Rebirth: Once Again With You

Chapter 50 Dai Shenqiang

Chapter 50 Dai Shenqiang

Li Caiyi was not surprised anymore by this point. She had always known how arrogant and shameless Li Jirong was, so she thought nothing of his father's blatant harassment and continued walking toward Shenqiang's room. She did not look back even once.

It was okay. There was no need to rush things. No sin could remain hidden, so she believed everything would be revealed in due time. Especially now that Li Jirong did not have her helping him to cover his affair. She was looking forward to how he would react when everything came to light.

When Li Caiyi arrived in front of Shenqiang's room, she took a deep breath before opening it. The room was a standard room where few patients shared it together, so there was no need to knock on the door.

Li Caiyi entered the room and quickly found Shenqiang lying unconscious on the bed. She wondered if he was already awake before and currently sleeping. His face was black and blue with a few parts swollen, and his body was bandaged all over.

Li Caiyi put down the flower on the bedside table and sat down beside Shenqiang to scrutinize the boy closely. She was not sure if his face was similar to Shen Qiang's or not, but he looked familiar somehow.

Li Caiyi sat there watching him while enjoying the sound of his soft breath. She hoped he could wake up and talk to her soon.

Then, as though he could hear her prayer, his finger subtly moved. The row of long lashes fluttered while his eyelids were twitching. Li Caiyi held her breath as her heart skipped a beat from anticipation.

Dai Shenqiang slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the white ceiling, along with a girl's concerned face. His pupil shifted to her in puzzlement. He wanted to ask something, but his throat was so parched there was no sound coming out.

"Don't move just yet. You are heavily injured and are in the hospital right now," Li Caiyi said.

Dai Shenqiang blinked his eyes a few times, and throbbing pain from all over his body suddenly assaulted him. His body curled subconsciously to reduce the pain.

Li Caiyi took a bottle of mineral water from the bedside table, opened it, and put in a plastic straw before she pushed it onto his lips. "Take a sip first, and you will feel better afterward."

Dai Shenqiang instinctively opened his mouth and gulped a big mouthful of water until her throat and mouth became moist again.

"Thank you," he said his first word to the girl. His voice was pretty weak but sincere.

Li Caiyi smiled at him, and Dai Shenqiang thought this girl looked familiar. "Who are you?"

"I am Li Caiyi. I happened to pass by and saw you yesterday, so I called the police and took you to the hospital. How are you feeling right now?"

Dai Shenqiang finally recognized this girl as the last person he saw before everything turned black before his eyes. That meant this girl was the one who saved him.

"You are… the one at that time… Thank you so much for your help."

"You're welcome. I'm happy if I can be of help."

"Have you been waiting for me to regain consciousness?"

"Well, I just got here myself. I wanted to check on how you are doing, as well as asking a few things, but if you are still tired, then I can come back another day."

Dai Shenqiang scrutinized the girl and noticed that she wore the same uniform as his big brother. Did this girl know him from his brother?

"I don't mind. I can't sleep anymore, so it's better if I have someone to talk to."

Li Caiyi felt a little bad for rushing things when he was not entirely well yet, so she shook her head. "No. On second thought, let's save that for another day."

"Are you sure?"josei

"Yeah. Don't worry."

Dai Shenqiang did not pursue the matter further because he did not know how to answer if she were to ask about yesterday's incident.

After Li Caiyi said the last sentence, she suddenly did not know what to say. Then, she glimpsed upon the bouquet she had brought and had an idea.

"I bring this flower to cheer you up. I hope you have a fast recovery." Li Caiyi showed the bouquet to Dai Shenqiang, to which the latter responded with a grateful smile.

"Thank you. You even came to visit me like this. You are very kind."

"No, I'm just doing what anyone would do. Then, I will put this flower into the vase. Wait for a moment." Li Caiyi got up from her sheet and walked out of the room, leaving Dai Shenqiang with his own thoughts.

What happened to those loan sharks? He hoped they would be put into jail so they would not harm him and his big brother again.

The Dai family was an ordinary lower-middle-class family. They lived happily in their small house until Mother Dai left the house with her new partner. After the divorce between the Dai couple, Father Dai drowned himself with work to forget the sadness of his wife's betrayal, which caused his condition to deteriorate.

In the fall of two years ago, when the leaves began to wither and fall to the ground, Father Dai collapsed in the house. They brought him to the hospital as soon as possible, and there, they heard the shocking news. Father Dai was suffering from stomach cancer.

At first, Father Dai refused to receive treatment because the medical fee was too high for a mere salaryman like him. However, his condition worsened day by day. One day, Father Dai collapsed again, and the older brother decided to take out a loan to pay for Father Dai's medical bill. But that was where everything went wrong.

Dai Shenqiang sighed. If only he could be independent as soon as possible, he could help his big brother to carry the family burden. But now, he was hospitalized and caused more burden to him instead. Dai Shenqiang felt very guilty.

When he lamented his powerlessness, the door was opened again, revealing Dai Zhiqiang's figure, whose lips broke out into a small smile when he saw his brother had awakened.

"You are already awake."

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