Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 351

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 351

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 351

Chapter 351 Can He Still Be There for Her?

Anaya fenced with Joshua, “You won’t get your money back in any case.”

Anaya was not stupid. The last time Joshua wanted to record their conversation had left

a warning for her. Therefore, there was no way she would admit it now.

Joshua gritted his teeth and changed the topic for now. “Did you see the text I sent you?”

“Yes, I saw it.”

“On Christmas Eve, Hearst got rid of you to meet another woman…”

Joshua wanted to ridicule Hearst a bit, but at the thought of how Anaya hated him like

this, Joshua bit his lip. “He’s crossed the line. That makes him a bad guy like I once was.

Knowing all that, you still plan to marry him?”

But Anaya was not stirred by his words. “He was out tonight for business.”

Noticing that Anaya trusted Hearst so much, Joshua was saddened. “Do you trust him

that much?”

“Yes.” Even if Anaya was worried, she couldn’t show it in front of Joshua. “After all, he is

not you.”

Joshua understood that Anaya was hinting at the relationship between him and Lexie


“I am only here because I’m worried about you. Do you have to get personal and bring

up the past?”

“Mr. Maltz,” Anaya’s face was full of ridicule. “The Maltz family ends up like this, which is

partly because of me.

“And yet, you are still here, eager to see me. Do you think you’re doing the right thing


Anaya’s words were a bit mean, which angered Joshua a bit. But soon, Joshua regained

his composure.

“I owe you those.

“Now that you are done with your revenge, I think we are even. That means we can start

over again…”

Anaya pursed her lips and smiled, “You do realize that you’re talking to a woman who is

about to get married, right?

“Mr. Maltz, didn’t you say that I was an unwanted woman before? Now that I have

become one, aren’t you supposed to disdain me even more? Why are you begging to

rekindle our relationship now?”

Hearing Anaya belittle herself like this, Joshua realized he had gone too far before.

“I know I have gone too far before, but I didn’t mean any of it. And

I don’t care what happened between you and Hearst. As long as you nod in

agreement, we can remarry right away.”

Anaya found Joshua crazy.

She thought, I have already slept with Hearst and am about to marry him. And

yet Joshua is still proposing that he and I remarry as if it’s reasonable. How


“Mr. Maltz, I didn’t know that you could be so insistent.”

Joshua frowned since he failed to figure out whether Anaya agreed to remarry

or not.

Just as he was about to ask, Anaya had already turned around and entered the


Joshua hurried to follow her, only to be stopped outside by the gate.

Now he was left staring after Anaya, who was heading right toward the villa


Joshua wasn’t resigned to it and thus shouted at her, “Hearst is not a good guy

as well. He is meeting another woman without letting you know now. You’d

better think it through before marrying him. Or you’ll regret it eventually.”

Anaya did not look back. Instead, she disappeared from his sight slowly.

Joshua felt rather depressed after what he had gone through just now.

Therefore, he kicked the iron gate hard to vent his anger before getting in his

car and leaving.

Meanwhile, Anaya lay down on the bed again after getting back to her room.

And at some point, she started to doze off. At that moment, the door was

pushed open.

With her ears twitching, she held her breath.

But a familiar fragrance poured down right at her. It had a mixed scent of herbs

and some other smells.

It was a perfume owned by a famous luxury brand. And that brand was a

business connection of Riven Group. Anaya had once received a sample from


It was a woman’s perfume.

Anaya tightened her grip on the blanket, feeling suffocated.

Then the person behind her lay down on the bed and hugged her from behind.

In its wake, he nuzzled her hair with his nose, intimate and gentle.

Anaya kept lying on her side while raising her hand to push that person away,

“Let go.”

She sounded cold and gruff, suggesting that she was angry now.

But Hearst did not let go. Instead, he hugged her even tighter, as if he wanted to

tuck her into his body.

He kissed the back of her neck through her scattered hair, his voice low and

pleasant. “You’re still up?”

But Anaya was not in the mood for any flirting. Instead, she said in an unfriendly

tone, “Aren’t you up as well?”

“I have something to do.”

Anaya sneered with barbed remarks, “By stuff, you mean a woman, right?” In

the dark, Hearst frowned. “Who told you that?” “Does that even matter? The

truth is that you’ve lied to me. You said you needed to work, but what you were

doing was meeting another woman. And look at you. You’ve come back wearing

a woman’s fragrant!”

The more Anaya said, the angrier she got.

She thought, asshole.

I can’t believe he has lied to me.

He would never do things like that before!

Anaya felt angry and wronged at the same time. Therefore, she reached out to

push Hearst away again.

But still, Hearst remained where he was.

That annoyed Anaya even more, who then sounded even more ruthless. “Let go

of your hand!”

Hearst grabbed her shoulder, pulled her over, pressed her into his arms, and

kissed her forehead comfortingly. “I only shared a car with them tonight. Nothing

else had happened.”

Anaya sneered, “Just sitting in the same car could make you smell such a strong

fragrance? You were together the whole time tonight.”

“I only contacted her because of business.”

“What business then?”

Hearst wanted to answer that question. But Anaya chipped in, “If you are going to excuse

yourself, then spare it.” Noticing the disappointment in Anaya’s words, Hearst felt his

heart jolting a bit. Therefore, he remained silent.

Then Anaya stopped struggling and said in a low voice, “Were you trying to lie to me just


“I’m sorry.”

After a long pause, Anaya spoke again, her tone colder than ever,

“Get out.”


He lowered his head, wanting to kiss Anaya’s lips.

But Anaya tilted her head, which made Hearst’s lips miss her cheek.

“Get out,” she repeated coldly.

Stung by Anaya’s sharp and cold tone, Hearst hugged Anaya in his arms even tighter

without moving or speaking. Anaya, on the other hand, could no longer bear it. Then she

struggled with all her might to get up. “I say get lost! You told me before that you would

never lie to me! Aren’t you supposed to keep your word, or were you just saying that for


“Do you know how long grandpa and I have been waiting for you tonight? You told us

that you would come back before eight. Not only did you fail to do so, but you also tried

to lie about you meeting another woman…”

As she kept accusing Hearst, tears started to well up in her eyes.

She could hold back her grievances if Hearst was not there. But lying in his arms and

surrounded by his warmth like this, Anaya could no longer put herself together anymore.

Then at some point, Anaya started to sob, which wet Hearst’s chest a bit.

Anaya was not a lachrymose person. But ever since she started to be with Hearst, she

could get very sentimental sometimes.

Hearst then lowered his head and kissed the tears on her cheeks while remaining silent.

He didn’t know how to explain what happened tonight.

That was because he knew that if he told Anaya, Anaya would cry even harder.

Hearst had said that he would protect Anaya for the rest of her life.

But now, he was not sure if he could be there for her forever anymore.


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