Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 435

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 435

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U By Hazel Ramirez Chapter 435

Chapter 435 Reina’s Self-Esteem Is Shattered

Reina’s tears were on her face, but she laughed. Her eyes were full of ridicule

and bitterness. “So what if you didn’t tell her?”

“You tell the company about what I told you before. At least a few hundred

people in the company know about it now. It is not strange that my mom knows

about it too.

“Anyway, you caused it.”

Enter title…

Suddenly, Reina smiled wryly, “But I deserved it. It was my fault to know you. I

can’t get rid of you now.”

Reina shook off Jaylon’s hand, limped to the roadside, and took a taxi to leave.

Jaylon watched her leave. He did not chase after her. He called his people to

investigate how Lacey found out the thing between him and Reina.

The company that Reina was working at now was not big, but the gossip spread

fast here.

Jaylon sent flowers and snacks to Reina’s company every day lately.

Occasionally, he would also send some expensive gifts. The gossip of Reina

being pursued by a rich man spread throughout the company.

Everyone thought that the man who sent her things and took her to and from

work was Vincent, who came to the company early a few days ago to look for

her. Some people even found out that Vincent was the successor of a listed

company in Boston.

Although the company could not compare to those international companies, it

was still quite something at that time.

Reina’s colleagues would occasionally ask Reina about the love history

between her and Vincent. Reina clarified a few times but it didn’t work. Later,

she ignored them and focused on work.

In the morning, when Reina just returned to her desk, the girl who loved gossip

the most in the company came over and asked mysteriously, “Reina, I heard

that you have dated Mr. Webb before?”

“Someone in the company said that her classmate’s classmate and you went to

the same school. She said that you were Mr. Webb’s girlfriend at college. You

are pretty and he’s super handsome. The others are all envious of you. Is that


It really exceeded Reina’s expectations that those colleagues could be so good

at gossiping. She wanted to explain, but she heard someone call her name at

the door.

“Is Reina here?”

Reina looked up and saw Vincent standing at the door of the office, talking to a

male colleague who was ready to go out.

The male colleague asked curiously, “Are you Mr. Webb? We have been talking

about you and Reina recently.”

“Yes. Why are you talking about us?” Vincent was confused.

The male colleague smiled and patted Vincent on the shoulder. He did not

answer Vincent’s question and said, “Reina’s is there, just near the window.”

Vincent looked where the man pointed and met Reina’s eyes. Reina didn’t have

the time to look away.

He thanked the male colleague, then waved his hand at Reina, hinting that he

was asking her to go out for a while.

Reina’s colleagues made meaningful cheers after that. No matter how ignorant

Vincent was, he understood what these people meant now. Vincent was a little

embarrassed. When Reina came over, the embarrassed expression on his face

became more obvious, like a boy who had never been in love. “Reina, what did

you say to them? How could they think that we are dating?”

Reina had made it clear to Vincent a few days ago, and she did not expect that

he would come to her again.

She explained, “Jaylon has been sending me stuff lately. They thought those

stuff are from you.”

After Vincent heard this, the light in his eyes instantly dimmed. “Oh.”

Reina didn’t want to say that, but she didn’t want Vincent to misunderstand.

Then she changed the topic quickly.

She looked around the office, trying to find Jaylon.

However, the dozen or so people in the office were all looking over at her.

She had no clue at all.

Vincent said, “What you asked me to do is done. I’m here to give the thing to


“It’s done?” Reina was excited for a moment, but she quickly calmed down.

“Didn’t I ask you to mail it to me? Why are you here again?”

“You know why.”

Reina was silent for a moment, then said in a cold and distant voice, “Mr.

Webb, Jaylon and I are already dating each other. You…”

“You are lying.” Vincent did not hesitate to expose Reina’s lie. His face became

serious. “Reina, tell me honestly, is he pestering you? You wanted the fake ID

card because of him, right?”

“I asked someone to investigate him. He is the son of the CEO of Mimo Group.

When he was young, he was a gambler in Las Vegas. He is not a

right man.”

“If he is pestering you, I can call the police for you.”

Reina interrupted Vincent. “So what? He worked very hard and treated his

family very well…”

Vincent was stunned. “Reina…”

Hearing Vincent call her, Reina realized what she said.

She had actually spoken up for Jaylon just now?


Reina’s thoughts suddenly became a mess and she explained, “What I wanted

to say is the last time he stopped our car on the road. You called

the police. Then you saw what happened.”

“To him, our solution is meaningless. I asked you to help me with the ID card

because I want to leave, so you don’t have to worry about me.” “When I left, he

would have nothing to do with me. Don’t provoke him. It’ll

only harm yourself.”

Reina said this for Vincent’s good, but it made Vincent a little uncomfortable.

“Do you think I can’t handle him?”


“Nothing…” Vincent realized that he had said something wrong. He calmed

down and did not continue what he wanted to say in the first place. “I’ll be

leaving now. I’ll mail you the ID card when I get back.”


Vincent was about to leave when a middle-aged woman dressed up with

jewels walked in.

The woman threw her expensive purse on the table and asked loudly, “Is

Reina here? Tell her to come out!”

She was intimidating and no one in the office dared to speak.

Reina said, “Why are you looking for me?”

The woman turned her head and looked Reina up and down.

Reina was beautiful. Her skin was fair and smooth. She had red lips and

dark hair. She looked very pure. The solitude in her eyes made her


“Are you Reina?” The woman smiled wryly, full of hatred and viciousness. “Just

as I expected, you look like a slut just like your mother!”

The woman swore at Reina after she came in, and the people in the office

were all somewhat unhappy.

Vincent was the first to speak up. “Madam, Reina doesn’t seem to know

you. Isn’t it rude for you to swear at her?”

“Why can’t I swear at a mistress’s daughter? Reina, where is your mom?”

The woman’s face quickly darkened.

“Your mom tricked thousands of dollars from my husband. Where is she


The woman smelled the scent of another woman on her husband this

morning. Her husband was poor and had no ability. He had always been

afraid of her. She easily found out that her husband cheated on her with a

woman named Lacey.

Her husband had given Lacey thousands of dollars. She was rich, but she had

to get the money back for her dignity.

She went to Lacey’s home to look for Lacey this morning, but Lacey knew she

was coming and ran away.

When the woman went over, she didn’t see Lacey.

After searching many places, she learned from her husband that Lacey’s

daughter was working there, so she immediately rushed over, trying to get the

whereabouts of Lacey from Reina.

Reina just saw Lacey taking money from a man in the morning. She thought

about it and understood everything now.

Seeing that Reina kept silent, Vincent asked, “Reina, is that said true? Did your

mom really…”

Vincent did not continue, but Reina understood what he meant.

The gazes from the others around her seemed to become sharp in an instant,

shattering the self-esteem that she carefully protected into pieces.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow,



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