Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2293

Chapter 2293: Zheng Dachuan

Chapter 2293 Zheng Dachuan

After he finished speaking, he explained to Murong Lingran: "Miss, don't believe what Zhao Jiancheng said, everyone in the kitchen knows that last time he was on duty at night and quietly ran away to gamble with people, it was I who reported him. , he has always hated me, so this time he said it on purpose."josei

Murong looked at the man, "Your name?"

The man said: "The slave's name is Zheng Dachuan."

Murong Lingran asked again: "Zhao Jiancheng, you said that Zheng Dachuan is very abnormal, what is abnormal?"

Zhao Jiancheng said: "In the past, when I was cooking fish, he was cutting the ingredients, such as onion, ginger, and garlic, but today, he asked someone to replace him, saying that he had to go out for business."

"Oh? The onion, ginger, and garlic for the fish today were all cut by Zheng Dachuan?"

Zheng Dachuan nodded: "It was cut by slaves."

"Why did you go out suddenly?"

"The minion just went out suddenly because of a sudden stomach discomfort."

"Stomach discomfort?" Murong said calmly, "Then from the time you went out until you came back, has anyone seen you or has been with you all the time?"

Zheng Dachuan shook his head: "No."

Murong said: "It means that you have no evidence to prove that you did not contact other people at that time?"

"Yes, it is."

Murong Lingran suddenly said sharply: "You all tell me honestly, who instructed you to poison the sweet and sour fish and braised fish?"


Everyone was surprised at the same time, no wonder they were looking for a murderer in such a big battle!

Now only the eldest young lady came out to interrogate them. Does it mean that the fourth and sixth sons have already had an accident?

Everyone in the kitchen immediately started to tremble. It would be good if the murderer could be found. If the murderer could not be found, the eldest lady didn't know if they would be buried with them.

Zhao Jiancheng hurriedly said: "Miss, we are the sons of Ning'an Hou's house. We started doing errands in the kitchen when we were teenagers, and then we became chefs all the way. Our family is all working in the house. It is impossible. Poisoned."

"Yes." Zhao Jiansheng also said: "Both of our brothers entered the kitchen at the same time. Even for the sake of the lives of our family members, it is impossible to poison them."

Murong Lingran looked at Zheng Dachuan, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Zheng Dachuan said with a bitter face: "Miss, it is impossible for a slave to be poisoned. The slave needs this job very much, and it is impossible for him to be so courageous."

Murong stared straight into the eyes of the three of them and did not speak.

After a while, Rong feces hurried over with someone.

Murong Xiang and Murong Fei turned pale when they saw that they were holding something in their hands, how could it be possible!

General Rong put what he found in front of Murong Lingran and said sternly, "Miss, these two purses and letters were found in the yard of Mrs. Fang Fang and Mrs. Geng."

Murong Lingran took the letter and glanced at it, then clenched his fists suddenly, and said, "Envoy Liu Yuan, please check if it's Tianli in your purse."

"Yes." Liu Yuanshi nodded, opened the purse carefully, and saw a small medicine bottle inside, and after opening the medicine bottle, he carefully smelled it.

After smelling both bottles of medicine, Liu Yuanshi said angrily, "This is Tianli."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Murong Xiang and Murong Fei angrily: "You guys are really vicious, Xiao Si and Xiao Liu are two children, how dare you attack them, you are their aunts, in this world How can you be so cruel."

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