Reborn Aristocrat: Oppressing

Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335: Chapter 1335 Honeymoon Trip (7)

Translator: 549690339

“I didn’t react in time either,”Lu Man Man said.

Last night, Mo Xiuyuan had always told her about his matters in a very calm manner. She knew that he was thinking about her feelings, so he would make light of it.

“Are you afraid of My Brother?”Mo Yuanli asked him seriously.

“No,”Lu man man smiled, “At first, I was afraid because... When I saw him kill someone, his expression didn’t change. “Later, I wasn’t afraid anymore. Compared to the human heart, true deception is the scariest thing. “For example, the person you’ve slept with for many years suddenly discovered one day that he didn’t love you and even wanted to kill you. This kind of fear is really chilling!”

“Who are you talking about?”Mo Yuanli was puzzled.

“A person who died but is not worth mentioning.”Lu man pursed her lips and smiled.

Mo Yuanli did not quite understand, but he did not ask further. He said, “You should love my brother from now on. He is really a good person. He really loves you.” josei

“Yes, I know.”

“I don’t have anything to give you,”Mo Yuanli said, “It’s such a pity to think of the video that I didn’t record before I lost it. But in the end, I think I should give you a gift too. These are a pair of earrings that belonged to my mother.”

Lu Man Man looked at him.

“My Brother said that he would give them to me, to my future daughter-in-law. Because this was the only accessory that my mother had when she was alive. For the rest, my brother and my aunt were buried in that tombstone, saying that my mother loved to look beautiful. So, they only kept one. My Brother said that it was a memento. Mo Yuanli handed it to Lu Man Man, “Now, I’m giving it to you. Take good care of it. You can still give it to my brother’s child in the future.”

“You should keep it for your future wife. Don’t let down your brother’s painstaking efforts.”

“Actually, I don’t have deep feelings for my wife,”Mo Yuanli said.

“You’re Married?”Lu Man Man was terrified.

Mo Yuanli smiled. “No, I’m just in a small relationship.”

“You scared me to death. I was wondering why I didn’t see any other women in the villa,”Lu man tried to calm herself down.

“Speaking of which, my brother still feels sorry for me. I don’t really like the people I’m in a relationship with, but they still have a good impression of me. “But because of some benefits, my brother asked me to date her or even get married in the future,”Mo Yuanli said, “My brother probably feels that he’s so happy while I’m so wronged. He always feels guilty towards me. “Of course, in order for my brother to love me so much, I didn’t tell him that when a person hasn’t experienced true love, he really doesn’t feel that there’s anything wrong with this kind of forced relationship. On the contrary, although I don’t have any feelings for the other party, I don’t reject my relationship with her in bed. Occasionally, I feel that it’s pretty good.”

”...”Lu man was a little speechless.

Are all men so outspoken? !

“I’m sorry, sometimes I’ve been influenced by Ye Heng.”Mo Yuanli smiled innocently.

Lu Man really didn’t know how to continue.

“So, you’d better keep the earrings. My mother would definitely like to give this thing to the woman that my two brothers really like in the end. Otherwise, it would really be called letting them down.”Mo Yuanli very adamantly stuffed the earring into Lu Man Man’s palm, “Protect it well, my brother won’t feel anything.”

Lu Man Man was a little hesitant.

Mo Yuanli was very comfortable and did not repeat this topic anymore. It was as if he had already decided that Lu Man Man would accept it.

He looked at the sky again and muttered, “Back then, my mother loved my brother very much. When my brother came back from his injury, she cried more than anyone else. My father was the same. Every time he saw my brother being sent away, he would stand outside the door as if he was petrified. He would silently look at my brother’s back. I was still young and did not understand the feelings of my parents at that time. But later, when I silently looked at my brother’s back, I knew how my parents felt at that time. And when my brother looked back, I think I also knew how my brother felt.”

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