Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 922

Chapter 922: Consecutive

Chapter 922

At the Murong family, Murong Lingran waited for everyone to leave, then took the list of rewards and began to examine them carefully.

When    saw those land deeds, he suddenly frowned and said, "These lands are all in Lihua Village. Why didn't I know that Lihua Village still has so much land to grow?"

Looking down again, her face suddenly became extremely ugly, "Your Majesty is too stingy, the whole world belongs to him, I solved such an important food problem for him, and he actually rewarded us with this kind of land, unacceptable."

Murong Zhe hurriedly looked at the door and saw that no outsiders came in, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and said helplessly, "Aran, be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth."

Murong said: "Dad, look, if you know where these places are, you're probably even more dissatisfied than me."

Murong Kuan leaned forward to take a look, and said in surprise, "Aren't these all the land near the entrance of the village? Although the land is spacious and flat, not only are there many trees growing on it, but there are also many boulders. It will take a lot of work to clean it up.”

The others quickly took the title deed and looked at it, Murong Zhe said, "Although there is a lot of wasteland in Lihua Village, there must be 100 acres in total, but they are not connected together. Your Majesty estimates that it is for our convenience in the future, so this is the reason. rewarded."

Murong Lingran said quietly: "It's really for convenience. This reward is convenient for us and also for him. It is estimated that he had someone give him a map. To see if there are 100 acres of land, just draw a circle and give it to him. We are."

Murong Zhe choked: "Maybe. But I'm afraid Your Majesty can't do anything about it. There may be ready-made good places in other places, but if it's too far from our house, it's not easy to manage. In the end, it's us who have to work hard. Although the land is a little worse, it is starting to be a little troublesome, as long as the wasteland is cleared, it will be convenient in the future."

Murong Zong touched his sister's head and said with a smile: "Aran, don't worry, we will leave the land reclamation in the future. Dad is right, it will be fine in the future. Anyway, this is not the first time we have reclaimed land. The people in the village have also come out with experience, and it is not troublesome."

Murong Lingran sighed and said, "That's all I can do, I just feel sorry for my money. It will cost a lot of money and a lot of time to open up that land. The autumn harvest has passed, and now it's considered a slack farming season. , people can find it, it's my money..."

Shenjun Changqi in the space suddenly said: "It's not a slack farming now. As far as I know, most of the people here leave their fields idle in winter. Now that there are wheat seeds that have been improved with space, they can continue to grow wheat."

Murong was stunned for a moment, "It's the winter wheat that the world I lived in in my previous life said."

"Yes, people here also grow wheat in winter, but the quality of wheat and rice seeds here is poor, and the production period is very long. People who grow winter wheat often have no time to grow rice in summer, so many people prefer to leave their fields empty in winter. They are also unwilling to plant winter wheat. And you forgot your cold-resistant potatoes? They have already harvested a round. Although there are few people who plant them, they will definitely sell the seeds after harvesting. It is estimated that this year Lihua Village will not grow potatoes few."

"So, you mean that the seeds transformed from the space have a short growth period and can be planted together with wheat and rice. Now you are going to plant wheat. After the harvest next year, you can directly plant rice?"

"Yes, that's what this seat means."

Murong Zhe saw that his daughter suddenly stopped talking, and asked suspiciously, "Aran, what's the matter with you?"


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