Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 703

Chapter 703: speak out!

Chapter 703 Say it!josei

Although her family's land is only the first five acres of land, which is watered and grown with diluted spiritual spring water every day, but if you want to improve your skin, you don't need to eat it all the time. It doesn't have any effect either.

After a long time, the women had already asked the servants to settle the bill. Mrs. Wei knew that Murong Ling still had something to settle in the courtyard, so she didn't stay any longer.

After saying a few words of concern, he asked Murong Lingran to go to her house when she had time to play. If she had anything to do, she would do her best to help, so she left Zhiye Zhai with someone.

After    and the others left, Murong Lingran let Tong Qishen and the guys eat the roast chicken when they had time, and brought Mo Kaifu to the backyard.

There was a big tree in the yard, Xiong Da Xiong Er was tied to the trunk, and the six people who fainted slept in front of them in a row.

You Licheng had been guarding here just now, and when he saw them coming, he hurriedly said, "Little Master."

Murong nodded, looking at the man whose body was bound with five flowers and gagged, and sneered: "What? Still not convinced?"

Xiong Da had already woken up at this time, glanced at what was in his mouth, and then glanced at You Licheng, "Mum um... um um..."

Murong Lingran stepped forward and retracted the knives inserted in their bodies one by one, and said lightly, "Let them talk."

You Licheng immediately stepped forward and took off the cloth stuffed in their mouths.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief. There was something in their mouth, their nose was injured again, and it was extremely difficult to breathe. They were almost suffocated to death.

Although their whole body was injured and their feet were still bleeding, they couldn't care about the pain at this time, Xiong Da said viciously: "Stinky girl, how dare you treat Lao Tzu like this, when Lao Tzu goes out, Lao Tzu will set fire to your shop. !"

Xiong Er also said: "Yes, do you know who we are, and dare to treat us like this, you wait for your family to collect the body for you!"

Murong glanced at him contemptuously, and sneered: "Burning my shop down? Originally I wanted to let you go, but since you said so, then I have no reason to let you go."

Mo Kaifu and You Licheng each took a stick as thick as an adult arm, and slowly approached Xiong Da and Xiong Er.

The two swallowed their saliva in fear, completely unaware that they would dare to silence their mouths, and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

Xiong said with a trembling voice, "You... what are you going to do?"

Murong Lingran said: "You have said that you want to take revenge on me, I definitely can't give you this chance. But don't worry, I will definitely not do things like murder. For people like you, it's not worth getting dirty. My hands. I just want them to gouge your eyes, pull out your tongues, pierce your eardrums, break your hands, feet, and waist, and throw you on the street begging ."

Xiong Da heard the words in front of his eyes, this dead girl looked young, her heart was even more poisonous than his, and she actually wanted them to live rather than die!

Xiong Er hurriedly began to beg for mercy: "Girl, auntie, we are wrong, please forgive us, we are old and young, if it really becomes like that, how can they live!"

Murong Lingran heard the words without the slightest loosening on his face, just stared at them.

Can such a person marry a daughter-in-law? Killing her doesn't even believe it.

Xiong Da saw that they were getting closer and closer to him, and the hand holding the stick was gradually tightening, and hurriedly said: "Girl, as long as you spare us this time, we will tell who sent us!"

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