Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1210

Chapter 1210: poor person must have something mean

Chapter 1210 Poor people must have something to hate

"But you can't say it casually. Otherwise, Liu Shi won't admit it and bite us back, and Murong Zhe may not believe it, but it will affect our relationship with him. This matter needs an opportunity."

The eldest princess nodded and said, "It's just pity Murongliang, who has been kept secret by his wife for so many years. How do you know that the entire family is just an illusion. Her only son has been abandoned again. It took such a big blow."

The Marquis of Ning'an said helplessly: "Madam, you are soft-hearted again. He is pitiful, but there must be something to hate about poor people. He doesn't know that Murong Zhe is not his son. In his heart, Murong Zhe is his own son. "

"If the Liu clan treated Murong Zhe harshly, he could have defended him a little bit more. If he could have stopped the Liu clan when the family split up and done more of his responsibility as a father, he wouldn't have hurt Murong Zhe's heart."

"If they don't split up now, even if Murong Zhe finds his biological parents in the future, he will not ignore him, and he will let him live a rich life and enjoy his old age in peace."

"As for now, if Murong Zhe ignores them in the future, it will also be their retribution, and they will suffer by themselves."josei

"If Murong Zhe is really our son, what they did to our son in the past, even when they came back last year, they wanted him to give up on treating Murong Lingran, give up searching for the lost child, he treated you so hatefully son, do you still think he is pitiful?"

The eldest princess was startled and sighed: "You're right, it seems that I'm getting old too, and I'm starting to feel confused. He was so cruel back then, and the cycle of cause and effect was his retribution. No matter what, he at least still There is a son and grandson by my side. Since the daughters got married, the house has been quiet for many years, and if we say poor, we are even more pitiful. "

Ning'an Hou said: "Madam, don't think too much, you are not old at all, it is because there are too many things happening around you recently, you have been worrying too much, and you have not had a good rest, the next thing is me, so don't worry about it. ."

The eldest princess nodded: "Okay, I really need to pay attention. If my body is damaged, I can't wait for the day when I meet the children. It's just Hou Ye, can I ask you one thing? "

Ning'an Hou said: "Madam doesn't have to be so polite, just say anything."

The eldest princess now has a six-point belief that Murong Zhe is her son, but she is still afraid of what will happen, so she prays: "If, I mean if, don't you like Murong Zong and the three brothers very much? If you If you find out that Murong Zhe is a child of someone else, don't cut off your contact with their family, okay?"

Ning Anhou smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't, I also like them very much, otherwise I won't take them to the military camp."

The eldest princess was finally relieved, and said again: "Murong Yi has been back for a while, and I also want to see their brothers and sisters, Lord Hou, why don't we go to their house again at some time?"

Ning Anhou understood his wife's thoughts, and said with a smile: "Okay, when you are well rested, I will find a day when there is no snow to go with you."

The eldest princess smiled suddenly, "Thank you, Lord Hou."

After talking to his wife again, the Marquis of Ning An asked her to take her back to the room first, and he and the housekeeper still stayed in the study to discuss matters.

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