Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 236

Chapter 236: bite him

Chapter 236 Bite him to deathjosei

During the period, Murong Qi also came to beg them several times. In order not to interfere with the villagers’ work, Murong Zhe instructed the eldest son and the second son to carry him away and throw him far away whenever they saw Murong Qi coming.

Murong Qi came several times but failed to get any benefit, and was seen as a joke many times, so he had to give up temporarily, planning to wait until the time.

He couldn't believe that in front of so many people at that time, as his own elder brother, he really dared to have his own brother's leg chopped off and his own niece to be dragged to a brothel.

The Murong Zhe family was about to go to the vegetable field when the door was patted with a bang.

The faces of the    family suddenly sank, and when they opened the door, they saw Murong Qi standing outside the door in a panic, while many people were coming towards them in the distance.

Some people were obviously bad people, others were villagers who followed to watch the fun, and there was Murongliang who was a step slower.

As for Mrs. Liu, I don't know if God didn't want to help Murong Qi. She was in a coma after vomiting blood that day, and she is still lying on the bed.

Heimao saw that Murong Qi, an outsider, was about to come in, and he immediately made an attack, showing sharp fangs. As long as this person dared to step into the house, it would kill him.

Although it is not a human being, it can clearly feel that this person has a bad mind and is obviously a bad person, and a bad person is not worthy of entering its door!

"Wang, wang, wang!" Get out of here!

Murong Qi had no idea when the eldest brother had fed a dog, and he could see that it was at least 1.6 meters tall. He was about to step on the threshold, and when he heard its deafening roar, he had to reluctantly put his legs on the ground. Take it back.

"Brother, save me, they are here, they are here." Murong Qi stood at the door with a look of fear.

Murong Zhe didn't speak, he just stared blankly at the group of men who were approaching him aggressively.

Murong Lingran stepped forward and patted Heimao's head, motioning it to sit beside her and looking at the person opposite.

One person led by    stood three meters away from the gate of Murong's house with a knife, looked at Murong Zhe, and then looked at Murong Zhe's house, a meaningful smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Murong Qi, this is the rich eldest brother's house you said? The house is not bad, I've come all the way, it should be considered as the first part of the village, no wonder you dare to bet so big."

"Since you have such a wealthy eldest brother, let your eldest brother take out the money quickly, and we will leave. You are welcome to continue to play in the future, and we promise to entertain you with delicious food. But if you can't take it out. , then don't blame us for being rude."

The last sentence, the tone is obviously a lot colder than the previous one.

Murong Qi saw the knife in his hand, his whole body trembled involuntarily, his breathing became more rapid, and he said with a trembling voice: "Qian Guanshi, wait a minute, my eldest brother is rich, he won't let him die. of."

After saying that, he bowed his waist and looked at Murong Zhe with a pleading expression, "Brother, please save me."

Murong Lingran saw that the group of people opposite her had been looking at her house like hungry wolves, and suddenly said, "You're welcome?

Murong Liang was about to speak when he saw Murong Zhe waved his hand, so he had to keep silent for a while.

Manager Qian sneered: "Where did you get the little girl movie, you don't have the right to speak here!"

"You want my family's money, don't I have the right to speak?"

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