Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 423

Chapter 423: Luo Guifang

Chapter 423 Luo Guifang

Luo Guifang, the woman who took Murongding away, has not been pregnant since she gave birth to her daughter six years ago.

The doctors in Yulin House have read it all over and said that she hurt her body when she gave birth to her first child, and it is impossible for her to have a child in her life.

The husband and wife do not believe in evil, and since they do not want to disappear, they have been asking people to find out where there are doctors with superb medical skills.

Later, I heard that there was a doctor in the capital who was very good at her kind of disease, so she made a long journey to the capital.

It's just that the doctors in the capital and the doctors in Yulin Prefecture also said the same thing.

Just as the two of them went home in a depressed mood, they encountered a robber outside the capital. On the way to escape, they found Murong Ding who had no adults around.

Luo Guifang saw that Murong Ding was still young and looked extremely handsome and cute. After asking her husband's consent, regardless of whether Murong Ding's family was in a hurry to find him, Luo Guifang took Murong Ding back to Xishan Village and wanted to treat him as his own. Son raising.josei

Murong Ding saw the scene of the robber murdering at that time, and was so frightened that he followed the two of them in a daze.

By the time he recovered, he had already left the capital for several days.

At the beginning, the husband and wife knew that they might not have a son in their life, so they regarded Murong Ding as their own son, and treated him very well.

But in June last year, Luo Guifang suddenly became pregnant, and their attitude towards Murong Ding took a turn for the worse.

At first, her belly was not yet pregnant. Luo Guifang didn't know whether it was a boy or a girl. She was afraid that she would still be a daughter when she was born, so although she treated Murong Ding not as well as before, at least she didn't let him starve and freeze.

As time goes by, her belly is getting bigger and bigger, especially in the past two months, more and more people say that the boy in her belly is a boy, and Luo Guifang becomes more and more complacent.

Thinking that when Murong Ding grows up, he will compete with his own son for the family property. Every time he sees Murong Ding, his nose is not his nose and his eyes are not eyes.

Even if she only gave him one meal a day, Murong Ding, who was often hungry, went to the mountains to pick wild fruits to eat, or had other kind villagers give him food, she still felt that Murong Ding was shaking in front of her every day and felt embarrassed.

Luo Guifang felt that keeping Murong Ding was not a long-term solution. The longer the time, the more money he would spend on him, and the less money his son would get in the future.

But one day, she and her family went to the temple to pray for the child in her womb. A monk didn't know why, just glanced at her and knew what she was thinking.

said that all the children in her womb were born because she adopted Murong Ding, and if she abandoned Murong Ding, she would not be able to keep the children in her womb.

Luo Guifang didn't believe in evil at first, so he tried to take Murong Ding to the beggar's den in Fucheng and abandoned him once.

But after she went back that night, her stomach pain was so severe that she even saw redness, and even after taking the medicine for a few days, it didn't help.

Luo Guifang remembered the monk's words, and then panicked, and quickly asked her husband to pick him up.

The amazing thing is that on the day Murongding came back, her stomach miraculously stopped hurting and bleeding.

After having invited the doctor to see it, the doctor could not find the reason.

The day before, he still thought that Luo Guifang's stomach would definitely not be able to be saved, and he himself was a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

I didn't expect that day when she had a pulse, her fetus was actually stable, and seeing the red a few days ago was like an illusion.

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