Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2058

Chapter 2058: I'm thinking again

Chapter 2058 I'm thinking again

For the sake of a few uncles, she had no choice but to walk over with someone.josei

The appearance of Murong Lingran and others that day was also seen by many villagers in Dashi Village. When they saw them approaching, the onlookers immediately made way for them.

After entering, I saw the man I saw yesterday with a large group of people talking around Xiao Gongshan, as if he was lobbying Xiao Gongshan, and Xiao Gongshan also seemed to be hesitating.

Lao Jianwei and Lao Sunqian saw that Murong Lingran came, and a bad premonition suddenly developed in their hearts.

Although they have little contact with her, they also know that she is not a person who will compromise.

This person is the county head, and they dare not be rude to her.

If she insisted on intervening, they really couldn't help it.

Xiao Zhengchun saw Murong Lingran and Murong Xuan coming, and hurriedly said: "Aran, Axuan, you are here just in time, please persuade your grandfather."

Murong said: "Persuade? Persuade for what?"

Xiao Zhengchun repeated the request of the Lao family.

They asked the Xiao family to take the initiative to find the adults, and not to pursue the brothers of the Lao family for framing him. As long as the brothers of the Lao family can come back safely, they can give the Xiao family another twenty taels of silver.

Murong Lingran raised her brows and said, "Master Xiao has a crooked mind again? Isn't your son more important than money? For the sake of money, can you easily spare the person who framed your son?"

"I'm your grandfather!" Xiao Gongshan said angrily, "What Mr. Xiao, you don't understand the rules at all."

"Humph." Murong Lingran snorted coldly, "You're not my grandfather, I didn't recognize you."


Xiao Zhengchun said: "Father, what are you thinking about with a child? In short, I don't agree with the Lao brothers."

Lao Jianwei said: "Boss of the Xiao family, just spare a few boys in my family, it's not right for them to frame you, but they've already been punished, and they've already been hit with a hundred big boards. If you are less angry, you are also angry. As long as you promise to let my son go, I will give you another twenty taels of silver. If you think it is too little, I will give you another thirty taels, so that the life of your family will be restored. This is a good opportunity to change your destiny."

"No, and I don't have the ability to spare him."

"Why not? As long as you go and tell Lord Zhou that you don't sue my sons, the so-called people don't sue, officials don't investigate, they can definitely come back."

"No." Xiao Zhengxia said firmly: "Brother, don't agree. When you're not around, they come to the house to rob every now and then in order to get compensation, and they take away all the valuable things in the house. And A Ran On the day they arrived, they even wanted us to hand over our two children to sell them for money. They knew that they had wronged you, but they were still so vicious. They were so unkind to us, so don't treat them Soft-hearted."

Xiao Zhengchun was angry when he heard the words, "What? You know it was to frame me, but you still want to rob my children? You are really cheeky enough, please come back today, I will never agree."

Xiao Gongshan frowned and said, "Boss, what nonsense are you talking about, that's 30 taels of silver, plus the 20 taels given to us by the official yesterday, we have 50 taels of silver, and we can buy several acres of land for our family. Let's have a good time for a long time."

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