Su Xiaofei and her mother would spend the night at the Yun Mansion for the first time, in her mother's room during her maiden years.

Before Su Xiaofei drifted off to slumber, she heard her mother whisper to her.

"Feifei, tomorrow, try not to provoke the Mo family, okay? This is my only request to you."

Su Xiaofei wanted to argue, but decided to keep her mouth shut.

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