Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 310

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 310

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 310

Chapter 310 Mrs. Helms, You Are So Jealous

Many people came to attend the charity party tonight. It was basically the same group of

people who would do charity. More than two-thirds of the people present were Anaya’s


After greeting all the acquaintances, Anaya felt her face sour due to the smile.

Hearst’s attention had always been on her. He noticed her frown and asked, “Do you

want to take a break? There is a rest area at the end of the corridor outside. It’s a quiet

place. You can have some rest there.”

Anaya shook her head and said, “No, the auction should be starting soon.” Just as the

two of them finished speaking, another old man walked over.

“Ana, long time no see.”

Anaya turned around and smiled at the old man who was walking towards her. “Mr.


Her smile was polite, but it also seemed a little distant.

Robert Moser, a friend of Adams’s for many years. Robert was a famous philanthropist in

Boston. He and Adams had organized many charity activities together before.

Anaya had always respected Robert until the Riven Group got into trouble. Robert had

tried his best to draw a line with the Dutt family and even refused to meet Anaya at that

time. Only then did Anaya understand that Robert was doing charity to gain a reputation.

In fact, he was nothing but a hypocrite.

He wouldn’t get involved in anything without fame or profit.

This kind of person would brag that he helped a man completely get rid of poverty when

he gave someone 20 dollars.

Robert always boasted about his kindness, but at the critical moment, he would be the

first one to shut them out.

Although Robert was not an extremely vicious man, Anaya still didn’t like him, and her

attitude toward him was no longer as nice as before.

She noticed that there was a young woman beside Robert, so she asked, “Who is this?”

Robert pretended not to notice Anaya’s alienation. The smile on his face was kind and

sincere as if he regarded Anaya as his own granddaughter. “This is my granddaughter,


Mellanie Moser looked pretty and a little shy. She did not look aggressive and was more

like a typical good girl.

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Dutt.” Mellanie smiled at Anaya.

After she finished speaking, she secretly glanced at Hearst beside Anaya.

Hearst stood there quietly, but Mellanie could feel an inexplicable pressure from

him. He looked so indifferent and distant.

Even though Mellanie knew that Hearst was not single, she still couldn’t help but

peek at him over and over again. Anaya noticed the way Mellanie looked at

Hearst. She calmly took Hearst’s arm and deliberately acted intimately in front of


Hearst noticed her moves and the corners of his lips curled up imperceptibly.

Anaya looked at Mellanie, and the fake smile on her face grew wider. She said

politely, “I heard that Ms. Moser is beautiful. But you are more stunning than I


Mellanie could tell that Anaya warned her implicitly. Her eyes dimmed for a

moment. She was somewhat disappointed as she said, “Don’t make fun of me,

Ms. Dutt. You are the most attractive one tonight.”

Robert heard the displeasure in Anaya’s tone and changed the topic. “Ana, has

Mr. Dutt been getting better recently?”

Anaya indifferently replied, “Yes. He didn’t relapse recently.

Sometimes he would go out for a walk.”

“That’s good. Bad things have landed on the Dutt family one after

another. I have been worried that he couldn’t take it. Fortunately, everything will

be fine.”

Hearing his fake concern, Anaya sneered in her heart.

Robert said he was concerned about Adams. But when Adams was in the

hospital, Robert had never paid Adams a visit at all.

After exchanging a few simple words with them, Anaya was about to leave.

Mellanie glanced at Hearst again and wanted to talk to Hearst.

But when she met Anaya’s aggressive gaze, she shut up instantly.

After leaving Robert and Mellanie, Anaya pulled Hearst and continued walking


Hearst noticed that Anaya walked faster and asked, “Where are we going?”

“The rest area you just mentioned.” Anaya did not look back at him.

“Why did you suddenly want to go there?” Anaya did not answer.

Hearst asked, “Because that woman was peeking at me?”

He sounded smiling.

Anaya stopped and glanced at him. “Since you know that she has been peeking

at you, why didn’t you avoid her?”

They had already arrived at the corridor. The crystal chandelier above their

heads was dazzling and quietly illuminated the empty corridor.

Hearst had a faint smile on his face, which made him look gentle.

“What should I do to avoid her?”

Anaya also knew that her words were somewhat unreasonable. “Forget it. I

didn’t mean anything.”

She let go of his hand and walked to the rest area.

But Hearst grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms from behind.

He bent down slightly and whispered into her ear. “Mrs. Helms, you are so


His voice was low and hoarse, like the murmur when he was horny.

Anaya felt her heart suddenly beat fast, and she muttered, “Aren’t you the


She recalled what happened before, and it was obvious that Hearst was even more

jealous than her. He was also stingy sometimes. Hearst did not retort and lightly rubbed

her hair, “Since you know, why were you so close to other men?”

Hearing this, Anaya felt wronged. “Who was I close to?”

“Yarden and Joshua. Especially Joshua.” Hearst sounded unhappy when he mentioned


“You have met him too frequently.

“You were even alone with him in the office last time. I still don’t know what you two did at

that time.”

Hearst was talking about the matter that Joshua threatened her with the surveillance

video and came to her company in the middle of the night.

It was said that women tend to dredge up, but men were also the same.

Hearst did not talk about it just because they were not worth mentioning.

He would only remember those things that touched him and affected him a lot.

“But I have already explained it to you.” Anaya turned around in his arms, held his waist,

raised her eyes, and looked at him. “He was the one who always pestered me before,

and I never went to see him. Don’t wrongly accuse me.

“And I haven’t met him recently…”

“Are you going to get laid with each other in a corridor like this?”

Speaking of the devil. Before Anaya finished her words, she heard a familiar voice

coming from behind Hearst.

She poked her head out of his arms and saw Joshua standing at the entrance of the hall.

He didn’t look well. The dark circles under his eyes were very obvious, and his lips were

also a little pale.

At that moment, his face darkened as he stared at them.

Hearst let go of Anaya and turned around. The gentle expression on

his face suddenly became cold and fierce. “None of your business. It’s not your place to

judge Ana and me, Mr. Maltz.”

As soon as their gazes met, the atmosphere became tense instantly.

Hearst still had one hand around Anaya’s waist. Joshua tried his best to ignore their

intimate posture. He said, “I was just kindly reminding you that the two of you should

have known what you were doing when you were outside.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow,



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