Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2249

Chapter 2249: Three sticks of incense

Chapter 2249 Three incense sticks

Qian said: "Second sister-in-law, what else can we discuss, where can we get fifty taels of silver?"josei

Mr. Qiu said in a low voice, "Our family can't afford it, but we can go together as a family, so we can each take out twenty-five taels of silver."

Wei Dongsheng said, "But we don't have any money. In my opinion, it's better to return the house. Anyway, we've lived here for so many years, and we've earned it."

Wei Quansheng said, "Where will we live?"

"That's right." Mrs. Qiu said, "Our original house hasn't been bothered much these years. It's already full of spider webs, and some places are about to collapse. It's become a nest of snakes, insects, rats and ants, and it can't live in people at all. This house is much better than our previous house. Although it is not a blue-brick house, it is a new house built only in the past few years. After the children are married, if we add a few grandchildren, we will also live there. down."

"Also, we have already planted all four acres of Wei Meihua's land with high-yield grain. This year is the first time we have planted it. If it is taken back now, then we will have toiled in vain, and the grain above will also be in vain for others. already."

"But..." Qian said: "But twenty-five taels of silver is too much, we really don't have it, and twenty-five taels of silver can directly build a new house, why buy Wei Meihua's old house Also, my sister-in-law died in this room, I have always felt bad for living here."

Qiu Shi said: "You are stupid, twenty-five taels of silver includes two acres of land, two acres of land is only sixteen taels of silver, this yard is much bigger than our two previous houses combined. There is also an acre of vegetable land inside, and with a few taels of silver, can we build such a big yard? Can we have such a large vegetable garden? I heard that the wasteland outside costs 5 taels of silver per acre, not to mention that it has been raised by us. Fat land."

Wei Dongsheng thought about it and said, "Second sister-in-law is right."

Qiu shi said excitedly: "Third brother, do you also agree with my proposal?"

"Yeah." Wei Dongsheng nodded: "But for twenty-five taels of silver, the two of us really can't afford it."

Qiu said indifferently: "My family can't get it either, I can only get 10 taels of silver at most, but we still have relatives and neighbors, can't we just borrow from them? Three taels is enough. If they don’t want to borrow it, don’t we have three acres of land each? We take those fields as security, and promise that if they don’t pay the money, we will give them the land. Believe them Will definitely agree."

Wei Dongsheng nodded: "Yes, just go and borrow it from relatives. Let's talk about today's difficulties for now."

Wei Quansheng said: "Then let's split up."


Mrs. Qiu raised her head and looked at Murong Lingran with a smile: "County Lord, we promised to buy this yard, but we just need some time to collect the money. Why don't you wait for us? We'll collect enough money in a while and come back soon."

Murong Lingran was not too embarrassed, and said, "It's just the time for three incense sticks. After three incense sticks, my people will go in and throw your things out. You have to hurry up."

"Yes, yes, we must come back within three incense sticks."

After the four of them finished speaking, they walked towards the crowd of onlookers.

Rong Da rekindled an incense stick.

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