Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2312

Chapter 2312: don't make a fool of yourself

Chapter 2312 Don't make a fool of yourself

Fang Hongsheng said: "What Murong Fei said in his confession just now, we agree with the first and second points, it is indeed that we and Murong Fei planned together to send someone to assassinate you on the way to Huguo Temple, which is also what we ordered against you. Smoke, set fire."

"But we don't recognize the last point. It was Murong Fei who gave us the letter and the poison, and asked us to poison your three brothers and sisters. How could she bite us back and say that it was our idea and the poison."

Murong said: "You don't have to worry about this, no matter who came up with the idea, but you did send someone to poison, right?"


Then what are you quibbling about?

It is a felony no matter if you come up with an idea or send someone to do it yourself!

Murong nodded and looked at the housekeeper who had been recording the confession beside him.

The housekeeper wrote the last word, and after the writing was done, he gave the confession to Rong Da, and then looked at the three of them with sadness.

He also personally watched the three of them grow up. He didn't expect that in order to achieve their own goals, they would go so far as to want the lives of Lord Hou's entire family.

Murong Xiang's mother and son saw the distressed look on the housekeeper's face, and immediately lowered their heads, not daring to look into his eyes.

Rong Da took the confession, and a person next to him came to Murongxiang's mother and son with a pen and red ink pad, and said in a business-like tone: "Sign it and sign it."

The matter had come to this point, Murong Xiang had no choice but to be the first to write her name and press her handprint.

Fang Hongmao and Fang Hongsheng saw this and followed suit.

Rong Da gave the confession to Murong Lingran again.

Murong Lingran looked at the confession and smiled with satisfaction, "It's a matter of your understanding of current affairs."

Murong Xiang said: "We have done as you said, you must speak kind words for us in front of Your Majesty."

Murong smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, you are my relatives after all, but before that, there is one more thing to deal with."

Rong Da immediately beckoned, and Murong Fei's mother and son were escorted up.

Seeing them look at Murong Xiang's mother and son as if they were going to eat people, Murong said: "You shouldn't argue any more now, they have already confessed your mother and son."


Murong Xiang's mother and son were shocked and looked at Murong Fei's mother and son in shock.

Did they not confess?

Then didn't they just stop recruiting themselves?

Murong Lingran saw the mother and son looking at him again and said with a smile, "Yes, you guessed it right, they really didn't do anything just now."

"Then the confession you just gave was..."

"I guessed it all, but I didn't expect that I guessed everything right."

Murong Xiang's mother and son were suddenly desperate, and they slumped on the ground when their bodies went limp.

Murong Xiang roared: "Murong Lingran, you despicable villain, I didn't expect you to be so shameless! How dare you lie to the elders, wait, you will definitely be struck by thunder!"josei

"Whatever you say, everything I do is just for the sake of my family. I believe God is on my side too."

After Murong Lingran finished speaking, she looked at Murong Fei's mother and son again, motioned for General Rong's initial confession to take her in front of her, and said, "I already said it once, now you can read it again. If there is something wrong, just mention it. come out."

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