Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 65 - 65

Chapter 65 - 65: There should be Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder here, but there isn't.

Chapter 65: Chapter 65: There should be Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder here, but there isn’t.

Translator: 549690339

Xiao Qian really didn’t understand what exactly Yu Minglang was thinking.

In the country where the distinction between neurology and psychiatry is still not clear, the wrong concept that equates mental illness with mental disorder is rampant.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is not a mental illness, but in many people’s eyes, they are practically the same.

He saw how terrifying he appeared when he was in an episode of his disorder, yet he still dared to confess his feelings?

Was there something different about Yu Minglang’s brain from normal people?

Looking at Yu Minglang, Xiao Qian drew upon her knowledge of him that spanned two lives and all of the psychology knowledge she had learned in her previous life to analyze Yu Minglang, but she discovered that she still didn’t understand this man.

“The human heart, like the body, can fall sick. Your condition is just like catching a common cold. As long as you feel loved, you will definitely recover. I believe that I have the ability to make you happy. If you are still unhappy, it would be my fault.”

“You?” Xiao Qian felt like tearing off his face to see if there was an alien underneath.

When did Yu Minglang start talking so much? Plus, every word was sweet enough to kill her!

If he had such eloquence in his previous life, could Xiao Qian have run away before their marriage?

Obviously, she couldn’t.

However, Xiao Qian overlooked that the condition she presented in front of Yu Minglang in her previous life wasn’t the same as now. She showed him the most vulnerable side of her, which greatly stimulated his protective instinct as a male.

“Although I am often busy with work and can’t always be by your side, I will use every possible way to prevent you from feeling lonely.”

Yu Minglang finished speaking, but he felt it didn’t sound quite right.

He shook his head.

“Actually, I’m not as selfless as I appear to be. My confession isn’t just about taking care of you.”

Xiao Qian looked at him, wondering what kind of gobbledegook this guy could spew.

“Chen Xiaoqian, I want to take care of you, and it’s not out of pity or anything else, but simply because I’ve taken to you, and it’s you alone. There’s no second option.”

Because he liked her, he wanted to take care of her.

Because he liked her, he couldn’t stand to see her suffer. He didn’t need a reason or justification.

It was simply the feeling when a man likes a woman. Don’t ask why. It’s just like how people naturally know to suckle from the moment they are born, how women start wearing makeup when they reach a certain age, and how men start to…

This was instinctual.

Xiao Qian was already dizzy from his King Bomb.

She felt her breath quicken, as though something was filling her body until it was brimming. The heat in her heart had nowhere to vent, making her face flush with heat.

It took her a long while to finally speak up.

“You don’t mind that I’m only 18?”

“At first, I did.”

Being with a woman who’s six years younger and still in school, Yu Minglang was of course conflicted.

“But I think, since the heavens have entrusted you to me, I can’t let you go. If I could endure staying motionless for two days in -40-dcgree weather for a mission, I can wait for you until you graduate from university. If by then, you think I am a man worthy of your lifelong commitment, let’s get married.” “Heaven…?”

“Your Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a test given to me by heaven, and also our matchmaker. If I have the capability to care for you and help control your OCD, even the worst situations can turn beautiful. Chen Xiaoqian, do you think what I said makes sense?”

Xiao Qian’s thoughts were a mess.

Could OCD also become a good thing?

She had never thought of this before.

She only knew that she hated this disease; despite being a psychologist herself, she couldn’t cure herself. She knew that her hand-washing was wrong but couldn’t control it.

But Yu Minglang said that her OCD was a test given by heaven to him, not to her. If he failed to treat her, it would be his incompetency.

Her heart was in turmoil, her face flushed, and she thought she should be in an OCD episode, wanting to wash her hands so badly. So why wasn’t she?

But shockingly, her OCD didn’t act up. Xiao Qian just felt her heart was warm and her face redder.

How infuriating! Why would her OCD not act up when it should, yet interfere when it shouldn’t?

Flowers bloom and wilt in their own time, plants can’t control when they bloom, and Xiao Qian couldn’t control her natural psychological responses to Yu Minglang’s confession either.

She didn’t know what to think about or what to do, all she could do was stare at him blankly.

“Since you’ve agreed, let’s formally establish our relationship.”

Xiao Qian jolted back to reality and glared at him, her face red, “When did I agree?”

“You didn’t say anything just now, so it’s settled. Now, let’s talk about your midnight meetings with Zheng Xu.”

“That has nothing to do with you.”

“As a couple who has confirmed our romantic relationship, from now on, I have the right to filter your social contacts. That includes dangerous elements that must be filtered.”

“Who confirmed anything with you?” This guy, how thick-skinned was he?

Not hearing it! Yu Minglang ignorantly disregarded her opinion, reached over and grabbed the bag she was holding in her hand.

“May I have a look?”

Then, with a hand covering Xiao Qian’s mouth, he mumbled to himself.

“Mmm, I know you’ll say it’s fine.”

How dare you! If you have the guts, take your hand off my mouth! Xiao Qian bit him, causing Yu Minglang to release his grip and dive into the bag.

Photographs of Chen Lin and Chu Xue huddling intimately together fell out, along with the details of Chen Lin’s recent debts and his whereabouts.

Upon seeing these photos, Yu Minglang’s eyebrows furrowed.

“So you let Zheng Xu take these?”

“I had them taken, so what? How else was I supposed to divorce my parents?”

“Why do you trust him so much? When did you two meet?” Yu Minglang felt a profound sense of crisis. His self-proclaimed boyfriend status was not secure at all.

“Why should I tell you? Yu Minglang, don’t overstep your bounds! My business isn’t any of yours!”

Little happiness Xiao Qian had been feeling moments ago was extinguished by his domineering attitude.

This guy interfered with everything—in her friendships too?

If he thought he could trap her in a jar just because he proclaimed himself as her boyfriend and cut her off from the outside world, she swore she would beat him. She’d rather die than live without freedom.

“Your business from now on is my business. I have the responsibility to protect your safety. Zheng Xu is a dangerous element, you should stay away from him.”

Zheng Xu was different from his brother Yu Mingli. Though Yu Mingli exploited his economic acumen to climb the ranks, Zheng Xu would resort to any means necessary to make a profit, regardless of the powerful background he came from—which is quite like his girl.

“I’ll say it again, my business is none of your concern. Just mind your own business!” Xiao Qian, accustomed to independence, couldn’t bear this.

“Mind my own business?” Yu Minglang repeated, to which Xiao Qian nodded. Then, his lips met hers yet again..josei

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