Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 308

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 308

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 308

Chapter 308 Who Wants to Marry You?

The next day was the weekend. Terry and Laila asked Anaya and Adams to stay for

another day.

Anaya also wanted to have another day to relax, but Adams needed to have a check-up

today, so she and Hearst sent Adams to the hospital.

After Adams finished the check-up and they went back to the ward, Anaya told Adams

that she was going to go abroad in a few days.

Hearing this, Adams smiled from ear to ear, “You finally decided to get married?”

Anaya was somewhat embarrassed to talk about marriage with Adams, and she said,

“It’s not decided yet. I was just planning.”

Hearst stood beside her and held her waist. He smiled and said, “If you agree, we can

decide today.”

He had already prepared his passport and driver’s license.

Anaya took his hand away and said, “I haven’t even met your parents yet. Who wants to

marry you now?

“What if your mother is a bully just like Cecilia?”

Hearing this, Hearst said, “She won’t dare.” There was something complicated that

flashed across his eyes.

His voice was low, so Anaya did not hear him clearly. She tilted her head and asked him,

“What did you say?”

“Nothing.” Hearst bent down and planted a kiss on her lips. “You will live with me. And

you don’t have to care about what other people think.”

After being kissed, Anaya subconsciously turned to look at Adams.

But Adams had already turned to look at the dark green cedar outside the window.

Anaya pinched Hearst’s waist, quietly warning him to behave himself, and continued,

“Grandpa, do you want to go with us?”

Adams was now the only next of kin of Anaya. She needed Adams to meet Hearst’s

parents and show up at her wedding.

But Adams turned to look at her and said, “No, I won’t go. I’m aged. I can’t afford a long

journey now.

“I’ve met Jared’s family before. They’re all nice people. You can go to meet them first.

“I will meet them when the weather gets better in a few months and when you plan to

hold a wedding. It won’t be too late for me at that time.”

Since Adams didn’t want to go, Anaya didn’t insist. After a small chat, she soon

left with Hearst.

Anaya had a day off, but Hearst had to go back to the company in the


Since there was nothing else to deal with, Anaya decided to go to visit

Prudential Group with Hearst to see his workplace.

Prudential Group’s headquarters were located in the business district area in the

east of the city. It was also surrounded by tall commercial buildings and towering

into the clouds as if a pillar that supported the sky. In fact, this business district

area actually supported half of the businesses in the country.

Led by Hearst, Anaya went to the top floor through the exclusive passage.

The elevator went from the parking lot to the top floor, secretive and secure.

Anaya asked, “Have the employees of your company ever seen you

before since you always take this elevator?”

There was no exclusive elevator in Riven Group. Basically, every visitor could

reach the top floor.

“Only very few of them.”

Hearst had made too many enemies in the past and needed to hide his identity.

Although he became strong enough to protect himself and there was no one he

needed to be on guard against, he was still used to being low-key.

Most of the time, Hearst would still do things based on his mood.

After all, he had a woman, who needed his support now. He couldn’t always

stay in a low profile.

Hearst had worked hard for these years to cast off all the chains and come back

to find Anaya.

He had earned his reputation and money for her, so he would naturally spend

everything he had on her.

There were guards at the door outside the elevator.

They continued to walk in until they reached a public office area.

Several secretaries, who were busy, looked up and greeted Hearst, “Hi, Mr.


When they saw Anaya, they also greeted her without hesitation, “Hello, Mrs.


The matter of Anaya and Hearst had caused an uproar on the Internet before,

so they naturally knew Anaya’s identity.

Previously, when Anaya and Hearst had shared the same trend topic on Twitter,

Samuel had even asked these secretaries to vote.

Anaya smiled at them in response.

A secretary reminded Hearst, “Mr. Helms, you have a visitor in the

reception room.”

“Who is it?” Hearst asked. He was here to deal with several files, and he wasn’t

told that he had any visitors before.

The secretary replied respectfully, “It’s the CEO of the Mimo

Group. He arrived here five minutes ago.

“He said that he knows you. So we didn’t stop him because we were afraid that

it would be something urgent.”

Hearst furrowed his brows. “No matter who it was, you must ask for my

permission before letting them in next time.” The secretary was frightened by his

serious tone and hurriedly nodded. “Yes, Mr. Helms.”

Hearst turned to look at Anaya, his attitude softened a little. “Wait for me in my

office. I will be back soon.”

Anaya nodded and followed a secretary to the office.

After Anaya disappeared behind the door, Hearst walked to the reception room.

When he pushed open the door, he saw Jaylon sitting on a chair at the round

table. Jaylon had a chiseled face and a one-inch-long scar on his eyebrows.

His short black hair half covered the scar, but it could not hide his wildness.

He looked like a lone wolf in the desert, silent and mysterious.

Seeing Hearst push the door open and enter, Jaylon raised his eyes to meet Hearst’s

gaze. “Where is Roland?”

Jaylon didn’t greet Hearst out of courtesy. He cut to the chase and showed the purpose

of this visit.

He and Hearst had been partners before. Neither of them was a fan of rules and


However, later on, they were pressured for various reasons and had to act like


After shedding that layer of their hypocritical masks, they were still the same, unruly and


When they were alone, Jaylon and Hearst would stop pretending to be gentlemen.

Hearst closed the door. His eyes were cold when he turned to look at Jaylon. He looked

aggressive and fierce. It was the kind of aura that he rarely showed when he was


He slowly walked over to sit down opposite Jaylon. Both of their powerful auras were

evenly matched.

“Roland is your man?” Hearst asked in a cold tone.

“An acquaintance of a friend.” Jaylon looked straight at Hearst and said, “What is your

condition? I want them.”

“No condition,” Hearst slowly said. His dark eyes did not reveal any emotions. “I want

their lives.”

Hearing this, Jaylon curled up the corner of his lips, as if mocking.

“They cheated your woman’s ex-husband’s money, so you want their lives?

“Does Anaya Dutt still have feelings for that Joshua Maltz? So in order to chase Anaya,

you even want to protect her ex-husband…”

“Jaylon,” Hearst interrupted him. He pursed his lips, revealing a hostile aura. “The

transportation line for the Mimo Group to the country has not been connected yet. I can

break it forever.”

Jaylon wasn’t here to provoke Hearst, so he did not insist. He was threatened by Hearst,

but he did not feel angry either.

It was the way that they got along with each other, and Jaylon had long been used to it.

He continued, “Roland took money from the Maltz Group. Now that you have the money,

he is useless to you anymore. Why don’t you give me a favor and give them to me?”

Hearst still replied, “No.” Jaylon frowned and said, “It was Joshua who they offended.

Why do you have to keep them?

“If you give them to me, maybe I can give the Maltz Group a blow for you.”

“Their original target was indeed Joshua, but then, they started to target Ana.” Under the

blinding and pale light, Hearst didn’t conceal his ruthlessness. “They have to pay the

price for what they have done.


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