Rebirth Of The Villainous Crown Prince

Chapter 45 - Rewards

Chapter 45 - Rewards

This created another buzz of cheering among the disciples. The biggest event for the outer court disciples of the Seventh Peak had now come to its closure.

There were many surprises in this event, from Zheng Xiang's unstoppable momentum to Qin Shunyuan's undefeated streak and determination to win even after being challenged by more than half of the Top Hundred disciples. Then there was Hou Xing, the only disciple from the Top Ten of the Pre Rankings who remained unchallenged. And to top them all was Fang Chen, the disciple known for his low talent and arrogant nature, ended up being crowned as the undisputed Number One Disciple of the Seventh Peak, completely dominating everyone with an overwhelming cultivation of 9th Level of Qi Refining Realm. josei

"This big event had now come to an end", Elder Wu stood up, and echoed his voice through Qi, "All participants have worked hard for this Hunt. Today, I am full of pride as I see that my Seventh Peak has such amazingly talented disciples. Though everyone outside this hall may think that this peak is the most mediocre of all but I feel assured when I say that today's hunt's top disciples will soon engrave their names on the Gracious Sword Rankings of the Inner Court and qualify for the biggest event of the surrounding hundred kingdoms, The Grand Spirit Hunt."

"But before all this, I want you to keep my next few words forever instilled in your mind, 'Arrogance kills intelligence.' Right now, those who have qualified for the Inner Court must remember that there is a cloud beyond cloud and heaven above heaven."

"You should never let your talent get into your head and become arrogant just because of this little success. In the life ahead, there will be many challenges, many opponents, many enemies and you will have to conquer, defeat and kill them. At that time it won't be your arrogance that will be of use but it will be your intelligence and instinct that will be put to test."

"I won't hold any more of your time, but remember to always be clear headed and calm even in front of death, like Kang Bai who even though isn't between us right now, but he has displayed an unmatchable characteristic of determination and sacrifice when situation demanded."

"And to the disciples who could not make it to the Top Hundred, I want you to know that you're in no way inferior to others and next time come with better preparation and strengthened will. I want to see you enter the Inner Court after three years in the next Inner Court Entrance Hunt!"

"Now, I will announce the official Top Ten disciples of this Hunt with their gained beast cores"

Elder Wu then took out a huge golden scroll and threw it high. Giving off a majestic aura, it slowly unfolded and on it were engraved the names of the Top ten disciples.

[10th Place, Qin ShunYuan, 1356 Beast Cores

9th Place, Ma Hai , 78 Beast Cores

8th Place, Wu Qing, 35 Beast Cores

7th Place, Tan Ru, 123 Beast Cores

6th Place, Jin Hai, 89 Beast Cores

5th place, Mao Rong, 171 Beast Cores

4th place, Ling Yun, 0 Beast Cores

3rd place, Zheng Xiang, 314 Beast Cores

2nd place, Hou Xing, 0 Beast Cores

1st place, Fang Chen, 118 Beast Cores]

The disciples exclaimed at the uneven gain of beast cores among the top disciples, with the tenth rank disciples acquiring more than a thousand while the fourth ranked disciple, Ling Yun, and second ranked disciple, Hou Xing got none.

The number of beast cores that were shown in the list only included the ones won by the disciples by winning a match and acquiring forty percent of the opponents beast cores, while the one who lost was not going to get anything because the rest of the beast cores had to be submitted to the sect.

Qin Shunyuan was challenged most and had won all his matches, hence acquired most beast cores while Ling Yun was challenged only once and lost his match, failing to get beast core from his opponent. While Hou Xing remained unchallenged and he too didn't get any beast core.

The Inner Court Entrance Exam may seem simple but in fact it had much more than what met the eyes at first glance. The first two rounds were simple and straightforward. The first one eliminated the disciples who were here only for fun and the second stage tested the disciples instinct, determination and experience by making them hunt Qi Stealing Moles.

The third stage forced disciples to challenge higher ranked disciples to acquire beast cores for their personal use since the beast cores from stage two were supposed to be given to the sect.

Seventh Peak only had the quota of a hundred disciples for the Inner Court, and to encourage disciples to challenge the pre ranking top hundred, the Seventh Peak gave more low tier Qi Strengthening Pills to the top hundred and one pill to the rest of the Stage Two qualified disciples.

Even though beast cores equaled the low tier Qi Strengthening Pills in terms of potency, they were too raw to be directly consumed and took more time to digest, hence many disciples prefered to sell them.

While all disciples ranked from one hundred one and below only received one pill, the disciple ranked hundred received two pills, ninety ninth ranked disciples received three pills and so on.

Elder Wu waited for a few moments for the disciples to calm down and announced, "All disciples can receive the Qi Strengthening Pills as per their rank by visiting the Alchemy Hall on the Second Peak."

"The top three disciples can choose any Rank 4 cultivation manual from the Martial Book Pavilion on the First Peak."

"From this moment, top hundred disciples are now the Inner Court Disciples and will receive their silver robes and disciple tokens from the Resource Hall at the Second Peak."

"Everyone, it's time to disperse, I wish you good luck for your future."

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