Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 960

Chapter 960: Shame

Chapter 960 Shamejosei

Mrs. Fang said with a gloomy face: "You are just kidding. An Hou said: "I think you are kidding me. "


"Today's request is the year of ginseng. Jingxuan and the others won, and you lost, so you started to pick on the thorns. Did you agree in advance that you are not allowed to prepare two ginsengs in advance?"

"Then...that's not."

"Then it's over." Ning'an Hou said: "If you lose today, you will lose. Don't lose the test, and lose your character, which will be looked down upon."

Mrs. Fang was silent for a while, she knew it was a shame, but she was just not reconciled.

admit defeat today, I am afraid that tomorrow, the two sisters from the high-level nobles in the capital will be degraded to nothing, and even the reputation of the Fang family and the Geng family will be affected.

Moreover, it would be too humiliating to ask the children to fulfill all those lucky draws.

Before Madam Fang could speak, Madam Geng stepped forward and said, "We lost."

"Fourth Sister!"

Mrs. Geng shook her head at her.

It's already like this, and it's futile to keep going, but it will make the father annoyed, and make the two of them embarrassed.

Seeing this, Mrs. Fang had to follow: "I also admit defeat."

Wei Jingxuan said lightly: "According to what I just said, let's start."

Fang Hongmao said: "What to start?"

Rong Fengxu said: "Aren't you really going to cheat?"

The Fang Geng family remembered the color head they just said, and their faces suddenly turned ashen.

Ning'an Hou slowly took a sip of wine and looked at them leisurely.

Seeing that her son couldn't get off the stage, and her father didn't help her, Mrs. Fang thought for a while, then she had to ease her face and said softly, "Jing Xuan, Feng Xu, you are all cousins ​​who are related by blood. Don't take it seriously. There are so many guests today, if they do as you say, they will lose the face of the Ning'an Houfu. Don't think about yourself, you should also think about your grandfather. They He is also the grandson of your grandfather, if you really kowtow after 100 bangs, tomorrow, no, in the afternoon, bad words will start to spread about the Marquis of Ning'an mansion."

Mrs. Geng also persuaded: "Yes, you also know that the sons of our Geng and Fang families are not as good as the children of your Rong and Wei families who practiced martial arts since childhood. You are always competitive, and you are afraid of being bullied. If you really want them to kowtow a hundred times, they may become seriously ill again, and they may also affect the reputation of the Rong and Wei houses, saying that the two of you are cold-blooded, aggressive, and hurtful. Your cousins ​​are sick. If you spare them this time, outsiders may say that you have a broad-minded and tolerant brother, which is also a good thing for your reputation. "

Fang Hongmao and Fang Hongsheng nodded suddenly, "Yes, that's it."

Mrs. Fang continued: "That's right, we can just close the door and solve our own affairs. I promise you that after we go back, we will punish them properly, and you will give the third and fourth aunts a face, how about that? "

Geng Yucheng suddenly touched his brother Geng Yulian, Geng Yulian glanced at his brother, and could only plead, "Cousin Fengxu, cousin Jingxuan, please have a lot of you adults, and let us go this time. Bar."

Rong Fengxu raised his eyebrows and turned to look at his grandfather.

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