Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1253

Chapter 1253: interrogation

Chapter 1253 Interrogation

Liu Yuanshi said apologetically: "Master Hou, this old man has also seen in the palace that the concubines of the late emperor used spices to harm their favorite concubine, but this old man never imagined that someone would use spices to harm the eldest princess. If the old man can go to the eldest princess' house every time he comes here, although the old man does not know the nine-color flower, but smelling the fragrance will definitely make the eldest princess alert, maybe the eldest princess will not have to suffer for so many years. suffering."

Ning'an Hou said: "It's not your fault, it's all God's will, and the eldest princess is all right now, don't think about it, the person who should be held accountable for this matter is the person who sent the pot of flowers, and the others. The government doctor who has not found the problem for five years."

Envoy Liu Yuan nodded in agreement, knowing that the Marquis still had family affairs to deal with, it was useless for him to say more apologetic words now, so he had to leave for the time being.

After Liu Yuanjian left, the expression of the Marquis of Ning An instantly turned extremely gloomy.


The housekeeper    immediately came to him and said respectfully, "Master Hou, what are your orders?"

The Marquis of Ning'an said coldly, "The person who sent the nine-colored flowers to Ben Marquis back then, Ben Marquis remembers, is a distant nephew who is at odds with the clan just like Ben Marquis. Now that I think about it, if he is not in harmony with the clan is an illusion, then One can imagine the purpose he gave Ben Hou Jiu-sehua. Just now, Ben Hou has ordered him to be imprisoned, you go and interrogate Ben Hou strictly, and Ben Hou must know who is behind him."

"There are also servants in the eldest princess' courtyard, who will also be sent to the prison for careful interrogation. This lord will never let a person who dares to murder the eldest princess."

The housekeeper    said solemnly: "Yes, Lord Hou. The doctor of the government is still under house arrest in his own room, should he be imprisoned?"josei

"Of course, his medical skills are not bad. Ben Hou has treated him well all these years, but he treats the eldest princess like this. Ben Hou will personally interrogate him to see who gave him the guts and dare to plot against Ben Hou and the eldest princess. on the head."

Just now he also asked Murong Zhe why he and his servants were often in the princess's room but had no headaches.

Murong Zhe said that because he was mostly outside during the day, he had to go to the study room when he wanted to go to court, and sometimes he had to go to the military camp, and the servants would take turns on duty. The eldest princess who has been in the room for two hours is different. The eldest princess is getting older and smells the most poison. It is normal to have a headache first.

If he stayed in a house with sandalwood and nine-colored flowers for another four or five years, he would have headaches and even life-threatening things in the future. It’s just a matter of time.

This shows that the people behind want to be unknowingly except him and the eldest princess, and he will never forgive them lightly if they dare to treat their husband and wife like this!

"Yes, Lord Hou."

After the housekeeper left, the Marquis of Ning An went to change a piece of clothes and returned to his yard. At this time, the eldest princess had already woken up.

Hearing that the children had all gone, the eldest princess said lonely: "Alas, the children are rarely here once, and it's my fault that my health is not good enough, and I'm sleepy without talking to them much."

The Hou of Ning'an said with relief: "It's fine, I've found the cause now, the poison has been cured, and I won't have frequent headaches in the future. As long as you eat well, your body will recover quickly. When you're well, we will You can meet them often."

Princess    nodded, thinking of what happened today, and smiled again: "Master Hou, look, I knew before that Aran was very powerful, and he was considered a lucky star in their family."

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