Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 472

Chapter 472: tangled

Chapter 472 Tangled

Everyone looked at each other at the same time, Luo Guifang turned out to have really abducted a child with parents, and it was less than a year before Murong Ding's family came to the door.

Seeing that they were so generous, dressed well, and they were able to find them so quickly, could it be that Luo Guifang was kidnapped by a child from a rich family?

When Xu Sulan heard the words, she felt that the purse in her hand was extremely hot, and she blushed: "Then... that, I'm sorry, in fact, I didn't do much to help my brother, at most I just gave him some food and gave him an old quilt, The conditions at home are not good, and the food is not very good, so much money is really worth it."

The other women followed suit.

"Yes, in fact, I just gave him the child's old clothes. I kept them there, and they were not worth a lot of money."

"Me too. Sometimes when I see him being beaten and scolded, I persuade him a few words. It's just a little effort."

"Yeah, such a small child, seeing him being abused, as long as anyone would help him, it's really not worth so much money."

Murong Lingran listened to their words and smiled indifferently: "Aunts, don't be humble, if the sixth brother hadn't had you, I don't know if we would have been able to persist in finding us. The kindness of dripping water should be reciprocated by springs. Take what you deserve."

Seeing her say this, it would be hypocritical to refuse again. After all, their family's life was really difficult, and they were really moved by the twenty taels of silver, and they thanked them one after another.

"You are really kind, no wonder God let you find your relatives so quickly. It's really good people who have good rewards."

"Indeed, Murong Ding is a well-behaved child with a sweet mouth. Every time he sees us, he calls people politely. People like him when they look at him, and they can't help but want to protect him."

"Yeah yeah."josei

Really good intentions are rewarded. Unexpectedly, the small kindness at the beginning was actually exchanged for 22 taels of silver in return. This amount of silver is enough to make their children live better, and even change their destiny.

"My aunts, I actually have one more thing to ask you."

A woman said, "Miss Murong, don't be polite. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Murong nodded, "That's it..."

After hearing this, everyone agreed readily. When they entered the yard just now, they saw someone packing their things. Knowing that they must have left, they did not waste their time. After saying a few words of thanks, they left the Pang family.

Xu Sulan saw that everyone else had left, glanced at the purse in her hand, and felt entangled in her heart.

The Murong family sent the eldest brother and sister-in-law to the prison on the front foot. Although they were to blame, but she turned around and collected the money from the Murong family. No matter how she thought about it, she felt a little weird.

After all, she is also a member of the Wan family, should this money be accepted?

The old man and the old lady knew that she was invited. If they knew that she had received money from the person who sent their son and daughter-in-law to prison, would they blame her?

Later, the elder brother and elder sister-in-law will come back. You must know that she is getting better and better with their enemy's money, maybe even relatives can't do it.

However, Xu Sulan thought about it. As Luo Guifang's younger brother and sister, she gave birth to three sons. Her parents-in-law liked her even more. Now, isn't the attitude of talking to her on weekdays a good illustration?

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