Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1565

Chapter 1565: Children are the evidence

Chapter 1565 The child is the evidence

The woman said, "Of course not."

"What's your name?"

"Fang Xiaohong."

Murong Zhe said: "It turned out to be Mrs. Fang. You said that my son abandoned his wife and son, but what evidence do you have?"

Liu Jiahuai also said with a sullen face: "Yes, you show the evidence, if you can't show it, the consequences are not something you can bear!"

Fang Xiaohong burst into tears, pulled the child next to him and cried, "What more evidence can I ask for? This child is the evidence. I have all my children. Can I still slander him?"

After    finished speaking, he looked at Liu Jianian, who had already put down the fan: "This girl, you can do it, don't marry Murong Zong today, you are everyone's young lady, you can still live well without him."

"But I came from a humble background, and I have no parents to help me. It's really hard to live alone with a child. You can see the appearance of this child, so please do it. Give him back to me."

"Without a man by my side, if we hadn't met good-hearted people often, our mother and son would have died long ago. Do you have the heart that this child has no father's love since he was a child?"

Liu Jianian glanced at the child hiding behind her, and couldn't help frowning.

Murong Zong hurriedly said: "Jia Nian, don't listen to her, I will never do something like abandoning my wife and children."

After    finished speaking, he looked at Fang Xiaohong with a cold face: "Mrs. Fang, don't talk nonsense there, I don't know you at all, don't slander me with other people's children."

Fang Xiaohong shrank for a moment and said timidly: "Azong, how can you be so ruthless, this child is really your son, see for yourself, how similar this child looks to you, If it's not yours, who else could it be?"

"Who knows where you brought it from, ask yourself!"

Liu Jia read: "Azong is right, he will not betray me, I don't believe you."

Fang Xiaohong said again: "Girl, you... if you feel that you have been divorced today, you have lost face, and Azong, if you think that I am from a humble background and not worthy of being your wife, then I... I can be a concubine, just please. Don't drive us orphans and widows away, just give me a place to stay. Look at this kid, he's skinny and skinny. If you don't accept us, I don't have any money on me, and we really have to die. "

Murong Zong said sharply: "Impossible, it's still the same sentence, I don't know you, you are here to find fault today, if you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude!"

Fang Xiaohong was stunned for a moment, and her face suddenly became even more sad: "Azong, how can you say such cruel words, after all, I am your former bedside person. Look at this girl, she treats my former bedside person. They are so cruel, he will get bored of you in the future, and he will definitely not be nice to you, you have to think about it before getting married."

Liu Jia read: "It doesn't bother you, I know better than you what kind of person Azong is."josei

Murong Zong also said: "That's right!"

Murong Lingran suddenly said, "Leave this to me."

Murong Zong nodded and looked at Liu Jianian: "Jia Nian, you believe me, I really will not betray you. If I betray you, I will be struck by lightning, and I will not die."

Liu Jianian said seriously: "I understand, we grew up together, I still know what kind of temper you are."

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