Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 582

Chapter 582: when food is

Chapter 582 When food is stored

Therefore, for the sake of her own body, and on the principle that more things are worse than less things, she has always endured no seeds.

But in order to earn money and for their family's career, she still planted a lot in the small barren mountains a few days ago.

If someone asks her where the lychees come from, she can honestly say that she planted them.

As for where the lychee tree came from, she is also confident that she can fool the past.

Changqi Shenjun snorted coldly, knowing that she did not tell the truth, seeing that she had planted the lychee tree obediently, and did not embarrass her too much, he said coldly: "The land that can be planted has become more, you want to Whatever you do, hurry up, it's almost time, be careful that you won't be able to get up tomorrow!"


Is it time for a child?

She actually delayed for so long!

Murong Lingran didn't have time to care about him anymore, so she hurried to tinker with her rice and wheat seeds.

Naturally, it doesn’t take much land to grow rice and wheat. Anyway, after the seeds are improved, she can just copy them out of the same bottle.

Therefore, on the black soil now, in addition to the longan and lychees that Chang Qi Shenjun eats and the vegetables that her family needs every day, she grows all potatoes, and then grows potatoes when they are mature, and completely treats potatoes as food for storage. .

Although the fields were harvested and planted some time ago, it will take some time for them to mature.

During this period of time, people who have been to three restaurants in the capital have gradually accepted potatoes and fell in love with the taste of potatoes. The amount they need every day is getting bigger and bigger. Although there are still some in the field, she still saves them in advance just in case. some as well.

Even if they don’t need it, the space has the function of keeping fresh, and her family likes to eat it.

Fortunately, she doesn't need to get up early to go to the small barren mountain to place fruit seedlings, and she doesn't need to get up early to prepare breakfast. Changqi Shenjun has enough medicinal materials, so it doesn't matter if she sleeps a little more tomorrow.

After finishing what he had to do, he was about to leave the space when Murong Lingran suddenly said, "Shenjun Changqi, can I prepare only nineteen kinds of medicinal herbs every day during this period of time?"


"I heard that longan core is also a medicinal material. You have eaten so much recently. There should be a lot of longan core in the space, right? You can use it to heal wounds?"

Shenjun Changqi said lightly: "No."

Murong was stunned for a moment, "Why not?"

"There's no reason, anyway, if I say no, it won't work, I still need twenty kinds."

Murong Lingran said helplessly: "Okay."

The next day, when she woke up, the sun was shining brightly, and Murong Qing had already woken up to pack up. It seemed that she was going to work in the field.

took another look around the room, and the black hair was gone, and he didn't know where to wander.

Heimao had been sleeping with her before. Originally, she was afraid of scaring Murong Qing and wanted Heimao to go out, and then put it in the space.

But Murong Qing knew that Heimao would not hurt people casually, so he left Heimao in the room.

After a quick wash, Xiao Manan was cleaning the kitchen, and when she saw that she was finally up, she smiled and said: "Aran, you are up, we have all eaten, you sit for a while, and Aniang will give you the porridge and side dishes. hot."

Murong Lingran glanced at the porridge in the pot, shook his head and said, "No need, I'm not very hungry, I can simply drink some porridge. It doesn't need to be hot, and the weather is not cold."

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