Rebirth: The Fake Young Lady Is A Real Young Lady

Chapter 329 - 329 Young Master Guan

Chapter 329 - 329 Young Master Guan

329 Young Master Guan

“I had a classmate in Rong City called Guan Lei. He’s Li Zhe’s nephew from Li Industries. Do you remember him? Do you think Guan Lei is the young master of the Guan family?”Jiang Xue mumbled hesitantly.

Xia Chun mulled over the possibility. Wasn’t that the boy who was hanging out with Shen Xi? She and Jiang Lun had voiced their suspicions back then, but hadn’t Meng Yu denied the relationship?

“That’s impossible!” Xia Chun shook her head. It was probably someone with the same name. “Your father and I confirmed this with President Meng of Li Industries.”

Jiang Xue was relieved. If Guan Lei were a member of the Guan family, she would be done for. She had mocked and disparaged him in the past, and should he seek retribution as a scion of the Guan family, she would have no means to defend herself. josei

“I’ve asked around,” Xia Chun continued, “Young Master Guan will attend his grandfather’s birthday party in two days. I’ll ask your grandparents to bring you along to make a good impression. I’ve heard he is around the same age as you, so I’m sure you’ll have plenty of things to discuss.”

Pausing to collect her thoughts, Xia Chun said, “Even if it doesn’t work out and you don’t manage to snag him, all the others attending will be from families of a certain social standing. Pick one you feel you might get along with, and the rest will take care of itself.”

Jiang Xue’s eyes glowed with determination. If she became the young madam of the Guan family, Shen Xi would be cast in her shadow, groveling at her feet for the rest of her life! She had not forgotten how Shen Xi offended Young Master Guan during the Rong City Cup.

Even though the Guan family did not cause any issues for Shen Xi, as long as she got together with Young Master Guan, Jiang Xue was certain she could manipulate him into getting even on her behalf.

Xia Chun took Jiang Xue by the hand and said, “Mother will be counting on you. Fortunately, you’re such an outstanding girl. Otherwise, I don’t know what I would do.”

Jiang Xue clasped her mother’s hand comfortingly and said with her head held high, “Mom, don’t worry. I’ll make sure you’re well cared for.”

Xia Chun nodded and went to look for her father, Xia Nan. He could pull some strings and get the Guan family’s invitation for Jiang Xue.

“Dad, can you ask Ah Fen to bring Xue’er with her to Old Master Guan’s birthday party?” Xia Chun pled her father pitifully.

Xia Nan’s expression turned ugly. Xia Fen would have received the invitation as the head of the Xia family.

Bai Yu noticed her husband’s troubled look and sighed, helpless. “We might have to ask your sister if she’s willing to do you this favor.”

Xia Nan and Bai Yu knew how much Xia Fen hated her sister. Asking her to allow Xia Chun to stay with them was already a large concession on her part, and they did not want to push her more than they already had.

As it stood, the Xia family bore all of Xia Chun’s current expenses.

“Mom, Dad, please help me. You both know how awkward Xue’er and my positions are in the family. I hoped to let Xue’er meet more people so she might have better prospects.” Xia Chun’s voice faltered, and she choked up as she spoke.

Sighing, Xia Nan called Xia Fen to his study.

“Ah Fen, do you mind taking Xue’er to the Guan family’s birthday banquet?” Xia Nan asked, unable to hide his embarrassment.

“Mom, Dad, as much as I would love to, the Guan family sent the invitation to the Xia family. Jiang Xue’s surname is Jiang, not Xia. It would be against the rules for me to bring her with me. It would be the height of disrespect. No, I can’t do it,” Xia Fen immediately rejected and stood to leave.

Xia Fen had thought her father had called her into the study for something urgent. It turned out her parents were trying to persuade her on behalf of her sister to take her niece to the birthday banquet.

“Take it as doing us a favor. You can do that much for us, can’t you?” Bai Yu’s voice sounded from behind Xia Fen.

Xia Fen offered her mother a thin smile, tears flickering in her eyes before disappearing abruptly.

“When has either of you thought of anyone but my sister? If you can answer me this, I’ll consider the request.” Xia Fen could not bare to meet her parents’ eyes as she spoke sorrowfully.

“Xia Fen, you have every advantage you could ever possess. What are you still dissatisfied with? Your sister, she…” Xia Nan tried, his words tapering into silence. He wanted Xia Fen to acknowledge how much better her life was than her sister’s. She was the current head of the Xia family; everything the Xia family possessed was hers to use.

“Enough! I won’t hear anymore on this matter,” Xia Fen declared.

Xia Fen excused herself with a bitter smile, stepping out of her father’s study.

Xia Fen’s face fell upon seeing Xia Chun, who had been eavesdropping at the door. “If you want something from me, why don’t you ask me yourself,” she mocked, “Of course, that doesn’t mean I’ll automatically agree to anything you want; it is up to me whether I choose to accede to your request. Do you understand?”

Xia Chun gulped, feeling rather uneasy in the face of Xia Fen’s cold, callous words. She quickly lowered her head and stared at the floor, avoiding eye contact.

Xia Chun had always bullied Xia Fen, but the situation reversed after not seeing each other for more than ten years.

Xia Chun had become the elder sister whom the younger could bully!

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