Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 289

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 289

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 289

Chapter 289 It Isn’t Joshua But Him

Anaya’s body stiffened. She slowly raised her head.

At the door of the lounge, the man stood with his back against the light. His

figure was tall and straight, clean and cold.

She called out tentatively, “Jared?”

Hearst came over to deliver food. Downstairs, he saw Joshua’s car past his.

In the past two days, he had been occasionally wondering if Anaya was

planning to go back to Joshua. Was that the reason for her weird attitude?

Even though he tried his best not to be suspicious, emotions would never be

completely controlled by the will.

He had always been doubting about Anaya and Joshua’s relationship. Just now,

when he saw Joshua, his heart was instantly in chaos.

At the same time, he was a little angry.

He was angry that he trusted her but she lied to him. She met Joshua behind

his back with the convenience of living in the company.

He was really angry just now.

He was so angry that he wished he could lock her up, bind her to him, and

make her a bird of his own, so she would never have the chance to meet

Joshua again.

He was completely capable of doing so.

But he didn’t.

The first reason was that he liked her, so he wanted to give her full freedom and


The second reason was that…

All the anger and resentment in his heart disappeared when he saw her red

eyes. He felt nothing but heartache.

He wanted to comfort her.

He couldn’t bear watching the girl he had waited for ten years suffer.

He walked to her, squatted down in front of her, and looked her in the eye.

He caressed her cheek with his warm palm, his voice gentler than ever as if he

was afraid that he would scare her if he spoke too loudly.

“Why are you crying? Huh?”

Anaya did not want to cry.

But when he asked this, for some reason, the tears that she had been

desperately holding back just now instantly surged up.

She failed to control herself.

Hearst’s heart suddenly shrank. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and

legs and carried her to the bed.

He took out his handkerchief, bent down, and gently wiped her tears.

“Tell me, what happened?”

Anaya shook her head, not saying anything. But her tears fell more intensely

than before.

It was not a good idea to try to comfort someone who was crying.

It would only make things worse.

Anaya cried even harder after Hearst coaxed her because she could feel that he

cared about her, and she could rely on him.

Hearst sat down next to Anaya and carefully pulled her into his arms.

Seeing that she didn’t want to speak, he stopped asking and patiently wiped her

tears again and again.

After a long time, she was still crying.

He had never seen her so emotional before.

She cried as if she had stepped into a dead end and the whole world was


He lowered his head and kissed the corner of her eyes. “Are you crying for


Hearing Joshua’s name, Anaya froze.

She thought that Hearst met Joshua downstairs and knew something.

Hearst interpreted her reaction as a sign of guilt and unconsciously tightened

his arm around her waist.

What exactly did Joshua tell her? Why did she cry when she saw me? Hearst

couldn’t figure it out.

Is she feeling sorry for me because she wants to go back to Joshua?

The two were silent for a long time.

In the end, Hearst broke the silence by saying, “Do you want to go with


Anaya raised her head. Her beautiful eyes were misty. Confused, she asked,


Hearst’s voice was extremely low as if he was suppressing his complicated

emotions. “You have been acting weirdly for the past few days. Is it because

you want to remarry Joshua?”

Other than this, he could not think of any other reason that would make Anaya

so fickle and her emotions fluctuate so much.

Anaya stared at him for a while and sniffed, “Jared, it turns out you can be

stupid too.”

She thought that Hearst would always be confident and omnipotent.

It turned out that he would also worry about something that wasn’t possible to


Listening to her words, Hearst understood that she wasn’t crying for Joshua.

“Then what are you crying for? Tell me, will you?” he asked as he lifted her up to

his lap, their postures even more intimate.

He buried his head in her neck and smelled the faint fragrance of her hair. His

voice was mellow and magnetic, carrying a bit of powerlessness as he said,

“You never tell me things, and that makes me uneasy.”

In the business world, he might be successful.

But when it came to love, he was an inexperienced newbie who would

occasionally feel uneasy.

He always acted leisurely, but it was only a habit he had developed at work.

In reality, no one else knew what a messy state he had been in.

This was the first time that Anaya had seen his weakness, and she felt touched.

For the past few days, she seemed to have been too focused on her own

emotions and ignored Hearst’s thoughts.

Perhaps he was just as uncomfortable as her.

But when she cried, he felt like coaxing her.

She cried, so he was forced to act strong.

Or perhaps, he had always been used to supporting others and being her


So, he never showed any weakness.

“Sorry.” Her hand on his shoulder extended and crossed behind his neck. Then,

she gradually tightened her grip. Her voice was still nasal. “What happened on

my birthday made me feel uneasy. I don’t know how to tell you…”

Hearst pursed his thin lips. “Did I fail to satisfy you?”

“Satisfy?” Anaya was stunned.

“You were crying that night too.” Hearst lifted her up and made her get closer to

him. “Did I leave you a bad memory?”

Anaya was stunned for a long time before he suddenly realized something.

“We… That night…”

“Don’t you remember?” Hearst frowned. “How much did you drink that night?”

That night, Anaya was in a bad state, and there was a faint smell of alcohol on

her. He thought that she wanted to have sex under the cover of drunkenness

like she did the last time.

But now it seemed she was indeed drunk.

But he remembered that the smell of alcohol on her body was not very strong.

Moreover, she only drank less than half a glass of wine in the private room. She

shouldn’t be drunk.

Anaya stared at him. The tears that had just been stopped suddenly came out


“Was it really you that night?”

“Who otherwise? Who else do you want it to be?” he said, biting her neck.

“Even if you want to sleep with someone else, I won’t allow you to do so.”


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