Rebirth Of The Villainous Crown Prince

Chapter 184 - "Kang Bai Was Murdered."

Chapter 184 - "Kang Bai Was Murdered."

"Wasn't this meeting supposed to decide the future of this Kingdom… why do I feel I was expecting too much?"

It was Sect Leader Su who had said this.

Everyone nodded their heads when they heard his words.

They, too, had expected something big to happen, but Master Qin abruptly gave his judgement and avoided the whole drama from ever happening. 

"Maybe it was because of Master Qin that we arrived at the truth?" Grand Elder Xuan remarked, "After all, if Master Qin wasn't present at the scene, Kang Ximin wouldn't have believed anything we said. But since Master Qin was the one who verified the truth, and adding the fact that he is from the Heaven Oracle Sect, I think Kang Ximin had no other choice but to believe the truth."

Sect Leader Su nodded his head, "Yeah, this could be… but I still don't understand… Did Kang Bai really sacrifice himself for the sect? He owed nothing to the sect. Why would he do that?"

Grand Elder Xuan waved his hand, "Ah, don't think too much about this. Kang Bai was a good soul; we shouldn't doubt his sacrifice, but instead, glorify him so he can become an inspiration to all our disciples, be it the current or those who will join us in the future."

Sect Leader Su nodded his head, and seeing that the Kang Clan's entourage had disappeared from the sight, he began to turn around and head back to the first peak.

Just then.

"I don't think today's meeting was as simple as it looked." 

As everyone heard those words, they turned towards the source and found it was Grand Elder Li, who had a deep frown on his face.

He continued, "When Qin Wentian arrived, he was calm and relaxed. He was neutral. But when we reached the site of the incident, he suddenly became impatient and wanted to leave as soon as possible."

After taking a slight pause, he further added, "I feel like there's a bigger trouble coming our way, something more troublesome than the civil war in this kingdom."

Sect Leader asked, "What do you mean, Grand Elder Li? I do agree with the fact that Qin Wentian was acting weird, but… isn't that how everyone from Heaven Oracle Sect is?"

Grand Elder Li shook his head, "No, that's not what I meant. It seemed like Qin Wentian came here to find one thing, but he got something else. And this something was so important that he decided to ignore his main objective."

"Don't you remember how he suddenly made everyone halt and began to look for something around every corner?"

Grand Elder Xuan shrugged, "Wasn't he looking for clues regarding Kang Bai?"

"No, he was not," Grand Elder Li shook his head, "I can't believe none of you noticed anything odd about that guy's behaviour. Qin Wentian came here to find clues regarding Kang Bai's death, but he found clues of someone else."

"He clearly said something along the lines, 'How could it be possible for him to be here?', Who was this 'he' that Qin Wentian was referring to?"

None of the Elders present at the scene had any clues regarding this.

Sect Leader Su opened his eyes wide open as something dawned on him, "Doesn't that mean if the person whose presence this Qin Wentian found was actually an enemy, then there would be a big chance that our Sect might get embroiled in this clash?"

Grand Elder Li nodded his head, "Exactly, that's what I want to say. You see, the person whose presence Qin Wentian found was certainly an important figure. Because for someone from Heaven Oracle Sect to lose their cool at the mere chance of this person's presence, this person certainly has a huge background."

Grand Elder Xuan asked with a frown, "Then who could it be? And he also specifically mentioned that this person was a male because he rejected the possibility of this person being Yuan Shuchun."josei

Grand Elder Li nodded, "Yes, and this also means that there's a high chance that Qin Wentian lied to everyone and gave a false judgement, just so he could leave at the earliest from this place."

"He lied?" Elder Tu, who had been silent all along asked, "Grand Elder, how did you come to this conclusion?"

"There were only four people who ever went to that place, two elders, one core disciple, and the victim, Kang Bai. No clue showed that someone else was also present at the scene, but Qin Wentian's words confirmed that this was not the case. There was a fifth person. Someone with very high cultivation and a huge background."

"What I think is, this person was easily able to kill the high-tier Qi Stealing Mole, and Kang Bai must have witnessed this scene. So that person silenced Kang Bai." Everyone froze hearing Grand Elder Li's words.

Even Sect Leader Su was tongue-tied after hearing this far-fetched but highly possible theory.

"Grand Elder… this… isn't this a bit too far-fetched? You know, this person could have been in that place before that incident took place? We may never know."

Grand Elder Li shook his head, "No, that person was present at the scene, because if he wasn't, the Qi Stealing Mole's self explosion could have wiped out his lingering aura, but yet it remained. This means that this unknown person was present at the scene even after the incident."

"And ever since the elders arrived at the scene, there has always been someone keeping an eye on the site, so there's no way this person could have come too late after the incident."

"So the only opening is between the incident happening and the elders and Yuan Shuchun arriving at the scene."

"And from the importance that Qin Wentian put on this person, clearly showed that this person had the power to stop Kang Bai's death. But he didn't."

"This means that Kang Bai was most probably murdered by this person to keep things under the radar."

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