Reborn: Another Chance To Leave Up

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 99

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 99

Reborn Another Chance To Leave U Chapter 99

Chapter 99 Save Joshua

Lexie sounded anxious. “He bled a lot and needs a blood transfusion. There is no stock of Rh– negative blood in the hospital, so you need to come over.”

“How do you know my blood type is Rh–negative?” Anaya


“I saw it during the high school physical examination. You and Joshua both have the Rh– negative blood type. I remember this.” Lexie was a little impatient, but she still put on a pleading tone. “I know you hate me and Joshua, but this is about Joshua’s life. Now only you can save him! Hurry to

Massachusetts General Hospital. Go before it is too late to save


After ending the call, Anaya stood there without moving.

Tim was right beside her, probably noticing that Anaya had something urgent to deal with.

“Ms. Dutt, the auction will start at two o’clock in the

afternoon. If you go deal with other things now, you may miss


To be honest, Anaya really did not want to waste any more

time on someone who had nothing to do with her.

But it was someone’s life.

If it was anyone else, Anaya would probably choose to lend a

hand too.

“Take the documents and wait for me at the auction later. I’ll

be there as long as I’m done.”

Tim nodded and reminded worriedly, “Ms. Dutt, we have

prepared the project of East Boston for a long time. Please

don’t miss it.”

“I know.”

Anaya responded and rushed to the hospital quickly.

When she arrived at the hospital, Lexie was already waiting for


“How is Joshua now?” Anaya jogged over and asked before she

stopped panting.

“He is still in the operating room.” Lexie came over with a pen and a piece of paper. “I have already co mpleted the procedures. Sign your name and follow the doctor to draw your blood.”

The situation was urgent. Anaya had no time to care about anything else. She signed her name and im mediately followed the doctor to do a check–up and draw her blood.

The process of drawing blood was very fast. After it ended, the doctor warned, “Ms. Dutt, a lot of blood was just drawn. In a


while, a nurse will come to put you on a drip. Please wait here

for a moment. Don’t walk around.”

Anaya nodded. After the doctor left, she did not wait for the nurse. Instead, Anaya immediately took a ta xi to the auction.

The project of East Boston would be a turning point for Riven Group to rise, and Anaya could not miss it no matter wh at.

Sitting in the taxi, her head was a little dizzy, and Anaya saw a

large mass of black shadow in front of her eyes.

She didn’t care and tried to stay sober.

When she reached the place, Anaya paid the fare and

immediately rushed to the venue.

When she entered the auction venue, the bid happened to be

the land of East Boston.

Tim found Anaya at the first moment and waved to her.

The shadow that Anaya saw grew bigger and bigger. Anaya was

almost unable to see the road ahead clearly. She felt that her legs were so weak.

Anaya shook her head, tried to stay awake, and sat down beside.


There were not many people competing for East Boston, and the bidding process was very smooth. An aya only bid three

times, and she won the land at 48 million dollars.

The auction was still going on, but Anaya did not have the energy to pay attention to anything else. She leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes to rest. Anaya barely managed to hold on until the handover process was co mpleted.

As Anaya walked out, her tense nerves instantly relaxed. All the

strength in her body was instantly sucked out. Anaya tilted and was going to fall.

Before she fell, someone held her.

Anaya tried hard to open her eyes to see who the person in

front of her was, but her eyelids were so heavy that she could

not open them. Anaya was completely unconscious.

When Tim saw the tall man who had suddenly appeared, he

was a little nervous.

The man did not seem to be cold or overbearing, but the aura

around him was so strong that it could not be ignored.

Although Tim did not want to talk to him, he had to bite the

bullet and step forward because his boss was held by the man.

“Sir, thank you for holding Ms. Dutt. Please allow me…”

As he spoke, Tim extended his hands to hold Anaya.

Not only did the man who was holding Anaya not release her,

he even carried her in his arms.

Anaya was 5.5 feet tall and wasn’t short among the girls. When she was held in the man’s arms, she lo oked so small and delicate as if she could be easily broken.

When Tim saw that the man was going to take Anaya away, he

said again, “Sir…”

The man ignored Tim and directly left with Anaya in his arms.

Tim wanted to catch up, but Samuel stopped him.

“Tim, don’t worry. Hearst won’t hurt Ms. Dutt. Your work today is done. You can go back and rest early.”

Samuel was responsible for helping Hearst keep an eye on Anaya. He was very clear about her social connections and, of course, knew that Tim was Anaya’s assistant.

Tim couldn’t stop being worried. “Who is that gentleman?”

“He…” Samuel pondered and suddenly grinned. “He is your

boss‘ future husband.”

Joshua was transferred to the ICU after the operation.

Danica and Lexie waited outside the ward.

Danica reminded Lexie in a low voice, “When Joshua is hospitalized, stop all your work in the studio. Ta must let him see you as soon as he wakes up and know that you have been worrying about him and become hag

With an expressionless face, Lexie interrupted Danica, “Mom, was Joshua’s car accident really arranged

“You didn’t want to do it, so I did it for you. If you want to get what you want, you have to play some trick


Danica went from a maid to Dominic’s wife. She had done

countless and all kinds of bad things. Danica was used to getting what she wanted by hurting other peop

“The driver promised me that he would take responsibility and go to jail in order to pay for his daughter’s

“This has nothing to do with you and me. Do you hear me?”

Lexie was silent for a long time. She closed her eyes and

opened them again. There was no hesitance in her eyes


Since it had happened, Lexie could not turn herself in at this


She must seize this opportunity and completely set her

marriage to Joshua.

“I understand. I will be here and see what I can do. You can go


Danica nodded and got up to leave.

Not long after she left, Cecilia rushed over.

“Where is my son? How is my son?” Cecilia cried on the way there. Her eyes were already a little swolle

makeup on her face was also ruined.

Cecilia grabbed Lexie’s arm and shook it fiercely.

“Joshua just finished the operation and is now in the ward. He hasn’t woken up yet. I just transfused my show and squeezed out a

few drops of tears.

When Cecilia heard that, she stumbled to the ward and looked

at the unconscious person inside through the glass, sobbing.

“He was fine when he went out in the morning. Why is he like

this now…”

“Mrs. Maltz, don’t be too sad. Everything will be fine.” Lexie

took the opportunity to let Cecilia like her.

Cecilia looked at Lexie with tears in her eyes. She wasn’t as sick

of Lexie as before. Cecilia nodded hard.


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