Rebirth: The Fake Young Lady Is A Real Young Lady

Chapter 738 - 738

Chapter 738 - 738: Bastard

Chapter 738: Bastard

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Guan Lei gently kissed Shen Xi’s cheek as they arrived in front of Zhao Yuan and Guan Bo. He said, “I’m entrusting Xi to your care. I’ll head upstairs to deal with some matters.’

Guan Bo immediately nodded eagerly, “Brother, don’t worry. I promise to take good care of Sis.”

Guan Lei could not help but look satisfied with Guan Bo’s response. Guan Bo addressing Shen Xi as “Sis’! had truly touched his heart.

Seeing Guan Lei following behind them, Li Zhe breathed a sigh of relief. Meng Yu and Li Zhe entered Guan Yi’s study, and they were met with a flying cup. Meng Yu quickly pulled Li Zhe aside and gave Guan Yi a cold, stern look. Meng Yu had never expected Guan Yi, who had always been gentle in his presence, to resort to violence, throwing a cup in their direction.

Seeing that Guan Lei and the woman with him had swiftly dodged the cup, Guan Yi’s anger flared even more. He roared, “You scoundrel! Do you realize what you’re doing? Your actions today will be the talk of the town in Beijing tomorrow, and people will gossip about the Guan family.”

Guan Yi glared at Li Zhe with a newfound disgust. It seemed that this time, Grandpa Guan was truly furious.

Outside the study, Guan Lei was blocked by Lei Feng. Guan Lei removed his mask in front of Lei Feng, leaving him wide-eyed in shock. If the person before his eyes was the Young Master, then who was the person inside the study?

Guan Yi gazed at the two speechless figures before him, his anger intensifying. He seized a nearby object, poised to hurl it at them, when suddenly, a familiar voice entered through the door, breaking the tension. “Grandfather, before you throw that, you should take a good look at who you’re about to hit.”

Guan Yi’s hand froze in mid-air as he looked at Guan Lei, stammering, “You…

you are…”

Guan Yi pointed in the direction of Meng Yu and asked in confusion, “Who is

Meng Yu silently removed his mask, and when Guan Yi saw him, he collapsed into the chair as if struck by lightning.

His gaze slowly shifted to the girl next to Meng Yu, and he swallowed hard.

Li Zhe awkwardly removed his wig, wiped his face with his clothes, making a mess of his face, and whispered, “Grandpa Guan, it’s me, Li Zhe.”

Guan Yi felt his blood pressure skyrocket, and he became dizzy.

After a while, Guan Yi pointed at Meng Yu and trembled with anger, “Ah Yu, you’re also involved in this nonsense. You… you’re making me furious.”

Guan Yi was always a bit more lenient towards Meng Yu. Guan Lei could not help but laugh. It was no wonder people said that a child born in one’s old age was particularly favored. Furthermore, Guan Yi had always felt guilty towards Meng Yu, so he naturally favored him more.

Hearing Guan Lei’s mocking laughter, Guan Yi could not contain his anger. He pointed at Guan Lei and yelled, “You bastard! Laughing at a time like this? Is all of this your doing? Are you trying to provoke me and hasten my departure?”

Guan Lei just smiled nonchalantly and said, “Grandfather, what are you thinking? I was merely considering that since this is an event hosted by our Guan family, and Meng Yu is a member of the Guan family, wouldn’t it be appropriate for him to attend? Grandfather, don’t you want Meng Yu to come back?”josei

Guan Yi was momentarily silenced by Guan Lei’s words and looked at Meng Yu in confusion. He quickly said, “How could I not want Ah Yu to come back?”

Guan Yi had always wished for Meng Yu and Shen Xi to be together, all in the hope of keeping Meng Yu in Beijing.

“In that case, why are you so angry? I arranged for Meng Yu to attend the matchmaking banquet as a member of our Guan family,” Guan Lei bluntly “Why did you arrange for Li Zhe to come here then? You know very well that I have plans for Ah Yua Can you honestly say that you have no ulterior motives?” Guan Yi questioned.

“Yes, I do have my own intentions,” Guan Lei admitted without hesitation. “But, Grandfather, have you ever asked for Meng Yu’s opinion? Do you know whom he wants to be with?”

Meng Yu, standing nearby, raised his gaze and looked at Guan Yi, asking in confusion, “Is today’s matter related to me?”

Guan Lei chuckled, “It’s not just related, it’s entirely for you. Grandfather organized this banquet for your future happiness, trying to pressure me into giving up my own..”

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