Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1484

Chapter 1484: an idea

Chapter 1484 An Idea

Murong said: "It is indeed a good way to report to the official, but after reporting to the official, what about after you go back smoothly?"

"As the saying goes, stay in the front line of being a person, and you will meet in the future. When you report to the officials, the officials of the government may give you face and arrest a few people because of their duties, but if they are really beaten or sat down because of you prison, or fell ill in prison, if there is an accident, you and them will really have a vengeance."

"You are going to build a house later, and they will quietly disturb your house. It is estimated that your house will never be built."

"After all, you are only two adults, so you can't watch for twelve hours, and there must be many people who oppose you."

"Even if it's built, you won't have a good life there in the future. Especially your children, it's not a big deal to be isolated at that time. If some minded people want to harm them, it will be a serious matter."

The Yu family's face turned pale, and they obviously thought what she said was very reasonable.

If their family members were sent to prison by others in Yujia Village to suffer, they would certainly hold grudges for the rest of their lives.

People like them who are afraid of causing trouble will think so, not to mention the other small-minded people in the village.

Liang Xiaoying said stunnedly: "Little master, you know a lot, we didn't think about it that much."

She was also terrified, but fortunately, before they went back, they shared their thoughts with the Murong family and helped them analyze the pros and cons, otherwise they would really be in trouble.

Murong Lingran said: "It's not that I know a lot, but I have relatives in my family and have similar experiences. It's also because I reported to the official and offended the whole village. Now I have left my hometown and come to the capital. I just know the result in advance. ."

Liang Xiaoying thought of their relatives who suddenly came from Donghai Mansion, and instantly understood that she was talking about her little grandfather's family, "So that's the case."

Yu Shanyuan looked at his wife: "My son, what do you think we should do now?"

Liang Xiaoying also looked blank: "I don't know either."

She just wanted to be happy for a while, and wanted to give them some warnings to let them know that there is also a king's law in this world, it's not that they can get money if they want, and it's not that they can do whatever they want with them. , I had no idea what would happen next.

Murong Lingran smiled and said, "I have an idea, so that you can all live a good life in the future, Yongyan can even read and read, and get a title, just to see if Uncle Shanyuan is willing to let go of some things. "

Liang Xiaoying said excitedly, "What's your idea?"

The rest of the Yu family also looked at her expectantly.josei

Murong Lingran smiled lightly and said, "It's very simple, you all want to build a house anyway, why don't you just build a house in Lihua Village."

"You are no longer able to integrate into Yujia Village. Why don't you settle down in Lihua Village?"

"The boundaries of Lihua Village are very large, much larger than what you have seen now. Even if many people are building houses now, it is more than enough to set aside a part of the land for you to build houses and plant."

"Although we have only been together for a few months, it can be seen that you have adapted to the environment very quickly, the people here are also very friendly to you, and your three children are also very happy here. I also had a good time with the kids in the village."

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