Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 429

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 429

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 429

Chapter 429 I Want to Bet One More Thing

Hearst said unhurriedly, “I’ve already told them that we wouldn’t toast.”

Toasting the guests was the most tiring part. Rather than dealing with the guests

outside, it was better to let Anaya rest.

Hearing this, Anaya suddenly became alert, thinking that he really wanted to

have sex with her there.

Hearst chuckled and pinched Anaya’s face, “Don’t drink when your stomach is

empty. We’ll just stay here and eat something.”

Anaya was a little hesitant. “Will this be against the rules? It will make people

judge me.”

“No one dares to judge you.”

No one would dare to say it in front of them. As for how others made up stories

behind the scenes, Hearst did not care.

Hearst held Anaya’s hand and sat her down on the chair, ordering someone to

bring up some food.

After the two finished eating, they sat in the wedding room for a while. After

Anaya changed her clothes, they went downstairs together.

The banquet had already ended, and there were not many people left. Most

of them were people that Anaya was familiar with.

Aracely brought some people to the playroom to play cards.

When Anaya went in, a group of people was having fun.

Last time, on Anaya’s birthday, Reina lost to Aracely when they played cards.

Today, the two of them faced each other head-on. Aracely said that she would

win against Reina again. In the end, after playing a few rounds, she actually lost

every round.

Aracely was a little depressed. “Reina, did you cheat? Why are you so powerful

all of a sudden?”

Reina had not relaxed for a long time. She was in a good mood today.

There was a faint smile on her face. “Last time, Winston asked me to go easy

on you.”

“Why?” Aracely was stunned.

Reina smiled without saying anything. Winston rubbed the top of Aracely’s head

and said in a gentle voice, “In order to wait for a girl to use a bet to threaten me

to be with her.”

Aracely reacted for quite a while before coming back to her senses.

At that time, she thought that Winston and Reina were dating and indeed

wanted to use a bet to force them to break up.

In the end, Aracely did not want to hurt Winston, so she did not do so and chose

to quietly withdraw.

Aracely didn’t expect that Winston had had such an idea.

Aracely scolded Winston for being shameless, but she felt sweet in her heart.

Reina noticed that Anaya came in and greeted her, “Ms. Dutt, do you want to

play a game?”

Anaya wanted to agree, but Jaylon’s voice came from behind. “Ana, mom asked

you and Jared to go over.”

Anaya responded and pulled Hearst away.

Reina met Jaylon’s gaze and her face instantly paled. She looked away and

didn’t speak.

Jaylon strode to Aracely’s side and asked, “Ms. Tarleton, can we switch and let

me have a round?”

Aracely had lost a few rounds in a row and had lost her interest, so she readily


Just as she stood up, Reina also stood up from her chair. “Is there anyone who

wants to play? I don’t want to play anymore.”

A young man wanted to agree. After sensing Jaylon’s unfriendly gaze, he

silently swallowed the words he wanted to say.

Jaylon sat there. For a moment, no one dared to take Reina’s shift.

Jaylon tapped his finger on the table and coldly ordered, “Sit down.”

Reina did not want to sit down, and the situation was in a deadlock.

Aracely felt that the atmosphere was strange. She poked Winston’s waist,

indicating for him to lighten the atmosphere.

Winston could only intervene and said, “Reina, let me do

Hearing this, Reina cast him a grateful look.

Winston sat down in Reina’s seat.

Jaylon clearly looked unhappy, but Winston did not have any intention of


Jaylon said with a sullen face, “Mr. Salmon, your fiancée is here. Isn’t it a bit too

much for you to show your goodwill to another woman?”

“I’m just playing cards for Reina. Is it showing my goodwill? You think too much.”

Winston smiled.

Winston then said to the person standing at the side, “Give me your cards.”

“Wait a minute,” Jaylon raised his hand and stopped the man, saying, “Other

than drinking, I want to bet one more thing.”

“What do you want to bet on, Mr. Malpas?” Winston asked with ease.

Jaylon stared straight at Reina with his inky black eyes, his eyes full of

aggression and dominance. He said, “I want Reina to allow me to do one


Reina took a step back. Winston said gently, “Mr. Malpas, the one playing cards

with you now is me. Reina doesn’t seem to need to participate in the


“What do you want to bet? I’ll bet with you.”

Jaylon’s eyes darkened and the coldness around him seemed to condense

into tangible ice. “Mr. Salmon, when did you become so blind?”

“I just don’t want to see my junior get bullied.” Winston still had a smile on

his face. “Mr. Malpas, do you still want to play?”

Jaylon was silent for a moment before saying, “Let’s begin.”

The card game officially began. Reina breathed a sigh of relief and left the

playroom when Jaylon didn’t notice it.

Since Reina came today, she had been sitting in a corner and successfully

avoided Jaylon.

Recently, Reina had been asking someone to make a fake ID card for her. She

was waiting for the ID card to be completed and immediately went


Before leaving, it was naturally better to have less contact with Jaylon.

At this moment, Reina’s first reaction was to run.

However, just as she reached the stairs, Jaylon chased after her.

“Where are you going?”

His voice suddenly sounded. Reina’s heart suddenly jumped. In a moment

of panic, she stepped on air and directly sprained her ankle.

Fortunately, Reina reacted fast enough and grabbed the handrail in time to

prevent herself from falling down the stairs.

Seeing this, Jaylon quickly walked up to support her. He frowned and

scolded, “You can’t even walk?”

When Jaylon said this, he unconsciously softened his voice.

Reina shook off his hand. “I can walk on my own,” she said.

As Reina spoke, she stepped down the stairs.

As soon as the foot that she had sprained landed on the ground, it hurt so

much that she trembled.

Even so, Reina had no intention of asking Jaylon for help. She held onto the

handrail and slowly walked down.

After walking down a few steps with difficulty, she was suddenly picked up

by Jaylon.

The slope of the stairs looked a little scary at this time. Reina reflexively put her

arms around Jaylon’s neck, who was hugging her.

After calming down, Reina immediately retracted her hand. “Put me down. I

can walk on my own.”

Jaylon ignored her words and carried her down the stairs.

Reina pushed his shoulder and increased the volume of her voice. “Let me


Jaylon said, “If you say one more word, I will bring you back to my house


Reina knew that Jaylon was even more stubborn than her. And she was also

worried that she would really anger him, so she did not struggle anymore.

Jaylon took Reina to the hospital to have her ankle X-rayed. After confirming

that she was fine, he sent her home.

Reina had planned to walk up by herself, but Jaylon carried her upstairs

without any explanation.

When they reached the door, Reina wanted to ask Jaylon to leave. At that

moment, the door of her apartment was opened from the inside.

When Reina saw Lacey at the entrance, Reina’s heart skipped a beat. She

suddenly had a bad feeling


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