Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 313

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 313

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 313

Chapter 313 Are You Afraid of Me?

Winston was not used to having intimate contact with others, so he subconsciously

struggled, but Reina held him even tighter.

He frowned, turned his head to look at Reina, and was puzzled.

Reina was decent and cold, so she would not be so rude to hold a man’s hand like this.

He looked at her and waited for her explanation.

Reina stood on tiptoe and explained in a low voice, “Sorry, I have an acquaintance.

Could you pretend to be closer to me?”

Hearing this, Winston looked around and soon met a pair of deep and quiet eyes. It was


He stood in the crowd, having no emotions in his eyes and looking cold. There was a

light scar on his brow, adding a bit of firmness and maturity to his temperament.

Winston remembered that the last time he was outside the hotel, Jaylon also looked at

them like this, as if he knew Reina.

From Reina’s reaction, Winston guessed that Jaylon might have taken a fancy to Reina

and pestered her.

Winston could tell that the wound on Jaylon’s brow was hurt by a knife, and Jaylon’s aura

was stronger than ordinary people’s. Jaylon gave others a feeling of oppression and

aggression, and he seemed not to be just a businessman.

If Reina was targeted by him, she might be in danger.

Thinking of this, Winston raised his hand and held Reina’s shoulder.

Winston clenched his hand into a fist and placed it behind her shoulder. It was not


Winston met Jaylon’s gaze sharply as if he was warning Jaylon. In the face of Winston’s

provocation, Jaylon did not have much of a reaction. He only calmly withdrew his gaze

and went to talk to the people around him.

Anaya also noticed Jaylon, so she did not ask Winston why he suddenly embraced


After Anaya chatted with them for a while, the auction officially began.

Before Anaya came, she had already known the items that would be up for

auction. But she was not interested and only bought a few items.

Anaya came here today to give out her money, so when she had had enough,

she stopped.

After the auction, Anaya, Hearst, and Winston left the hall together and

separated in the parking lot.

After Anaya and Hearst left, Winston looked at Reina and asked, “Shall I give

you a ride?”

“No. I will take a taxi…” Before she finished the words, Reina saw Jaylon

coming out of the hotel and suddenly changed her mind. “Yes. Thank you.”

Winston also saw Jaylon and went to the other side of the car to open the door

for Reina.

Before Reina got in the car, Winston deliberately looked at Jaylon.

But Jaylon had no expression on his face. He didn’t even look at them, as if he

didn’t care about them.

Winston withdrew his gaze and got into the driver’s seat.

On the way, Winston asked casually, “Do you know that man?”

Reina answered vaguely as if she was intentionally avoiding the question. “I met

him a few times when I was studying in Canada.”

Seeing that she didn’t feel like talking more, Winston didn’t ask more.

Although Winston and Reina had known each other for several years, they

weren’t close to each other. It was just a recommendation from a friend of

Winston that Winston would let

Reina pretend to be his girlfriend.

Therefore, it was impolite for Winston to ask too much about

Reina’s personal affairs.

The car stopped in front of the traffic light. Winston looked at the countdown on

the sign and suddenly heard his phone ringing.

He picked up the phone and looked at it. It was from an international number.

After the call was connected, Yarden’s anxious voice came from the phone.

“Winston, Aracely was just hit by a child in the mall and fell from the stairs…”

Yarden’s voice was trembling violently, anxious and afraid.

Winston’s mind went blank for a moment when he heard the bad

news. But he calmed down and asked in a deep voice, “Is she hurt? Is it

serious? Have you sent her to the hospital? Which hospital is it?”

Winston had asked too many questions, and Yarden was in a mess. He

stammered, “She… She was just sent to the operating room. She seems to

have hurt her legs. And… And her arms seemed to be hurt as well…”

Winston was extremely anxious. Seeing that Yarden couldn’t make that clear, he

immediately said, “Send me the address. I’ll go there now.”

After that, Winston hung up the phone.

“What happened?” Reina was still a little confused.

“Aracely was sent to the hospital. I have to rush over now. Sorry that I can’t

send you back.” Winston tried to calm himself down.

Winston had always been a calm and collected man. Seeing him so anxious,

Reina knew that the situation must be very serious.

Afraid of delaying his time, Reina did not ask about the details and directly

opened the car door to get out. “Be careful on the road.”

Winston nodded randomly. When the green light lit up, he immediately stepped

on the accelerator.

The lights at the end of the car quickly disappeared. Reina did not stop the taxi. She

walked forward for ten minutes and waited for the bus at the bus stop.

It was already late. She took the last bus, and forty minutes later, she finally arrived near

her home.

There was still a distance from the bus stop to her home. And Reina walked slowly.

She wore high heels tonight, and after walking for twenty minutes, the skin on her heel

was worn.

Passing by the supermarket, Reina went in to buy a band-aid.

Coming out of the supermarket, she was about to leave when she saw a Benz park

across the road. Her face turned pale for a moment. Reina grabbed her bag and walked

toward the man opposite her. In the old neighborhood, several street lamps were

extinguished for a long time, but no one repaired them.

The man stood under the street lamp that was out. He leaned against the car, half hidden

in the dark. He held a cigarette between his slender fingers and was smoking.

Seeing Reina come over, he extinguished the cigarette and quietly waited for her to

come closer.

Reina stopped when she was 10 feet away from him, not daring to move forward.

“Jaylon, you said that you would not come to me again.” Reina tried hard to make herself

look strong and calm, but her high- pitched voice still betrayed her. She was nervous and

at a loss. “I didn’t come to America for you.” Jaylon straightened up and walked slowly

toward her.

His voice was steady and powerful as if he was a well-trained soldier.

But Reina knew that he was not a soldier, and he did not have a trace of the integrity of a


What he had done in the past was more immoral than anyone else.

He closed in step by step, and Reina uncontrollably took a few steps back, wanting to

distance herself from him.

Jaylon stopped, looked at her with his deep eyes, and said, “Are you afraid of me?”

Jaylon drawled his voice as if he was playing with weak prey.


As she said this, Reina stopped in her tracks and stared at him warily.

Jaylon saw that she was on guard and did not approach her. He looked straight at her,

and Reina didn’t know what he was thinking.

“You said before that you had someone you wanted to marry. That was why I broke the

agreement and let you go. “But the man who you said loved you as much as his life just

dumped you halfway down the road?”


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