Rebirth: The Fake Young Lady Is A Real Young Lady

Chapter 816 - 816

Chapter 816 - 816: Scandal Exposed

Chapter 816: Scandal Exposed

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Gu An was seething with anger as he viciously lashed the whip in his hand upon the two individuals, one strike after another. “You two little bastards, how dare you engage in such shameless acts! I swear I’ll kill you incestuous animals today.”

Gu Lin, under the barrage of lashes, cried out in pain. He retorted defiantly to Gu An, “Gu Ning was never our real sister. Where’s the incest in that? She seduced us and willingly offered herself for resources.”

Gu Qing, through gritted teeth, added, “Lin is right. She’s just an illegitimate offspring with an unknown origin. A simple public statement can clear this up.”

“What kind of statement? I had them remove the trending topics, but it wouldn’t budge. Someone is clearly using this to ruin us. Damn it, that little rascal Gu Chen has been undermining my authority for a while. Now, you’ve just handed him ammunition!”

The Gu family brothers had not expected such a situation to occur. They had carefully kept those videos securely, yet somehow, they had been exposed.

Xia Chun listened in silence to this exchange between the father and sons, her heart aching.

She had thought that she was securing a future for her daughter, but instead, she had invited two wolves into their lives.

Tears began to well up in Xia Chun’s eyes with each passing thought.

The sight of Xia Chun in tears intensified Gu An’s distress. He continued to punish his sons, and the Gu family brothers ground their teeth in frustration.josei

Once Gu An had exhausted his anger, he helped Xia Chun to her feet and led her back to their room.

“Darling, what are we going to do about this situation? How will Ah Ning survive this?” Xia Chun cried, tears glistening in her eyes.

Gu An sighed. While comforting Xia Chun, he said, “Right now, the only solution is as Gu Qing suggested. We will release a statement clarifying that Ah Ning, Gu Qing, and Gu Lin are not biological siblings. She’s a foster child of the family. At the very least, it can help refute the allegation of incest.”

In truth, Gu An was at a loss for what to do. The videos were crystal clear, capturing the faces of all three individuals.

If it had only involved Gu Ning and one of the brothers, it would not have been as difficult to manage.

The worst part was that they could not suppress the online trending topics. Gu An even suspected that Gu Chen might be involved, trying to use this situation to oust him from the board of directors.

This scandal had already impacted Gu Corporation’s stock price.

Shortly after, Gu An released an official statement as a father.

“As the father of the two children involved in this incident, I deeply regret my failure in their upbringing. However, I must clarify that Gu Ning is not my biological daughter. She is a girl we took in as a ward, and her real name is not Gu Ning. While it is true that these three children have some issues in their personal lives, the online claims of incest are far from accurate. I sincerely apologize for this situation, and as a father, I will reflect on my shortcomings. ”

Gu An’s statement did little to convince the public, as everyone had witnessed him doting on Gu Ning over the past three years.

Whose fostered daughter could be as arrogant and domineering as Gu Ning, acting as if she were above everyone else?

People began to dig into Gu Nings past to counter Gu An’s claims.

More videos featuring Gu Ning surfaced on the internet, but this time, they

were not of her engaging in explicit acts, but rather of her bullying others. Numerous girls bravely exposed Gu Nings tyrannical behavior.

One of the videos was particularly gruesome and to the shock of many, an elderly person was bound and gagged in the background.

Gu Ning had now truly angered the masses, with calls for justice spreading across the internet.

“She’s worse than an animal. Such a person doesn’t deserve to be alive!”

“Her tyranny is abhorrent; we must not let someone like Gu Ning get away with it!”

“We must seek justice for these girls. We can’t allow powerful people to manipulate the system and let Gu Ning escape punishment.”

“She must be severely punished! No exceptions!”

“Gu family, speak up! This situation demands an explanation!”

“Starting today, I will boycott all Gu Family products until Gu Ning is held accountable!”

“Boycott Gu family!’

The situation escalated further on the internet, and Gu Corporation’s stock price plummeted..

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