Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up


Reborn: Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 369

Reborn: Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 369

Chapter 369 Fate

At this time, Anaya seemed to have adjusted her mood. She smiled at him and

said, “Mr. Giles, I’m sorry to let you see all this.”

After that, she said to herself, “Fortunately, I only applied skin cream and lipstick

today. Otherwise, my makeup would have been ruined.”

Landin knew that she was trying to flaunt, but he didn’t make it clear. He only

asked, “Ms. Dutt, do you want me to send you home now?”

She was still smiling, “Okay, thank you.”

Landin went out with her. When they passed by the banquet hall, Anaya

suddenly grabbed his arm.

Landin didn’t even need to turn his head to look. He already knew that Hearst

had appeared within Anaya’s sight.

In Landin’s mind, Anaya’s tear-stained face appeared. He raised his hand and

wrapped it around her shoulder deliberately.

Landin originally thought that Jared would treat her well, so he restrained

himself from making a move.

Since Hearst didn’t cherish her, Landin didn’t need to follow any rules anymore.

Anaya was single now, and Landin had the right to pursue her.

Landin looked around the crowd, and sure enough, he saw Hearst in the middle

of the crowd.

Hearst was staring at Landin, but when Landin looked over, Hearst pretended to

look away calmly.

Anaya felt a little uncomfortable when she was held by Landin, but she did not

push his hand away and let him hold her as they walked out of the banquet hall.

Hearst looked at the two people who disappeared at the entrance of the

banquet hall. He was slightly absent-minded.

Giana saw that Hearst was not in a state of mind. The disappointment on

Giana’s face became even more obvious.

She and Hearst were clearly the main characters of tonight, but even if it was

just a dream for a night, he was not willing to accompany her to have a good


“Mr. Helms.”

“What is it?” Hearst turned to look at Giana.

Giana said in a low voice, “If you want to go after Ms. Dutt, we’d better stop it


“When the wedding is really held, it will be too late.”

Giana liked him and wanted to stay with him.

But if he really missed another person, she would not force him to stay.

Love was not the only thing in her life. Even without him, she would still be able

to live happily and she could return to the laboratory to continue her research.

Giana always felt that she was lucky to get him. But she would also accept what

the fates were sending her.

Hearst said in a low voice, “That’s good.” It was good for everyone.

Coming out of the banquet hall, Landin immediately released Anaya’s shoulder.

“Sorry, I just wanted to help you anger Mr. Helms.”

“It’s okay. I understand what you mean.”

Anaya also let go of his hand and followed him.

She was in a bad mood. On the way home, Landin did not disturb her. He

played some soothing music and quietly drove the car.

Anaya leaned against the window of the car and looked at the constantly

changing night scenery outside. Her eyes were always gloomy.

Passing by a supermarket in the residential area, Anaya noticed a man coming

out of it.

The man had a light on his back, and his face was a little blurry, but Anaya still

recognized the man’s face.

Wasn’t that Cristian?

She sat up straight. When she looked carefully again, that man had already put

on his hood. His face was hidden in the shadows. He carried a bag and walked

in the opposite direction of the car.

Anaya wanted to ask Landin to stop the car, but after thinking about it, she did

not do so.

There was a problem with Cristian’s legs and feet, and he had always been in a


Not only was that person able to walk, but his footsteps were also extremely


She must have seen it wrongly.

The car drove back to the villa. Landin did not stay for long and quickly left.

When Anaya entered the house, Carlee saw that her eyes were red and

immediately became anxious. Carlee walked over and grabbed Anaya’s hand.

“Ana, why did you cry? Are you okay?”

Seeing that Anaya wasn’t injured, Carlee heaved a sigh of relief.

Anaya smiled and said, “I didn’t cry. I was sitting in the open car just now.

The wind was strong, so my eyes were a little red.”

Leonard frowned and said in a rough voice, “Is Landin driving or flying a plane?

I know he drives too fast! Your eyes have turned red.”

Carlee patted Leonard on the shoulder and scolded, “You should be gentle in

front of your daughter!”

After saying that, Carlee looked at Anaya again. “Don’t listen to your father. He

is always rude. Just don’t listen to him.”

Anaya was amused by the two of them. “It’s okay. Dad is also very good like


Carlee chatted with Anaya for a while and said, “Hurry up and take a shower

and sleep. I know you may be tired.”

On the way here, Anaya was still thinking about how to explain the matter

between her and Hearst to her parents. Carlee did not ask, and she also

breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Anaya’s mind was in a mess right now, and she did not want to recall everything

that happened tonight for the time being.

Anaya went upstairs to run a bath and was ready to take a bath and rest.

However, the water was still cold.

Anaya went out of the bedroom and wanted Leonard to come up and help her.

Just as Anaya reached the stairs, she heard the couple downstairs talking in the

living room.

Leonard’s voice was a little loud. “Did you just find out that Ana was bullied by

Jared? When Ana came back, why didn’t you say anything?”

“I was just guessing at that time.” Carlee glanced at him. “Besides, what can

I just say? Do you want to take Ana back?”

Leonard was furious and did not say a word. Obviously, this was what he meant.

Carlee said, “Ana was so sad just now. Didn’t you see it? Do you still want to

bring this up? We don’t know what happened between Jared and Ana. If you

keep making trouble like this, what if Ana is upset?

“She hasn’t completely accepted us yet. If you do this, she might find you

annoying and go back to leave you.”

Leonard frowned. “But I can’t accept it.

“I just saw the news. Jared and Giana were very close tonight. Ana was

watching the scene at that time! Who knows how uncomfortable she was?”

Carlee sighed and said, “Then we can’t do anything about it. Things have

already happened. If you go and make trouble, Ana will only feel worse.”

“Then what should we do?”

“I think that the kid from the Giles family and Ana are quite compatible. I will find

a way to fix them up and let Ana forget Jared.

“If Ana still likes Jared after two months, then we will do as you say. When

Jared gets married, I will go and make trouble. I have already thought of a

specific plan.”

The voices of the two became softer and softer. Anaya could not hear the plan

they were talking about, but she felt touched.

Anaya returned to her room and did not take a bath. After washing up, she

changed into her pajamas and went straight to sleep.

The next morning, Anaya woke up early and personally cooked breakfast.

Carlee and Leonard went downstairs and saw her carrying plates out of the


The maid stood to the side and explained, “Ms. Dutt just said that she wanted to

personally make breakfast for you and Mr. Malpas.”

Carlee waved her hand and said, “It’s fine. You can go out.”

The maid nodded and went out to clean up.


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