Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2518

Chapter 2518: Huang Weicheng

Chapter 2518 Huang Weicheng

"Of course, if the request is too much, we will ignore your request."

"I will introduce myself again. I am the doctor in charge of detoxification in the military camp. Thanks to the love of the Marquis, I am called a genius doctor. You can call me like this in the future. If you have poisoning symptoms, you can go to the military camp to find a military doctor, or you can come here. Find me. For general symptoms, please go to the military doctor, I am really good at detoxification."

"Finally, I promise everyone that you can eat three meals a day here and see meat every day. As long as you work hard, I will not treat you badly."

After    finished speaking, he looked at the ten people in front of him and said, "These ten people are the stewards who will be in charge of managing you in the future. When their names are pronounced by them, just follow them."

After he finished speaking, he didn't waste any more time, and left the time to the ten stewards.

Huang Weicheng stepped forward first, took the list and read it.

Those whose names were pronounced came to him obediently.

Huang Weicheng's men also made the victims line up, and after all the names were read, they took them to their tent area.

Huang Weicheng said: "Everyone, the tents here are where everyone lives. We have a lot of places and tents here, so we have arranged a hundred tents for everyone to make everyone live more comfortable."

"Now the people who read their names will move their things to their tents and put them in their tents. After making arrangements, I will take you to the place where you work to see them later, and they will start working in the afternoon. Although they only work in the afternoon, But there is also half a day's wages, which is twenty cents."

"Now, I'll start reciting names..."

After a while, the five hundred and fifty people Huang Weicheng brought all had their own tents, and their things had been put in, and they returned to the open space outside to gather.

A disaster victim suddenly looked in one direction and said, "Who are those people on the opposite side carrying the trees? Are they people who have already started working here?"

Huang Weicheng followed his line of sight and sneered: "They, if you look closely, maybe you can see your acquaintances."

Those who heard him were stunned at the same time, and they all looked carefully at those who carried the trees.

What made them feel strange was that there were soldiers beside the tree lifters who were guarding them with whips. As long as anyone slowed down, they would be whipped.

One person said in fear: "Why do they get whipped? In the future, if we work slowly, will we also get whipped?"

Huang Weicheng said helplessly: "You've watched it for a long time, don't you know anyone in it?"

"Yes." Another said: "There is one, the eldest brother from my original village next door. I heard that he is going to be a bandit."


All the victims were puzzled.

How did    bandits appear in the barracks?

Huang Weicheng knew that they didn't understand, and said: "They are indeed bandits. When the army attacked them, they voluntarily surrendered. Therefore, the crimes were relatively minor, so they all stayed in the military camp to atone for their crimes. But they are different from you. You have Wages, freedom, and meat to eat every day, they can only have enough to eat every day, no wages, no freedom, even tents, and they can only huddle together every night to keep warm.”

The victims fell silent for a while.

Many of them wanted to join in the robbery, but they were too timid to go.josei

I didn’t expect these people to be in such a miserable situation.

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