Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2269

Chapter 2269: Enough of Yudancao

Chapter 2269 Enough of Yudancao

Fang Hongmao thought that the three of them were still the grandsons of the Marquis of Ning'an. Even if Murong Lingran hated them, it was impossible for the dog and bird to really hurt them.

Murong turned his head helplessly: "You have seen those assassins today, maybe they are here to assassinate me, and now you don't know where to hide, you just follow me out like this, are you not afraid of being implicated by me?"

Fang Hongmao said with a smile: "I'm not afraid, it's just a few assassins, how could we be afraid?"

Murong was stunned for a moment. From what she knew, the children of Fang Geng's family were the most afraid of death, but this time they weren't afraid? Is the sun coming out from the west?

Could it be that the assassins were sent by the two of them, because they knew the details of the assassins, so they were so bold?

No way?

Today, the queen mother and the emperor are also on the carriage, do they really have such courage? Aren't you afraid of being hacked?

Impossible, no one should be so stupid.

But they weren't afraid, and she didn't want them to follow, so she started to intimidate them: "If you continue to follow me, then I'll go to Grandma and tell her that you bullied me, and then you guess who Grandma believes?"

The three of them were stunned for a moment, but Murong Lingran didn't expect to say such a thing, so they had no choice but to walk away.

Murong Lingran snorted coldly, and after asking Changqi Shenjun Yudancao's location, he walked directly there.

It was just that not long after she left, Helian Rongjiu brought Wei Jingxuan over to find her in a hurry. Seeing that she was collecting herbs, the two of them suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Helian Rongjiu came to Murong Lingran's side and said helplessly, "Why did you come here alone? Do you know how dangerous this place is? You have encountered an assassin just now, so aren't you afraid that the assassin will come again?"

Wei Jingxuan also said: "Cousin, this time you are really careless. Your brothers know you are gone, and they are looking for you everywhere in a hurry."

Murong smiled and said: "Hei Mao and Chongguang are there, but their vigilance will not be lost to others, and nothing will happen."

The two took a look at Hei Mao and Chongguang, and seeing that they were centered on Murong Lingran, they were also looking for herbs, so they didn't have much to say.

But why did Kuroko and Shigeko suddenly appear here? Could it be that after Murong Lingran went out, they had been trying to find a way to follow her?

Murong glanced at Helian Rongjiu resentfully, "And I went to find you just now. The guards said that you are busy, so don't disturb you if you have nothing to do, so I had to come out alone."

Helian Rongjiu choked for a moment, this was indeed what he ordered, and he said helplessly: "Next time I want to come out, bring some more people. Even if I'm not free for the time being, I can't come out alone."

Wei Jingxuan said: "Yes, you just ran around like an assassin when you met an assassin. Fortunately, my grandmother was asleep. If she knew about it, she didn't know what to worry about."

Murong said: "Well, I promise there will be no next time."

Seeing her say this, the two did not have much to say. They glanced at the herbs that had been found nearby. After the two wrote down the shape, they also began to help find them.

Zeyuan saw it in the distance, whistled, and twenty more people came over to help her find it. By the way, he sent someone back to inform Murong Zhe's family, and Murong Lingran found it.

The three Murong Zong brothers knew, and the people who arranged to protect her grandmother and parents also came to help her find herbs.josei

There are so many people and great strength, and it didn't take long to find enough 100 plants, and Murong Lingran's purpose of this trip was completed.

The next day, the whole group got up early, after bathing and changing clothes, they all came to the main hall to worship Buddha.

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