Rebirth Of The Villainous Crown Prince

Chapter 215 - Qin Wentian's Deduction (I)

Chapter 215 - Qin Wentian's Deduction (I)



Qin Wentian's shout echoed throughout the hall. 

Even the disciple beside him had lost 'his' calm and had 'his' mouth opened in shock and disbelief.

"How can you have this token… who are you!?" Qin Wentian shouted once again echoed in the hall.

Sect Leader Su felt very satisfied after seeing Qin Wentian's reaction.

'This part is always the best. Why don't I encounter arrogant Middle Heaven cultivators very often?' 

Letting out a sigh, Sect Leader Su removed unnecessary thoughts and put on a regretful expression, "Boy, now you understand I wasn't saying just bullshit, right? So, now, get back to the topic, and tell me, what made you appear here?"

Qin Wentain remained silent for a long time before saying, "Well, I insist that the only reason why I have come here is because of Kang Bai. As absurd and unlikely as it may sound, it is the truth."

"And I 'request' you that you let us do the investigation of this matter and also give an order for the disciples to come to the residence, which we also 'request' from you."

Sect Leader Su nodded his head, "See, it wasn't very hard."

The token in his hand disappeared back to his spatial ring, and he came down from the elevated seat. And after a few moments, he was standing right in front of QIn Wentian.

With his lips curved upwards, Sect Leader Su continued, "Well, follow me."

With that said, Sect Leader Su didn't wait and headed straight towards the Meeting Hall exit.

Soon they were passing through the spiral stairway; Qin Wentian, who had been silent ever since opened his mouth again, "I must acknowledge, the arrays in your sect are quite magnificent. How did you accumulate the resources to run such an array?"

Sect Leader Su stopped his tracks and turned around. Then, with a slight smile, he raised his index finger and rubbed the spatial ring. 

It didn't take much time for Qin Wentian to get the message.

"Oh... I see. Well, you must have been a great 'servant'." Qin Wentian also gave a stab.

However, Sect Leader Su wasn't affected by his supposed 'insult'; rather, he just found it amusing and turned around and resumed walking.

Qin Wentian didn't make any more fuss and followed suit. 

Nothing else happened as the three-headed out of the First Peak.

Soon, the stairway came to an end.

Sect Leader Su was the first to exit and turned around after coming in the out, staring at the stairway as the two others following him also came out.

As Qin Wentian stepped outside of the stairway, he found someone else standing beside Sect Leader Su.

The group had four people staring at Qin Wentian; Sect Leader Su said, "Brother Duan, this is Qin Wentian."

Then turning towards the man beside him, Peak Master Duan, Sect Leader Su, continued, "He had returned to investigate the Kang Bai incident. However, this time he wishes to meet the disciples who were in the second round. So, arrange a residence for these two guests on the Seventh Peak, and tell those disciples to come and have a meeting with these two, starting from the guy who ranked last."

Peak Master Duan nodded his head as Sect Leader Su and turned towards Qin Wentian. Cupping his fists, he said, "Welcome to the Gracious Sword Sect. I am the Peak Master of the Seventh Peak, where the incident took place. You can call me Peak Master Duan."

Seeing Qin Wentian nodding his head, Peak Master Duan continued, "I will arrange the residence for you, follow me."

Turning towards Sect Leader Su, Peak Master Duan cupped his fists and said, "I will take my leave, Senior Brother."

Sect Leader Su nodded his head, with his hands behind his back.

Watching Qin Wentian and the other disciple follow Peak Master back to the stairway, Sect Leader Su shook his head, "Hopefully, I'll meet another arrogant cultivator from the Middle Heavens very soon. Seeing them lose their colour is the most satisfying thing, hehehe."

After a few minutes, while still walking through the stairs, the disciple who came with Qin Wentian asked, "Peak Master Duan, why are we heading back? Shouldn't we be going to the Seventh Peak?"

Peak Master Duan turned his head and replied while walking, "Well, we are not heading to the meeting hall, but rather the Seventh Peak. Going through the normal route would only create an unnecessary commotion, so this way is much better."

The disciple asked again, "But… this is the same way we came from..."

Peak Master Duan smiled, "Ah, no. Well, this whole stairway is a complex array; this time, the destination is different."

The disciple's eyes opened wide as 'he' turned towards Qin Wentian in shock.

Qin Wentian didn't say anything, just nodded his head, confirming whatever thought was going on in their mind.

The disciple, still shocked, didn't speak anymore and quietly followed Peak Master Duan.

Soon they once again saw the light at the end of the stairway and came out in the open.

Qin Wentian was surprised to find himself standing in a courtyard. Looking from one corner to the other, he asked, "Peak Master Duan, are we on the Seventh Peak right now?"

Peak Master Duan nodded his head, "Indeed we are. In fact, this is the courtyard where you will be staying."

"Oh?" Qin Wentian now looked around. However, his mind was currently very distracted.

"When should I start sending disciples here to meet you?" Peak Master Duan asked.

Qin Wentian pursed his lips and thought for a few moments, and replied, "Let's start this from tomorrow morning."

Peak Master Duan nodded his head, "Well, I will take my leave. The maids will arrange everything for you - "

"No!" Qin Wentian interrupted, "I don't want any disturbances. We both can take care of ourselves, don't worry."

Peak Master Duan shrugged, "Alright, I have no problem with this. I will head out then. Make yourself comfortable."

Soon, only Qin Wentian and Ji Yi were present in the hall.

Staring at the exit, Qin Wentian said with his eyes narrowed, "Junior Sister, now we know why Crown Prince Ye Tian Yun would come here."

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