Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 764

Chapter 764: Give you five pounds for free?

Chapter 764 Give you five pounds for free?

Children, when you have something good, she likes to show it off in front of other children, she understands.

Mr. Gao was instantly overjoyed, and quickly said: "Not too much, just five pounds."

Murong nodded: "Yes, fifty cents a catty, two hundred and fifty cents, you give me the money, I will have someone pick it for you right away, to ensure that everything is fresh."

Mr. Gao's face turned dark, and he couldn't believe it: "You want me to give you money?"

"Of course, you go shopping, don't you give me money?"

Mr. Gao said dissatisfiedly: "Didn't you give it to other people for free? Why do you want my money?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Murong Lingran's mouth, and said, "What you said is really interesting, I gave them food, that's because they are my workers, and as the owner, I watch them work hard and give them some rewards, what's wrong? You? It's not my worker, and I haven't forgotten the last time Mo Xiaochun bullied my sixth brother. I didn't forget the last time your son and daughter-in-law framed my three and my eldest brother. You can't expect me to give the enemy Free food, right?"

Mr. Gao said with a sullen face: "Didn't I apologize to you just now? Besides, Ershan and I were hurt more. We have been in prison, and your family has nothing to lose."

Murong sneered: "No loss at all? That's because we are lucky. Also, do you think what you have done to my family can be cleared up with a light apology?"


Liu Jianian said solemnly, "Aran, you said just now that her daughter-in-law framed your eldest brother, what's the matter?"

Mr. Gao said with a dark face: "It's nothing, you are an outsider, you don't need to know."

She wanted to hide it, but Murong Lingran didn't like what she wanted, so she briefly explained what happened last year.

Liu Jianian was instantly angry, looking at Gao Shi's eyes full of contempt, gritted his teeth and said: "Your daughter-in-law has done such a shameless thing, you dare to come to her to beg for food, and you don't want to give money, it's just a shameless face, Shameless!"

Mr. Gao said disdainfully, "You are not from the Murong family, and I didn't ask you to ask, so what qualifications do you have to question me?"

Murong Zong said: "Their brothers and sisters are relatives of my family, and of course they are qualified to question them."

"Relative? Forget it, I won't tell you." Gao pouted, then turned his head and said, "Lingran, I couldn't speak just now, so I apologize. You can see that we are all from the same village. Don't take my money. Two hundred and fifty cents is a small amount of money for you, but for our family, it will take a long time to save a lot of money, so give me five pounds for free, okay?"

Murong said coldly: "What a big tone, I just asked them to pick one for each of the people who work in my family. Where did you get your face and let me give you five pounds for free?"

Mr. Gao thought she would really give it, but she was disgusted with her asking for too much, and hurriedly said: "Then four pounds will do, okay?"

"What do you say?"

"Is that three pounds okay?"

Murong Lingran said lightly: "Please step aside, our time is very precious, since you are also a grandmother, don't force us to do it."

Mr. Gao took another step back, "Those two catties, two catties should be enough."


"What about a pound? A pound is fine. I'll let Xiaochun and Xiaoru share it, so I can save some food."

Murong Zong frowned and said: "Don't force us to do it, get out of the way quickly!"

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