Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 648

Chapter 648: have to go

Chapter 648 I have to go

"Yes, I was punched in the chest just now, and now my chest hurts very much when I speak. I may have suffered an internal injury."

"Me too. I was carried by them and fell to the ground just now. When I put out the fire, my back hurts a lot. I must have been injured. Let's go see the doctor."

"My foot is also hurt, like a broken bone."


Gaidagin's face changed instantly, staring at them with a sullen look.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, it's just that I can't buy the same kind of vegetables that I used to see that the kitchen has been burnt for a few days. I feel that Baifulou is about to be finished, and I want to find another one? Tell you, my Even if Baifulou doesn't have the same vegetables as before, it will not fail, and its business will be booming in the future. Now, if you want to stay, quickly clean up, your injuries will not die if you don't see the doctor for a while. Those who don't want to stay, Get out of here immediately, I can't have room for villains like you who cross rivers and demolish bridges!"

The second and the cooks looked at each other, and one of the cooks said, "Since the shopkeeper said so, then I would like to thank the shopkeeper for his usual care. We have injuries all over our bodies, and we still feel that our lives are more important."

They are the pillars of the house, and during the renovation period, Gaidajin will definitely not give them money.

If there is no income, the wife and children at home will starve.

If the injury on the body is serious, it will be a lifetime thing, and they don't think Gaidajin will be responsible for the rest of their lives.

If they die or become disabled, the wife and children will be miserable.

So it's not that they are indifferent, they are helpless.

You can find work anywhere after you recover, you don’t have to stay here.

Some time ago, other restaurants came to them and asked them if they would like to go.

At that time, they were still a little hesitant. After all, they had been with Gaida Jin for a while, especially the business was good some time ago, and they were really reluctant to give up on Baifulou.

But today they can see Gaidajin clearly, and the trace of reluctance in their hearts just disappeared.

Gaidajin said: "You all want to leave? Well, since you want to leave, if you don't listen to me, I won't give you the moon silver this month!"

"The shopkeeper, we are for the injury of Baifu Building, you not only do not let us see the doctor, but also deduct the wages, more than half of this month has passed, if you don't give us money, then we will do it for you for nothing. Long work? Are you going too far?"

"I'm going too far, I'm going too far, what can you do?"

"If that's the case, then don't blame us for being rude."

After the cook finished speaking, he gave the others a wink, and a group of people immediately surrounded Gaidajin.josei

Gaidakin saw that their eyes were not right, and he said with a trembling voice: "You... what do you want to do...what?"

"Don't do anything, shopkeeper, I just want to tell you, if you don't give us money, I'll go to the street and shake out all the things you used to force us to cook with rotten vegetables and often cook without washing, come on. Although the guests you eat here are not dignitaries, but there are also many rich people, if they find out, what consequences do you think there will be?"

Gaidakin was startled, in order to save wages and manpower, many restaurants do this, and it is no secret in this industry.

But if someone from his Pak Fu Lou speaks out, it will not only affect the reputation of his restaurant, but other restaurants will definitely be affected as well.

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