Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 367

Chapter 367: complain

Chapter 367 Complaints

Without her space to help, the family would not have so much money so soon.

But if my mother can't go home, my father and brothers will not be happy.

She is a person with modern education, and she understands that A-Niang is ambitious.

A-niang likes embroidery, and as a daughter, she is naturally supportive.

She didn't believe that A-Niang didn't want to go home at all, and she didn't want to live with them, but the mentality of repaying her gratitude had been deeply engraved in her mind.

It's just that she wants to repay her kindness and save the 3,000 taels of silver, and it's not the only way to stay in Xiu Zhuang.

Murong Lingran thought for a while, suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile: "Auntie, if I have a way to let you continue to work in the embroidery village, and let you go home every day, the Ruyi embroidery village can still be used every few days. I'll give you a holiday, and even if you don't want to go to the embroidery village, you can bring the work home to do it, and you don't have to pay the three thousand taels of breach of contract money, are you willing to do that?"

Xiao Manan said with a dejected expression: "If there is such a way of getting the best of both worlds, I would naturally be extremely happy. Embroidery can be done anywhere, but this is impossible, and the shopkeeper will not agree."

"Auntie, just wait and see when the time comes. I guarantee that the shopkeeper will agree."

Looking at her daughter's self-confidence, Xiao Manan felt that her daughter would definitely be able to do it for some reason, and her face also showed a look of anticipation, "Okay, A-Niang believes in you, but the shopkeeper's going back to his hometown to worship his ancestors, it may be the tenth day of the first lunar month. Come back later."

"It doesn't matter, I still have to do some preparations anyway, and Auntie is still at home, so don't worry."

It's New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye, but this year there is no New Year's atmosphere in the village, plus the sky has been gloomy, and many people are gloomy.

There is no other reason. In the past two days and nights, wolves have entered the village again. Almost every household with chickens has suffered losses. Moreover, looking at the footprints in the yards, the number of wolves is still quite large.josei

So early in the morning on New Year's Eve, many families who lost their chickens sent representatives to Lizheng's house to complain.

The chickens that have been raised with great difficulty rely on them to lay eggs every day to sell them for money, and they are reluctant to eat them, but they are eaten by wolves.

"Uncle Lizheng, what do you think we should do? My family lost six hens laying eggs."

"My family also lost four of them, and it was hard to raise them."

"I also lost five of them. I just started laying eggs a few days ago, and they were all gone yesterday. It hurts me to death."

Li Zheng said angrily: "When my house was attacked by wolves a few days ago, I asked people to remind people from house to house that all the live poultry should be moved into the house at night. You yourself don't listen to me. Can you still blame me?"

Xiao Gao whispered, "It's not that I moved to the house a few days ago, but the wolf didn't come for a few days in a row, thinking that it would not come, putting so many chickens in the house is really stinky, and it also affects the rest. That's why I put them back in the yard."

"Hmph." Li Zheng snorted coldly, "That's your own reason, it's useless to come to me. Moreover, according to my past experience, these two days have been a lot colder than the previous days. There may be more, if you don't have live birds outside, it may be you who are attacked by those wolves."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. They had also experienced the wolves coming down the mountain a few years ago.

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