Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 643

Chapter 643: Poor caregiver

Chapter 643 Incompetent Protector

The life of the people of Baiyun Village is not easy. Even if they are assigned here by the imperial court, it is impossible to integrate in for a while, and it is always an outsider.

Jealousy is something everyone has, let alone those who are still suffering.

The same people from Xuan Qingguo, who are also at the feet of the emperor, were also born with mud legs. Seeing that many people in Lihua Village are working in Murong's house, they live and work in peace and contentment every day, and they are happy. Many people feel very uncomfortable. balance.

The people of Baiyun Village can only live in tents every day, go out to find work every day, and worry about their future houses and fields every day. Why are their lives so hard? Why do they have to encounter natural disasters!josei

People who have children in their teens are worried about their future every day, for fear that the family will have no money, no house, no land, no betrothal gifts, no dowry, no daughter-in-law, no daughter, and delay in their life-long events. .

Even every day, many people in Lihua Village are guarded like thieves, for fear that they will go to the fields to steal vegetables to eat.

Several times, they were just unfamiliar with the surrounding environment and just wanted to ask them some simple questions, but many people saw them coming and thought they were here to borrow something and take advantage.

Even suspected that they had stepped on the site in advance to steal things. As soon as they saw them approaching the door, they immediately closed the door tightly, which hurt their hearts.

And although they have disaster relief silver and disaster relief food in their hands, most people dare not spend it casually. The money is not enough to build a house, let alone buy land for farming.

Therefore, they basically live on wild vegetables every day. There are only a few people who can hunt. They live better, but only so much. After all, they have to save money and plan for the future.

And because they are not familiar with Wuming Mountain, they often get lost. They spend more time every day going to Wuming Mountain than people in Lihua Village.

The adults were guarding them, and they began to make suggestions on the children of Lihua Village.

Children are simple in nature, and many people in Baiyun Village have thought about letting their children get the wild vegetables out of their mouths.

Or give them a little favor, or pretend to be pitiful in front of them, or quietly threaten them, maybe they can help them pick wild vegetables or give their children snacks to eat, so that their children can eat. Been a little better.

But after what happened today, the people of Baiyun Village no longer dared to attack the children of Lihua Village, and they all warned the children at home again and again not to bully the children of Lihua Village casually, and not to rob them casually.

Especially when meeting strangers, whether it is an adult or a child, no matter whether the other person is dressed well or badly, you should pay attention to what you say. You cannot judge people by their appearance.

After Murong Lingran returned to the backyard, he took a look at his younger brother. When he came out, he saw Heimao come back and let him play in the yard by himself, while he went back to the room and entered the space.

As soon as he entered, Murong Lingran saw Baiyun sitting alone under the lychee tree, sometimes looking up at the sky, sometimes bowing his head, as if he knew that he had not protected his little master today and was seriously reflecting on it.

Murong raised his eyebrows spiritually, secretly saying that he had a conscience, knowing that he was not able to protect the Lord today.

walked over slowly, and when she saw its movements clearly, her forehead suddenly picked up, and she wanted to slash it hard.

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