Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 635

Chapter 635: take medicine

Chapter 635 Taking Medicine

Although it will make A-Niang and brothers continue to worry, but she can't care so much now.

After all, she only got Ming Yucao for a few days. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is impossible to plant it so quickly.

And the third sister of Ninth Young Master also said that this is only in Shun Anguo, and it is hard to say that she found it suddenly from Wuming Mountain.

Murong Zhe wondered, "Why is this?"

"Father." Murong said sternly: "All I can say is, if I say it, I might get into trouble, or even endanger my life."

Murong Zhe heard that his daughter would be in trouble, and she didn't look like a joke. He suddenly looked cold and didn't ask any more questions, and immediately assured: "Don't worry, Dad will never say it."

"Well, please."

Murong Ding was taken to his room and then **** by Wu Hua Da, and was rolling on the bed in discomfort.

Xiao Manan looked distressed, and could not wait to bear this pain on behalf of his son.josei

wanted to go forward and hug him, but at this time he was slippery like a loach, and as soon as he was embraced, he immediately broke free.

She didn't dare to use too much force, for fear of breaking the rash on his body and making him suffer even more.

Murong Zong also rushed back with his two younger brothers. It was the first time that Murong Xuan and Murong Kuan saw their younger brother get sick, and they stood there at a loss.

Don't blame them for being shocked, but at this moment Murong Ding's face was covered with rashes, those rashes were dense, and some even had white spots.

It's a horrible thing to say. If they met outside, they wouldn't believe that the person with a rash on his face was their own younger brother.

Murong Zong had already met once and was already mentally prepared. Seeing the sixth brother was so uncomfortable, he said solemnly: "This is not good, let's tie it to a post, he will rub the rash like this, and it will aggravate it. It's not going to get better if you're sick."

Murong Lingran just came in with the medicine, and nodded in approval after hearing the words: "Big brother is right, he can't take medicine like this, you tie him up stronger."


The three brothers saw that the younger sister was holding the medicine, and thought that Dad had found a way, and hurriedly followed suit.

Xiao Manan saw Murong Zhe coming, looked at the potion in her daughter's hand, and said worriedly: "My child's father, this medicine..."

"Don't worry." Murong Zhe said, "This medicine will definitely work."

Xiao Manan knew that her husband would not lie to her, so Wei Wei felt relieved.

At this time, Murong Zong also tied Murong Ding to the bedpost. In order to prevent the hard bedpost from hurting his back, he also put a pillow behind him to ensure that he would not hurt himself.

After all this tossing, Murong Ding was sweating profusely, and his clothes were soaked with sweat. Even though he was bound, he was still struggling.

It was just that Murong Zong was tied very tightly. No matter how much he struggled, a child under six years old, the rope would not move at all.

Murong Ding couldn't do anything. After tossing for so long, his physical strength was also exhausted, and he begged weakly, "Let me go, I'm so itchy, I'm uncomfortable, I'll just scratch it, you guys help me scratch it. Yes, please, please."

Xiao Manan patted his shoulder in pain: "I can't scratch it, scratching it will make it worse, just be wronged for a while."

"Woooooo...woooooo...I'm so uncomfortable..."

Murong Lingran stood in front of him holding the medicine and coaxed softly, "Liu Liu, drink this medicine, and you won't feel uncomfortable after drinking it."

Murong Ding said: "I drink, you let me go first, let me drink by myself."

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