Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 406

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 406

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 406

Chapter 406 Maybe You Can Calm Down There

Hearst could tell that Anaya was talking about the matter that he lied to her

twice before.

“Ana, I have apologized for lying to you before.” He sighed heavily and held her

hand, saying, “I won’t lie to you again.

“I had no choice back then…”

Seeing that Anaya glanced at him, Hearst bit his tongue and changed his tune,

“But it won’t happen again. Even if I have no choice again, I will tell you first.

“And you are the same. You must let me know if anything happens to you.

Otherwise, I will be worried.”

When Hearst heard Joshua’s voice on the phone today, he was uneasy and

worried, and it didn’t feel well for him.

He wanted to contact Anaya and make sure that she was safe. However,

Joshua blocked the news, and Tim refused to tell him anything. It took Hearst

half a day to find Anaya’s location and then rushed to this hospital.

When he arrived, he was blocked outside by Joshua’s people.

Hearst had no choice but to summon his men to make their way in.

As soon as he came in, he saw Anaya feeding Joshua some water.

They didn’t look intimate, but Hearst had been worried about Anaya all day long.

What he saw magnified the fear in his mind, causing him to forget all his

manners. He grabbed Anaya’s wrist and only wanted to take her away


Anaya raised her eyebrows as if saying, “So you still know that you should be


After clearing the air, Anaya looked at Joshua lying on the bed. “How come I did

not know that you have used my phone today, Mr. Maltz?”

Joshua shrugged and shamelessly said, “I picked up the phone because I didn’t

want it to wake you up this morning.”

“Then why did you lie to Jared and block his number?”

“Because I wanted to.”

Hearst’s face darkened slightly when he heard this. Samuel directly scolded,

“Can I kill you now? Because I really want to do it right now.”

Everyone present was speechless.

Joshua pulled a long face and looked at Hearst as he said, “Your dog is still so


“Sorry for that. Samuel never learns how to get along with bastards.”

The atmosphere became tense because of Samuel’s words, and Hearst’s words

only added fuel to the fire.

Joshua and Hearst looked at each other for a while. He was lying on the

hospital bed, while Hearst got a group of men behind him, which made Joshua

look weaker.

In the end, Hearst withdrew his gaze first and once again held Anaya’s hand.

“Let’s go home.”

He did not say that he would send Anaya back to her place. He was deliberately

vague, talking as if Anaya was still living with him.

Anaya did not notice it, but Joshua did.

If Anaya left today, it would be difficult for him to see her again while he was in

the hospital.

Although Joshua had already decided to let go of Anaya, he still couldn’t watch

her leaving with another man.

“She can’t leave.”

Joshua raised his hand and tried to grab her sleeve, but because Anaya stood

far away from him, he couldn’t even touch the corner of Anaya’s clothes.

He put down his hand and raised his voice. “I was injured last night because of

Anaya. She has to stay here and take care of me.”

Since Joshua risked his life to save her, Anaya did owe him a lot. So she could

not refuse him right away.

Just as she was wondering what to do next, she heard Hearst coldly say, “Mr.

Maltz needs someone to take care of him. Samuel, bring some men and stay

here to take good care of Mr. Maltz.”

Samuel, who was called, was stunned for a moment. Then, he understood what

Hearst meant. The corners of his lips curled up into a grin as he promised,

“Don’t worry, Hearst. I’m the servant of the year. I will take good care of this

bastard until he recovers.”

Joshua was pissed off and he said, “What do you mean, Hearst? You want

Samuel to stay here to torture me?”

“How could that be?” Hearst said lightly, “I just don’t want my fiancée to get too

close to another man. I need to get someone else to take care of you for her.

“I don’t think Mr. Maltz would want to see Lexie get close to other men in the

past, right?”

“Don’t talk about Lexie.” Joshua only felt suffocated when he heard the name of

Lexie, who had already died. “When did Anaya become your fiancée?”

Hearst looked at Joshua and said, “We have already been discussing our

wedding a month ago. Mr. Maltz, let me give you a piece of advice. You won’t

have a good ending if you try to be the other man.”

The Maltz family could no longer stand another blow anymore.

“I saved Anaya’s life. Are you still going to do anything to me?” Joshua gritted

his teeth.

“You did save her life, but you didn’t save mine.”

Joshua was speechless.

But Anaya was amused by Hearst’s words.

His words did make sense.

Seeing Joshua get nothing to say, Hearst took Anaya out of the ward.

Joshua took out his phone and tried to call his men. Just as he was about to dial

a number, Samuel took his phone away.

He looked at Joshua with a bright smile, revealing his white teeth. “Mr. Maltz, I

am responsible for taking care of you today. You don’t have to trouble others to

come over now.

“If you still try to pester Anaya, I will transfer you to the morgue right now. Maybe

you can calm down a little bit there.”

Joshua glared at Samuel, his face darkened. But in the end, he did not say

anything else.

He held the handles on both sides of the bed and turned over with difficulty.

Anaya followed Hearst to the corridor when she found that there were many of

Hearst’s men standing outside. When they saw Anaya and Hearst coming out,

they greeted them instantly.

Hearst didn’t lose his grip on her hand until they got downstairs and got in the


The driver asked, “Mr. Helms, where are we going?”

“To the apartment.”

Hearst didn’t give the driver the detailed address. He was talking about the

apartment he lived in now, which was also the one where Anaya lived before.

Anaya glanced at him and said, ‘You just said that we were already discussing

our wedding a month ago. I remember that you were going to marry someone

last month, right?”

Hearst didn’t expect that her anger hadn’t dissipated yet. He sighed again,

stretched out to hold her in his arms.

“I was wrong. I’m so sorry.”

His attitude was very sincere.

He had apologized too many times in this period of time, but it was the most

convincing this time.

The driver saw Hearst’s moves from the rearview mirror and raised the

soundproof shield.

Anaya snorted and did not respond.

Since she did not scold him, Hearst knew that she had forgiven him. Then, he

tentatively planted a kiss on her smooth and rosy cheeks.

Seeing that she did not dodge his kiss, Hearst finally let out a sigh of relief.

Anaya leaned against him and asked, “Have you finished dealing with those

affairs abroad? How is Cristian doing now?”

“On the night Leonard sent him back, my father and Linda came over and tried

to take him away.

“In the chaos, Linda shoved Cristian down the stairs. Cristian hit his head, and

his intelligence was impaired. The doctor said that he probably won’t be able to

recover anymore.”


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