Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 83 - 83

Chapter 83 - 83: Sister Takes You to a Good Place (Request for Monthly Tickets)

Chapter 83: Chapter 83: Sister Takes You to a Good Place (Request for Monthly Tickets)

Translator: 549690339

For a top student like Xiao Qian, going to school is comfortable, and even a great place to achieve a sense of self-worth with a strong sense of accomplishment.

But for a slacker like Chen Wanku, school is a painful place. Hearing from his sister that there is a place where he could skip school and still play games, Chen Zilong was excited.

“Sis, are you serious?”

“I couldn’t be more serious. I’ll introduce you to a job where you can play games every day, make money, and not go to school.”

“I’m only 14, is that okay?” Chen Zilong knew that some places hired waiters under 18, but at least 15 was required, and even then carrying dishes would earn little money and be treated like a doormat.

“Absolutely. But there’s one thing you have to promise me: if you can’t stand playing games for a month, you must go back to school, finish your studies properly, and at least graduate from high school.”

“Deal, whatever keeps me out of school, what kind of job are you talking about?”

“Game leveling service. The game you’re playing now is from Korea, right?”

At this time, online gaming was just beginning to rise, and there were limited games that could be connected to the Internet. Xiao Qian remembered the game her brother played in her past life.


“I can get you into a game leveling job, but there are requirements for your skills. Can you handle it?”

“No problem! I’m one of the top players in our server.” Chen Zilong was addicted to online games precisely because he was lousy at everything in real life, and only games could give him a sense of accomplishment.

Xiao Qian scoffed in her heart, Top player? More like top shit!

Just a little brat who doesn’t know the cruelty of society, full of naive and childish thoughts. To deal with this kind of troublemaker, you have to be ruthless.

“Sis, tell me about this leveling thing.”

“There are many overworked and well-paid office workers in Korea. Nowadays, online games have not evolved to the stage where you can buy equipment with money. Equipment is obtained by farming monsters at certain points. This kind of studio helps people level up and farms equipment to sell.”

After listening to Xiao Qian, Chen Zilong’s eyes were already shining.

“Sis, I want to do it!” This job seemed tailor-made for him, could it get any better?

“But there’s one thing: you have to adapt to working irregular hours, facing the screen for long periods every day. The points where equipment drops are fixed, so if you turn your hobby into your job, it’ll be especially painful. When you played games before, you had many options — chatting, farming, picking up girls—”

“Sis, don’t bullshit. I never picked up girls!”

“Hmm, I’ll take that back. With your thriftiness, you probably won’t pick up any girls.”

That’s too harsh, isn’t it?

“Anyway, once you become a professional gamer, your job will be to guard fixed points in the game, loot equipment, and grind levels. It’s especially dull.”

Once online gaming becomes a production line, its charm will be reduced by at least 80%. The reason is similar to why men like to cheat.

Cheating is all about the unknown, sleeping with someone else’s woman, even if she’s an ugly woman, there’s a thrill to it.

But your own wife, even if she’s a beauty, sleeping with her every day familiarizes the process, and the novelty is lost.

This is human nature. Once playing online games becomes a fixed grind for loot, the loot you earned is not even yours, it becomes very painful, similar to bank tellers who handle a lot of money but none of it is theirs.

Xiao Qian’s first move to deal with her brother was to make Chen Zilong lose his sense of freshness and accomplishment for online games.

Chen Zilong, who stepped into Xiao Qian’s trap, hadn’t realized he was already being manipulated by his sister, and his face was full of excitement and anticipation.

“When can I go?”

“Once mom’s divorce is finalized, I’ll contact you right away. But remember, it’s easy to get in but hard to get out. Working is not like school, they’re paying you a salary, you have to follow the rules. You have to work a full month, no matter if you regret it halfway, or otherwise, your legs will be broken.”

Xiao Qian deceives people without even blinking, Chen Zilong has no chance against her.josei

“Wow! Sis, how much can I earn in a month?”

“300 base salary + commission, the better the equipment you loot, the more you earn. If you do well, 500 or 600 a month is no problem.”

“That much!!!” Chen Zilong was excited.

He felt a sense of satisfaction as adult wages were only a few hundred dollars at the time.

Xiao Qian smirked, “Silly boy, for me, playing you is like smashing an ant. How did I end up with such a naive and dumb little brother?”

Ah, probably because their parents gave her all the excellent genes, and her brother ended up with a low IQ.

“Sis, you’ve been so good to me, you’re the only one who understands me… Mom and Dad don’t understand me at all…” Chen Zilong was so touched, he wanted to worship Xiao Qian.

Look, he’s counting money even after being sold. What a foolish child! Xiao Qian adjusted her glasses and smiled more gently.

“But Sis, how come you know this industry so well?” He remembered his excellent, virtuous sister, who avoided internet cafes and didn’t seem to be familiar with the game leveling of process.

“Because… it’s a secret.”

In her past life, Xiao Qian had a client who was a wealthy playboy. She charged him thousands for counseling fees. He was the first one in their city to run a game leveling studio, which initially brought in a lot of money. But constant gaming led to his wife running off with someone else. He then developed a violent tendency after being provoked.

Patients who come for counseling must tell their psychologist everything about their past. Xiao Qian was already familiar with this entrepreneurial history, she even remembered where the game studio was. She then put these resources together and successfully sold the idea to her gullible brother.

The vacation was over, and as Xiao Qian’s family returned home, they saw Chen Lin squatting in front of the door from afar.

Jia Xiufang was no longer as afraid of him as she had been. Her daughter’s long-term psychological counseling was not wasted. When Jia Xiufang’s family got out of the taxi, Chen Lin rushed up, menacingly curs in Jia Xiufang’s face.

“You shameless woman, you dared to file for divorce? And you even have the nerve to sue me in court? Believe it or not, I’ll kill you right now!”

As Jia Xiufang and her children were having a good time outside, Chen Lin was squatting at the door. Xiao Qian had changed the locks, and he couldn’t get in.

He waited there from morning until night.

After three days, he finally saw Jia Xiufang!

“You’re going to kill someone, I want to see you try! Chen Lin, I’m not living with you anymore, we’re getting a divorce!” Jia Xiufang spoke with confidence.

“What are you talking about, you shameless woman? You were the one who seduced other men with your children!” Chen Lin counterattacked as many neighbors gathered around..

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