Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 315

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 315

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 315

Chapter 315 Are You Jealous?

Compared to Anaya, Yarden was not that anxious. He said, “Did he tell you about this?”

Anaya did not answer his question and repeated the question. “What happened to


“Nothing. I lied to Winston. Anaya, don’t worry.”

Hearing this, Anaya was stunned. “Why do you lie to Winston?”

“Well, I want him to come and see Aracely. Aracely has been depressed over the past

two days. All she thinks about is Winston.” Yarden was a bit angry.

“He’s such a jerk! He had sex with Aracely and fell in love with another woman.

“How could he do so? If he isn’t Aracely’s loved person, I would have slapped him!”

Anaya could tell that he misunderstood Winston, so Anaya explained, “Winston and

Reina didn’t really date each other. They only did this to make Aracely jealous.

“Winston said before that he would take responsibility for Aracely. Aracely has never

agreed, so I advised Winston to do this.”

Yarden didn’t expect this to happen. He was stunned for a few seconds before he

returned to his senses. “Aren’t you afraid that Aracely will be angry? What if she really

ends her relationship with Winston and finds another handsome boy?”

“I know Aracely well. She seems to be brave, but she is actually a shy girl.

“She is not as casual and carefree as she appears to be. She likes Winston, so it is

impossible for her to break her relationship with her so quickly.


Anaya lay on the back of the sofa and said in a lazy tone, “Even if she wants to run,

Winston won’t let her run away.”

Winston had always been a gentle person. He wasn’t aggressive, but he would never

give up what he really wanted. In the past, he had forcibly brought Aracely back. He was

determined to let Aracely be by his side.

Now that Aracely couldn’t run away, he decided to play the game with her patiently. If

Aracely really wanted to find another man to be her boyfriend, Anaya was sure that

Winston would get Aracely back even if he needed to use force.

When Yarden heard Anaya’s words, he did not know what to say for a moment.



“Aracely will hit you if she knows what you did.”

Anaya was speechless.

Anaya laughed and said, “If she wants to hit me, then let her. I really didn’t

mean to do this.” If she hadn’t instigated Winston, Winston wouldn’t have used

this method.

Aracely had been deceived, and Anaya had to take responsibility.

However, if Anaya could choose again, she would probably still suggest Winston

do so that night.

Aracely had been casual since she was young. The biggest wish in her life was

to have freedom. When she encountered a problem, she wouldn’t find a solution

willingly. It was somewhat similar to Anaya.

If Winston didn’t take any action, Aracely would probably never have taken a

step toward Winston.

Anaya skipped this topic and continued to ask, “You lied to Winston and said

that Aracely was injured. Does Aracely herself know about this?”

“Of course, she knows. She drank some wine yesterday and complained to me

that Winston only cares about Reina now. I hope

Winston can come over to coax Aracely.”

“Did she drink again?” Anaya frowned.

“Yes. She insisted on drinking every day. I didn’t agree. Yesterday, she went to

buy wine herself and drank a lot.”

Anaya rubbed the space between her eyebrows.

Anaya thought that Aracely was a troublesome girl.

“Take her wallet. Don’t let her drink again.”

If Aracely came to drink once she was in a bad mood, something bad would

happen to her sooner or later.

Yarden immediately agreed. “Okay.”

The two chatted for a while longer and soon hung up.

Yarden put away his phone and turned back to the ward.

Aracely stood by the window and looked outside in a daze.

Perhaps she had not been living well recently. Her face was pale. In the past,

she used to be a noisy girl. But now she was terrifyingly quiet.

Hearing the noise at the door, she turned to look at Yarden. “Is it Winston?”

“It’s Anaya. She heard from your brother about your fall and injury.” Yarden

walked to the bed and sat down, saying, “I just asked Anaya. Winston has

already arrived in Hamilton. He should be here in about half an hour.

“He rushed over to see you in such a hurry. It seems that in his heart, you are

more important than Reina.”

He wanted to comfort Aracely, but Aracely did not agree with him.

“I lived with him as his younger sister for eight years. If I raise a dog for eight

years, I will definitely have feelings for the dog. “The only reason he is anxious

is that I am his younger sister, who he has raised for eight years. The person he

cares about the most is actually Reina.

“If Reina also has an accident at this time, he will ignore me and come to look

after her.”

Yarden was speechless and remained silent.

After they waited for half an hour, the door of the ward was forcefully opened

from the outside.

The two of them looked at the door and saw Winston.

He was originally anxious. But he was completely stunned when he saw the scene inside

the room.

Aracely stood straight by the window. Although she looked a little weak, she was not as

seriously injured as Yarden described on the phone last night.

“Yarden said that you fell down the stairs.” Winston frowned slightly and walked to


“Yes, I did fall. I fell down from the second last step,” Aracely said coldly.

Yarden couldn’t help but laugh.

Winston glanced at Yarden, and Yarden made a gesture of surrender. Yarden left the

room, leaving the two of them.

After the ward became quiet, Winston looked at the person in front of him again.

Her face and lips were pale, like a traveler who had been out of water for several days

and would fall down at any time.

When Winston saw her like this, he felt depressed and uncomfortable.

He was dating Reina because he wanted to make Aracely jealous and make her take the

initiative to accept him. He did not expect that his lie would have such a great impact on



He raised his hand and wanted to rub her head like before.

However, Aracely took a few steps back to avoid his touch.

“Winston, since you already have a girlfriend, you should keep your distance from other


Winston’s hand froze for a moment before he quickly retracted it.

“You are not someone else.”

“Why not? You only see me as your younger sister, right?” Aracely looked at him and bit

her lower lip. “But don’t forget, we slept together before.

“If Reina knows about our relationship, do you think she will still be willing to be with


Winston stared at her and suddenly laughed. “Aracely, are you jealous?”

Aracely’s expression froze for a moment, but she quickly regained poise. She said

stubbornly, “No. I am truly happy for you to find true love.”

“You’re not happy at all. You don’t want Reina to be my girlfriend, do you?” Winston

stared at her. There was a strong emotion in his heart.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow,



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