Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2363

Chapter 2363: four-course meal

Chapter 2363 Four dishes

"Miss Wenwen, don't get me wrong, I'm just pregnant, and I've been hungry lately. If you're too busy, I can wait."

Tong Wenwen was indeed a little unhappy just now, they are busy now, and many people haven't eaten yet, but when I heard that she was pregnant, her face softened a little, but she still said with a straight face: "Wait a moment. , you should have smelled the fragrance, and the food is almost ready. When I arrange other people, I will take you there to eat immediately. The dishes and chopsticks will be distributed today, so you don't have to bring them. After that, you each wash your own dishes. Chopsticks, just keep them separately."

Bai Mengmeng said: "Thank you Miss Wenwen."

Tong Wenwen said a few more words to them, such as telling them the location of the toilet and washing up, etc., and then went to arrange the accommodation of other people.

After Tong Wenwen left, Bai Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Shui Cuihua, who came with her, said: "You, you are too impatient, don't you see that everyone here is very busy? You will give people a bad impression. Fortunately, the county owner was not there just now, otherwise She won't give you a good look."

"I see." Bai Mengmeng also knew that he was too impatient just now, and said, "I just feel bad for the child, and I won't be like this in the future."

Shui Cuihua didn't say anything after hearing the words.

It was at this time that they had time to look at where they lived.

"As expected of the future academy, the buildings here are beautiful, and they look brand new. I really didn't expect that I can live in buildings in my life."

"Yeah, I heard that because our room is full of pregnant women, so for our safety, we were specially arranged on the first floor and let those men go to the second floor."

"The county owner is really thoughtful. I didn't expect her, a child, to be so smart and careful."josei

"She's always been very smart, how could the granddaughter of Lord Ning'an be so stupid?"

"makes sense."

About half an hour later, 400 people were placed in place.

Murong Lingran kept watching, and when the time was up, she asked Zequ to help her to call out the people one by one.

Each room is marked with numbers, as long as you shout outside, the people in that room will come out.

Bai Mengmeng and others were in Room 1, and they were pregnant women, so they were the first room to get meals, and they came over not long after.

The second room is right behind them. After the first room is finished, the person in the third room is called out, which can also avoid crowding and accidents.

Bai Mengmeng came first, followed by Mi Yuxiu and Shui Cuihua. Looking at the four dishes in front of them, their saliva stayed.

Looking to the side, it turned out to be several large buckets of dry rice.

Oh my God, they thought they would only eat porridge after coming here, but they didn't expect it to be dry rice.

Murong Lingran stood beside him, glanced at the excited women, and by looking at their eyes he could roughly know what they were thinking.

There are countless grains in her space. She threshes the grains whenever she has the chance to go to the city. Not to mention that it is for hundreds of people to eat dry food every day. Even if it is for an army, she still grows it every day. .

Seeing that they were all drooling, Murong Lingran didn't waste any more time, and said, "Today's four dishes are braised pork, stewed pork ribs with potatoes, sweet and sour lotus white, fried eggplant with green peppers, two meat and two vegetables, It will be like this every day from now on, and of course, the dishes will occasionally be different dishes.”

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